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Everything posted by StarDodger

  1. Hold on, I have that same issue now too, mine is doing that exact same thing, have you just updated or built it from Source by any chance..?. I think there is an issue with the latest Kstars build, I have re built three times and still the same, so don’t do anything yet as it may well not help...I have told the developer..
  2. Indigo does run well on raspbian, but so does INdI, and the issue is that indigo is not good with Kstars / Ekos...
  3. Aslo, remember that the Stellarmate OS for the rpi4, is only a beta version, as Ubuntu Mate is not officially supported yet, and my be a while, so Jasem, the INdI and Kstars developer, has just hacked the Stellarmate to work on the rpi4 to try it out...so there will be issues, which I am having, as I need it to run in 4K mode when no monitor is attached and running it via VNC, but will not work, yet raspbian Buster will run like this...and there are other bugs, so don’t expect perfection from this just yet..
  4. It is easier than people first think, but I would never go back to windows...you don’t need to even think about INdI but it will be there in the background, running the drivers for your kit, you only need to concentrate on using Kstars and ekos, and the INdI control will be there for changes you may need to make to individual drivers....
  5. Exactly, it will start up with ekos in the background..
  6. What do you mean you can’t get INdI to run, how are you trying, see my reply above.. i hear many people say they can’t start INdI, but it does not have to be started manually, it runs in the background automatically when you start ekos from within Kstars...the INdI control panel will pop up on startup in ekos..
  7. Yes when you open Kstars and then ekos, you need to create a user profile with all your kit listed in the drop down boxes, then save, you don’t need to start INdI it will start automatically when you start ekos to start your imaging session, try with the simulator profile first that’s built into ekos...
  8. Yes, he had updated to work with rpi4 and raspbian buster.. and does work very well, and plenty of extras in there too..
  9. Yes here you go.. https://github.com/rlancaste/AstroPi3
  10. I agree with Olly, it may be almost three times the price, but will maybe about 10-15% better, same as if you were deciding between the Espirit 80 and the FSQ 85mm Tak, which again, just over three times the cost of the Espirit 80, but also again maybe only 15% better...
  11. £75 for just the rpi4... 😮😮, that £22 over the RRP..
  12. I have full Stellarmate with Ubuntu mate working on rpi4 and it’s superb....Apart from the lack of 4K working, which I need....so also using a script produced by a guy on the INdI team, which installs a full astro package on raspbian buster on rpi4, that also is superb and does work with 4K....Jasem has released a beta version of Stellarmate for rpi4 for us to try...
  13. What happened with your pier build..? Did you get it finished and useable..
  14. No we were talking about using INdI with a raspberry PI...not Cameras connected directly to a laptop..
  15. Are you on the INdI / Stellarmate forum, as you should also post there, you may get a faster and better response from the developer.. https://indilib.org/forum/index.html
  16. There are still some known issues with Altair cameras and INdI, this has been ongoing for a while now, and it seems to come down to two things. 1. There were problems with the SDK for Altair and Jasem had issues getting it sorted because they are Chinese re branded cameras and the manufactures were reluctant, or at least very slow to help (not Altair as they just re brand them) I think he did manage to get some in the end, but not sure it was exactly what he needed. i think on the whole it’s now sorted to an extent. 🤔 2. Power was the next issue and as these Altair camera are unregulated, it seems that you need at least a 3 amp supply for the rpi, and if not already doing so using a powered hub with these cameras, again with a good 3 amp power supply, the issue some people had with using two Altair cameras, one for imaging and another for guiding, are still, AFAIK, still going on...apart from with the very latest AA cameras.. HTH
  17. You are correct, it only matters what’s on the consumer unit side, I have a brand new consumer unit with all RCBO’s so each MCB has its own built in RCD, it’s the most up to date way, and mine all work a treat, BUT they won’t work on plug adapters with built in surge suppressors, so something to check..
  18. If you have 240v in obsy, then use network plugs, they are superb for this type of thing..
  19. It is 6:02 am, as DT means Dark time, or PM..... 😀👍
  20. Ignore those dials, they are rubbish and a waste of time, have a look at this PDF, with a scope in and counterweights fitted, set them both with a bubble level, set the RA dial on zero, then when you move back to 90 it should be more than close enough, the Dec axis will stay as is, as long as levelled, then best to put a mark on the Mount head for future reference.. http://eq-mod.sourceforge.net/docs/MountHomePosition.pdf
  21. He has only set up SM OS to run on the rpi4 not just Ubuntu mate, he said it was easier to just get SM OS to run rather than get Ubuntu mate and then try and adapt his OS, but I guess it also means that Ubuntu mate will run on its own, I don't know enough about coding really...he has obviously done it like that for a reason, at the end of the day SM is his bread and butter so understandably he wants all that to work and not just Mate...
  22. The first beta release of Stellarmate, for the rpi4 is out, and works really well, much faster than rpi3b+..
  23. Stunning....what more can I say.. 👍😀
  24. Well, good news Jasem has a working Stellarmate on the new rpi4... 😀😀 But still in early stages and won’t be available for a bit yet... He posted on the SM Facebook group earlier today with an image of it working...
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