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Everything posted by Stuart1971

  1. Yes, TBH over the last two months I have tore my hair out trying to solve this, and everything bar the mount board has been changed a few times even the PC used, the one thing left was the mount board, and that solved nothing… So after a few years with INdI and Kstars I have had to give it up and move back to windows, as the only set up that now works is NINA with EQMOD and a Bluetooth (shoestring) mount adapter, no cables work at all in windows or INdI, and on INdI the Bluetooth was spotty to say the least… Also tried prolific and FTDI cables bought ones and home made ones, and they will not connect, tried INdI versions going back two years, and Astroberry, 4 different RPI’s and mini PC with unbuntu, all the same, will not connect to EQMOD with cables, BUT a few months ago the cables actually worked in windows every time, but I was reluctant to change back at that time as did not want to give up, now after moving back to windows and installing it on a mini PC none of the cables will now connect, only the BT adapter…so that I am stuck with… I am totally frustrated by this, especially after swapping the board and still the same..🤔🤔🤔☹️
  2. I can’t get any EQMOD cable to connect at all in INdI, so have tried windows and NINA and the old board works fine with handset, it always has, but none of my four EQMOD cables will connect the mount in NiNA, or INdI, and it’s the same on the new board too…☹️☹️ So can’t test GSS… COM port shows up, but NINA fails to connect every time, and there is no response se from the mount, in my serial port test software either….using the usual :e1 command…
  3. Ok after two months of testing and swapping everything EXCEPT the mount itself, I have taken the plunge and bought a new Motnerboard for the mount, this was after seeing on an iO EQ8 group there were plenty of other people who had experienced the same or similar issue with EQMOD failing, but it still working with the handset….so …🤞🤞
  4. Here on amazon https://www.amazon.co.uk/Telescope-30b303-Generator-Field-Plan-Illuminated/dp/B002TR1WX6/ref=sr_1_6?dchild=1&keywords=Geoptik&qid=1633257116&qsid=261-9505794-0091520&sr=8-6&sres=B074DKHY75%2CB002P4FSWY%2CB002TQZRRY%2CB002TR1WX6%2CB0017GXHQA%2CB0153EZXWW%2CB01DL8MRMG%2CB0153EZFHU%2CB0153EZGZ6%2CB0153EYRTC%2CB00Z97WLK6%2CB077QFM69R%2CB0017GZB4Q%2CB002P4RYJO%2CB005JW2G06%2CB00342USVC&srpt=TELESCOPE
  5. Or this one if your scope is under under 160mm https://www.rothervalleyoptics.co.uk/geoptik-flat-field-generator-164mm.html
  6. Get one of these, they are superb, also sold on amazon, with 5 easy Interest free payments… https://www.rothervalleyoptics.co.uk/geoptik-flat-field-generator-210mm.html
  7. Most of the Brostrend ones work well with SM…👍🏼
  8. The point of the lens cloth, is that they are sealed and clean, so use it (BUT NOTHING ELSE) and let the lens dry naturally, it will dry in seconds as the cloths contain 99% alcohol
  9. Yes…they were around £20 on amazon for a box of 200 and on offer for £11 so got a box….
  10. That looks very much like someone has tried to clean that with something that was a bit coarse and it’s marked the coating…maybe a coarse tissue or rough cloth, I use those Zeiss lems cleaning wipes and find them very good, so worth a try, but I don’t think it will come off, looking at the picture, but I may well be wrong…and hope I am…👍🏼
  11. Or just use the Astroberry hotspot, as you don’t need Internet if both pc and rpi are connected….
  12. Yes, on the PI just choose your home network from the list, from network icon in top right of screen, and enter password, then reboot the RPI and it should connect to that first..
  13. Make sure your PC and RPI are in the same network, then in the ekos profile on your windows PC, select “remote” and put “Astroberry.local” in the box, and save, then when you start the profile and and connect in ekos, it will know where the INdI server is and use it as if it was all on the same PC….👍🏼
  14. No your not missing anything, the AB author @RadekKdoes not update his repository until he feels that the new version is bug free, so he waits a while for the bugs and issues to be sorted, and then updates it, so AB is always a good few weeks behind, which I think is a good thing….👍🏼
  15. Or having INdI windows compliant…😉 which I would prefer and it’s far more stable than Ascom…
  16. No, you have this all wrong… You load Kstars / Ekos on your PC Ypu have an RPI with the INdI sever or easier just put the free Astroberry on, it includes all you need Then open Ekos on your PC and create a user profile with all your kit Make sure you have the rpi server address in the box, so that would be astroberry.local and click “ remote” so it k kw to look on your network for the server Then save and close and just use the Kstar / Ekos software on your PC ….. simples….and takes 5 mins to set up…
  17. Steve, Kstars / Ekos DOES run on windows, but it’s INdI that does not, so the INdI driver server runs on the RPI and the PC with Kstars on will use those drivers over your network and run from the PC….simples…. This is how many people run it…HTH
  18. @StuartT did you get this issue sorted, as I have the UPB V2 and are going to use it with NINA…??
  19. Who mentioned Ascom….😮 I don’t use Ascom, I use INdI….the INdI driver has all the same functions as the native software….👍🏼but yes the OP use Ascom, but it has all that is needed….👍🏼
  20. Why not…? I have never used the pegasus software, I have always set my focuser limits in the software that I am going to use to control the focuser and do my imaging with, and besides the settings are all saved in the motor eprom board in the controller, so if you do open the Pegasus software the settings are all identical anyway….🤔
  21. Just use this it is simple on windows 10 http://www.msbsoftware.it/avis/
  22. Absolutely perfect….👍🏼👍🏼So what backlash setting was that with..?
  23. Well you can feel backlash, when the focus motor is fitted and all tightened up, try turning the other focus knob, if there is a lot of backlash you feel it, it will rock back and fourth, like there is play in it….
  24. Yes it should do, have you tried putting the backlash setting in the other box, and then put zero in the one you are using ATM…? Just don’t put it in both places…
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