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Everything posted by Stuart1971

  1. Do I get £25 voucher for spotting….😂😂
  2. Sorry my bad, it mentions case and bag in both ads…I got a little confused….🤪🤪
  3. Just a heads up. You have the details for the case and bag the wrong way round on each ad….👍🏼
  4. There is deffo something wrong there, but it’s not light leaking into the imaging train, as the flat you used has not been subtracted form the image, as you can still see the dust bunnies, both in the flat, as you should do, but also still in the image after calibration…. I’m not sure what the issue is, but I’m pretty sure it’s not light getting in…
  5. Do you know if these PC’s that @FLO is selling, have the option of booting on power on, but that I mean if out in an obsy, when I turn the power on from the house to the mount, will the PC auto boot up, as my current NUC does, but looking to replace….also do they work ok in headless mode, with no mouse, monitor. Or keyboard connected, or do they need some sort of dummy HDMI plug…?
  6. Yes, may help some, but I can’t run a CAT5 or 6 cable, due to a full width conservatory on the back of my house, and the glass does not like to have holes drilled through it….😂😂, full glass floor to top…. So Wi-Fi is my only option…👍🏼
  7. Ah, yes, I do use a 1200mbps USB 3 Wi-Fi dongle, so this may well be the difference….
  8. Well, it worked fine on my win 10 system, but it has not been updated for some time, so thats maybe why, I had no idea they had stopped it working…I used it last about 7 months ago, and it worked then…
  9. Once set up, it works over Wi-Fi… So each time the PC is booted it creates the hotspot, then you connect to that with any other PC….
  10. Instructions here and works for me https://www.wikihow.com/Create-a-Hotspot-in-Windows-10
  11. You can create a hotspot on windows 10 anyway, why do you need the travel router….?
  12. And that 56mm needs to include your filter slide too..
  13. Well, yes it does….I think…, but you still need to get the correct distance or 56mm between flattener and camera sensor…
  14. Well, that’s not really possible, to have a one fits all really, but with my set up I can just swap out the camera for an eyepiece, but leave the flattener in position…
  15. As said above, that is not correct, the flattened should be 56mm in front of the camera sensor, yours is much more, also there was no need to spend all rat on adapters, I have this same scope and the flattened just replaces one of the adapters that comes with the scope… Here is mine as it came with all the adapters fitted as it was supplied with, the one I marked in red, is removed, and the flattener goes in it’s place….job done…
  16. The reason you would buy SM over Astroberry is the support, the guy who writes it is super helpful and will get back to you straight away and spend time over teamviewer on your PC getting issues sorted….that’s why you pay for…👍🏼 It is that much better, fo me using 4k, for resolutions less that that your should be fine…👍🏼
  17. I have used Stellarmate for a few years now and loved the ease and simplicity of it, but due to an ongoing issue with my EQ8 mount not wanting to connect with the indi EQMOD driver, I have had no choice but to move back to windows and NINA, which, now I have gotten the hang of it is also superb….I had an old i3 intel NUC knocking about anyway so use that on the mount with NINA, and RDP into it from my desktop indoors. One thing I will say is that windows RDP is miles ahead of any of the PI and windows VNC versions available, and it runs my full set up in full 4k over Wi-Fi with no issues, I could not do that with the RPI I had to go down to 2k or it was laggy and glitched all the time…
  18. +1 for what @teoria_del_big_bang says….👍🏼
  19. Well first of all the Altair is a newer CMOS sensor and the Orion is an older CCD, in my opinion, CCD colour cameras on the whole are not that sensitive, whereas the CMOS colour are more so The cooling on the Orion will be better, as I think it’s TEC set point cooled, and the Altair is just a constant fan blowing, so the Orion wins there. The sensor on the Altair is larger by some, and so that wins there…. Difficult, but if it were me and I had to pick one of these two cameras, I would go for the Altair….just my opinion… 👍🏼
  20. Not sure how well OSC CMOS cameras BIN TBH, it’s not the same as CCD binning which is done at the hardwear level, CMOS I think is just at software level, so not true binning….🤔🤔 I may not have explained that very well, and am sure someone will correct, or explain it better….👍🏼
  21. A quick question for you experienced IMX571c sensors users….when taking darks does the offset matter, by that I mean does it have to match the light frames, I know the gain does….??
  22. Interested to know how you get in with the esprit and darks, my Tak lens cap is metal and soft lined too, and was hoping to be able to,take the darks at night after a session, but I do have a Baader UFC filter housing in the optical train….🤔
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