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Everything posted by Robindonne

  1. Nice all this info, and to have a look in what is actually being used in all these different regions. Hope to have a look at the dutch scope this weekend.
  2. Great. Thx. Just bought my first items from FLO. This book will definitely be the next. The cover caught all the attention🙂
  3. Hm ok. Thanks again. Didnt know about the easy out of alignment of the elements. Have to google who and how that can be checked.
  4. Yes also the altair astro😬. Your mentioned sky at night review talks about the same scope. Thx for the well described thoughts on this scope. Im going to consider the one thats offered right now. My guess is that it can't be seen as a good investment but thats not always the main reason to buy one of course. Thx for all the help and info
  5. Yes though tine details don’t I think. this is the orion. And they are (also) twins
  6. I took a look at their scopes. But not a recent model i guess. After some reading, its most of the time mentioned to be a kunmings fpl-51. And probably not a real special telescope. Orion eon and also the meade 6000 indeed. its the price this seller asks for this used one(30 continuüm filters) what makes me want to try it. But risking it wont sell anymore when i want to switch is what stops me for the moment.
  7. It has some similarities with a orion 130 eon triplet? But also rebranded maybe? meade 6000?
  8. Its a triplet apo from a dutch shop. And i dont think its really from their factory. Im sort of open for a nice (my first) triplet and a 130 mm sounds good. just don't want to buy rubbish, but rebranded is not always automatically rubbish i guess. It says in the description “Stellarvue”, but only after the word “tube-coating”. if someone can tell me its probably worth a try, I’ll try. thx for helping.
  9. Really helpful talking. Just sold my quattro8(with a custom made mirror-cooling-ring😑). Basically sold it because i wanted to go bigger, and because the focuser is really really really a monday morning product! Had a new 12” in mind to eliminate the chance of wanting bigger in the future, and because i thought they upgraded the focuser 2 times after mine version. I know they sold a upgraded Quattro last year. When you look at the detailed pictures its again upgraded I think. Also buying New equipment in the uk, before it gets 2021, is really interesting at the moment. But all the mentioned facts are so true. The weight and length was already a bit bothering with the “short 80 cm tube”. if the focuser is still bad, the 10” and focuser upgrade is probably te best option like you all say.
  10. Whats nice of all these diy solutions, you dont have to be embarrassed at all. Its always used at night and in the dark🙂
  11. Patience i think. The wanted section is mostly skipped. In Holland the offered and wanted adds are not seperate and automatically viewed more often. Maybe try to search also overseas. Transport isn’t that expensive
  12. I see nice black sw focusers (used) for around 60£/70€. I think i would choose a nice used focuser instead a new and less smooth complete buy.
  13. I would also go for the focus upgrade. Its not that the Focuser on the SW 80 ED doesn't need Improvement! Plus the classy old c80 probably is more emotional attached to you
  14. It was indeed a nice offer. It also had a €250,- counterweight in his offer😬. I just don’t have the equipment/scopes for this mount. You want his emailadress? I think its available, i spoke to him 3 weeks ago.
  15. While searching for an manual mount i found a used azMaxload. The guy asks around € 450,-(£410,-). I didnt take it because i liked the slomo controls, and my scopes are not really that impressive and heavy. It was a single loader, if thats how its called. maybe it’s a nice deal for someone who is interested?
  16. I used to clamp it to a leg of the tripod. Although it has a bigger diameter, its the same shape. Round. I used some nice black nylon pipe clamps?? In holland we have 12 mm pipes also, just like your bar! You will need 2 of them so i hope you have some money savings for this purchase.
  17. Im not really familiar with the scope/cam combo. Although when i used my dslr on an 8” quattro, the oag needed to be as thin as possible So my guess is, go for the 9mm. I was lucky to have a thin eos/t-ring. My combo was (without a comacorrector) a 16mm oag, thin eos adapter, dslr. its probably worthless info but the 9mm oag advice was useful!!
  18. While searching for some reviews of binoviewers, i also realized a good chair might come in handy. One that has goto and tracking in it for example.
  19. Thx very much. Im going to look for some of the mentioned belts/pulleys. The lenght is probably the only thing that can go wrong. Some experimenting!! But thx again
  20. Really nice idea to fix it yourself. May i ask you some questions about this solution? How would you build this belt-system to a skywatcher focuser, a focuser with those “teeth-less” knobs? And do you use a one-size-fits-all number of teeth/mm belt? My sc focuser has a same belt/motor attached to an extra pulley, a pulley with some friction system in it. So manual focusing is still possible while the belt is connected. Do you know what these are called? Or even if they are available or not? thx and sorry for breaking in in this thread
  21. What i notice i’m carrying around every day, is a small keychain red led. It was part of a used set a while ago but it moves from jeans to jeans. Even on the cloudy days/nights. It has become a part of the daily stuff, and used in many situations!
  22. Its a very ancient but helpful conversation. Luckily right on time before buying a 2”. I read about the telecentric build of the Powermate. The same build as the ES focal extender. thx. Ill come back Next year to review here
  23. I’ve had this also. It was also with an es reducer that had a very thin eos adapter. As I remember swapped it for a thicker eos ring or just added an extender on the telescope side. There is of course some difference in distance of dedicated camera vs dslr.
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