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Everything posted by Stuart1971

  1. As I said earlier, I am getting a prolific chipset cable and see if that makes a difference, as I only have FTDI versions, also I could do with an old rpi4 or 3b that has not had the firmware updates since it was new, and I could try that…
  2. Lol, I just said above I don’t know…. But it was version 1.5.3 of Stellarmate, that I had on at the time, but that has no bearing as it’s not an INdI issue….as for RPI firmware version….I don’t know
  3. I have installed the software that was on when it worked, and no it did not work, BUT have also upgraded the firmware on the RPI too, in that time, and have no idea what version was in there, so makes me wonder if it’s the RPI firmware that’s the issue….??
  4. It did work perfectly well, but I have been very reliably informed that this is NOT an INdI issue but a Linux one, as it’s the same on both RPI and an Ubuntu mini PC, and will not work outside of INdI by using a serial port tool that sends a command to the mount but gets no response back… So as this all happened on an RPI which had been updated kernel and software, and then was the same on a new download of Ubuntu 20.04 on an Intel mini PC. I tend to agree that this is an issue at the Linux code level, and nothing to do with INdI or updates with that…. My next idea is to source a prolific chipset EQMOD cable and try that, but these do t seem to be very popular, but saw this, can anyone co firm that this is what I need…. https://thepihut.com/products/usb-to-ttl-serial-cable
  5. I didn’t, but Jasem did, and he said he could not get it to work….I was going to try again myself….
  6. Yes tries all that many times, so has Jasem when he has been trying it with me…he has had me doing all sorts of stuff while he has messed with the code side of things…
  7. Hi, All thee cables I have are fine, as they all work fine on windows with EQMOD and NINA, also the ports on the PI are fine as I have tried it all with a Mini PC with Ubuntu and still the same issues….also when connected to PI it’s the same issue I’d connected direct to it, and to a powered USB hub….but thanks for the input….👍🏼
  8. Sorry….you lost me, if it’s in this thread I have missed it…. ☹️
  9. The ones I have worked six months ago with my set up and INdI EQMOD…then stopped….probably after an update…
  10. Don’t think so….all I know is I have the very latest kernel as Jasem updated it today while he was having another go to try and fix….but got nowhere… He has given up now..☹️
  11. Here you go….👍🏼 https://indilib.org/forum/stellarmate/9918-eqmod-will-not-connect-with-cable-at-all.html
  12. I’m not sure you are quite understanding, it shows in Linux, and comes up with the correct port name in INdI, but will not connect, just shows, TTY read failed… If I disconnect it disappears and if I re connect it shows up, so it’s recognised no problem, but Indi will not connect to it…so what you suggest will show it as working, but then when I click connect in INdI it will not, also INDI now does not show ttyUBB* ports, but actually shows them by name and ID, so the port names are much longer….
  13. Hmmm, tail the log….?. You are talking to a Linux dummy here….😂
  14. It is an excellent mount, but don’t expect much difference from the older version, other than the built in hub, and better clutch levers, it’s pretty much the same, but still a very good mount as is the older one…backlash issue is the same too, but not much of an issue really…and can be adjusted out if needed…enjoy when it finally arrives…👍🏼
  15. I cant move to windows, as INdI still needs to run on the RPI…🤔
  16. It sounds like you have experience with BT adapters, is there any downside to using over the cable, like any lag or delays with signal..?? I have tried but not actually used one in anger….
  17. Yes, that is with PL chipsets, all mine are FTDI….👍🏼
  18. I have two cheapo ones, and a Lynx one from FLO, same with all…
  19. yes done this, works and reports in windows…but not on RPI with latest kernel and latest INdI, there is no response there at all
  20. The really odd thing is that the INdI developer, says I am the only person he knows of to have this issue, yet there are many people using the Skywatcher mounts with EQMOD and INdI… He tried a piece of software on my RPI that tested the serial port, and there was a “no response” from the mount, so he says it’s not INdI related…..🤔🤔 yet similar software on windows gets a responds just fine…
  21. Thanks very much. This is what I thought, but not being of electrical mind, I needed some reassurance, it does work fine in NINA with all three of the cables, and I was considering a new board for the mount, but at £160, it was an expensive risk, which may not have made any difference… So when INdI tries to connect to the mount it sends a serial command to the mount and expects a reply, and this is not happening…is this correct, so I assume windows works in a similar way, so it’s not possible that it’s even a misaligned pin in the handset port on the mount could be the issue, as would be the same on all platforms… So the main thing is the mount is fine…
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