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Everything posted by Robindonne

  1. I once installed skylive for ios. Cant really judge and compare them with others. I think most of the apps have a common source. Somehow i like the layout of this app but thats maybe because im very inexperienced! I added a screenshot i send to someone Its from the good old days oh and i must say its very accurate lately. It shows a 0% in visibility😕
  2. Yes sorry I forgot to mention. They’re cheap! Bought the 2, 3 and 6 version to prevent hanging connectors. But good you’ve mentioned the risks of course!
  3. Im also still working to get my start complete, but i havent found a justification for buying an expensive pegasus powerbox. After some advices, from members here, I bought 2 extra powersupplies, so now 3 in total. The one thats powering multiple items gives power through a splittercable.
  4. Thanks by the way very much. Bought it not long ago (used) that 100mm. And its always a surprise. For an amateur like me even more. No scratches? Ok ill take it🙂
  5. Yes it’s seen from Holland And indeed i couldnt wait tonight to take a look😬. Ok so most of the times it should solve itself during the night?
  6. I hoped for an answer like this🙏🏼 Ok so this is when an ADC? Comes in handy?
  7. Its probably easy to answer for the most of you, but what is it that puts a blueish edge on the top of jupiter and red on the bottom edge? Ive never seen it like this. I use a 12,5 mm S plössl in a powermate 2,5. Through a 100mm equinox. its almost similar as looking at the Principality of Lucca and Piombino flag waving
  8. Try removing the eyepiece from the polarscope when you have the mount laying on a couch or bed. You will see a piece of glass in the polarscope housing that can be rotated when you loosen the 3 hex screws slightly. Beware that calibration is needed afterwards
  9. Ah ok. Well its not a baader eyepiece i quess. Belgium? lichtenknecker optics...?
  10. Oh ok. So the combo wasn’t a success? Well i managed to reduce it to almost no movement. But i dont think i found some great solution for my problem. I guess i just removed a lot of the movement/backlash grown over time. Im not sure because my 80 mm didn’t show this wobbling, i might have thightened it more then recommended But is moves smooth even by hand. So im happy for the moment🙂
  11. Thx. Because of your story i got interested in the way the head was mounted to the tripod. After removing the head i saw a small (shaft) nut that holds the two az parts. I thightened the nut just a bit more than the markings on the nut showed. The “wobble” after focusing is reduced, in time, like 80%. Thx very much for bringing me to removing the head😉
  12. Hm ok. Because you are one the victims who suffer from a mouthwatering setup, how do you use that 100mm f/9? I use the old version. The one thats bolted to the tripod with 3 hex screws. Is that what you mean? Remove that toppart? Because the porta 2 has something like a removable head, mine only Has a rigorous removable top
  13. Goodmorning. I was wondering if my grab and wobble mount is to lightweight for my scope. My only mount for doing some visual enjoyment is a Vixen porta from the first generation. I use it a lot during a week. Fold it in, walk outside, fold it out and ready to do some observing in 30 seconds. With an 80mm all works great. With a 100 mm (and quite longer tube, 900 mm) focusing is a terrible job. Focus, wait for the wobble to stop, slew to the object that’s already out of view when the wobbling stopped, focus again a bit more etc. Is this caused by the mount or the length of the tube? I realize both are influencing the aftershocks from focusing. But is possible to get a solid grab and go mount that doesn't have this problem? I see a lot of mouthwatering setups with huge refractors. Do they all suffer from a period of movement after focusing for example?
  14. Yes you are very right. Im not even at 1% i quess. And we probably all end at Max 30%. Thats what will make it always interesting. The great amount of unknown.
  15. Oke basically a very useless post. Bought last year a used 80 mm ed. It came with multiple eyepieces and one of them is a 3.8 mm eudiascopic. Ive never really used this one because it always gave a blurry, vague and dim view. My other 71ed was even more terrible to use with this 3.8. Last week bought an 100ed and finally i saw the benefits of that small eyepiece. That was my “wow” from the post-title🙂. I think i finally realized why the max usefull magnification is mentioned with different diameter scopes.
  16. Hm oke thx. The still availability is new for me thx. The “overpriced” and lack of reactions can be seen as an answer🙂. Thx again.
  17. Robindonne


    Dont start with this hobby. Its a very very steep curve to get the hang of it. 🤪
  18. If i were you i would look for an adapterplate if these are available for your combo. If not then i assume its the only option. I‘ve seen a lot newtonians where new holes were made for the focusser. Dont know if its always the best looking option
  19. In holland its even more extreme. Wanted ads asking for used items and willing to pay more then newprice because of the ever extending delivery dates😬.
  20. Hello. I was wondering if anyone is familiar with this scope. Its probably a dated model. One came for sale and while i dont have a small sc anymore it might be a good alternative. Just dont know a thing about this model. By good alternative i mean fun to use. Or interesting to use. My guess is that its never been a succes this model
  21. If you’ve checked the psu with a decent meter I wouldn’t pay much attention to the skywatcher-meter😬
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