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Everything posted by StarDodger

  1. Lol, well done, in this heat today too.... But don’t quite think it’s 2 foot square at the bottom... 😀😀, understandably though.. 👍
  2. Rpi4 4gb version back in stock at the PI hut....get In fast...
  3. Why not there are thousands on eBay, I ordered one for £1.99 the processor is same size as the rpi3b so same heatsink...and because they have now split the USB and Ethernet chips, not needed on there now....
  4. I use Starlight Xpress Cameras, I have a SXVR M25c OSC and an SXVR H18 (KAF8300 sensor) mono...with Lodestar guide cam...so no region of interest needed, as I am just deep sky... Wanted the rpi 4 for other reasons than the USB 3...
  5. Yes i have tried it, and works well, but I don’t like the indigosky GUI, it works well, but is very clunky and long winded..but just my opinion, when the new indigo control panel is released that will be much better...
  6. How do I know this, because I have been using INdI for 18 months with Stellarmate, on the rpi3b+ and it’s superb in my opinion, it just works and never suffers from the same issues I had with Ascom.. also no USB issues, or COM port problems, what can I say, for me it’s been a godsend to get away from windows.. Indigo is just a slightly updates version of INdI, but really the same thing for the end user...slightly better coded, apparently, I have used a few indigo drivers with Stellarmate as they are interchangeable...
  7. So your just going to need indigo in the rpi, so that should work ok, as a lot of us need to wait for Ubuntu to work with it...let us know how you get on..
  8. You don’t need to run windows on the rpi, as you use APT, just run that on windows and then indigosky on the rpi as the driver server, it sits on the mount and all kit is connected to it, and then it’s acts as the replacement for Ascom, and is much better, APT was recently upgraded to work with INdI and indigo for this exact reason... Do a search for APT and indigosky...
  9. Probably nothing and easy for you guys in the know.... for me to sort that out would be a little more difficult, I want, or should I say need ease..as I am a Linux dummy
  10. Yes there is another thread started about this two days ago, I ordered one then and it came yesterday, and all sold out within hours, but it’s going to be a while before it’s much use to anyone using Kstars, as it does not work at all with Ubuntu yet, so until it has their support the latest Kstars has no chance... so there is really no real rush to buy...not sure why I did to be honest... Been using the rpi3b+ with Kstars / Stellarmate for a while now and it’s superb, would not use anything else...I have it mounted on the mount, and control from PC indoors...
  11. Yes and me, the issue is with the new rpi4, the connectors are hdmi micro connectors, and I have none of those cables...I have standard and mini, but not micro...
  12. This is on my list to try with mine while I wait, I wanted to try and install a newer version, but I guess beggars can’t be choosers...
  13. Lol...same here, awaiting an adapter for my hdmI cable..
  14. Well I have the new Raspbian buster loaded, but not sure how to compile and load indiserver, this Linux coding is beyond my capabilities, and fine using the software....once loaded..
  15. Oh yes, yours will be far more expensive where you live...at least that’s how I understand insurance to work on houses, we moved 50 yards last year to a house the same size but with a nice big drive, and insurance came down by £60 so go figure... 🤔
  16. I am now with Lloyd’s, as a new customer and got my house and contents and astro gear up to 10k (2.5k single item) covered for £180...with outside shed contents cover (or obsy....lol)
  17. I change my insurance every year and get the best price, never pay more than £170 for both house and contents, I Have outbuilding covered with that for 10k but no one item more than 2.5k...this year I paid £159, with Lloyd’s bank, without the outbuildings cover it was £120 for house and contents.. Just go on the comparison site and see who comes out the cheapest then contact them direct...
  18. Nothing really even been mentioned on the Ubuntu forums yet, about support for the new rpi4b... 🙁
  19. Yes mine has come this morning, only ordered this time yesterday...but many place now out of stock of the 4gb version..
  20. Who says the USB 3 ports won’t run at full speed...?
  21. If you are digging the hole 75cm square and 75cm deep, then that is 0.75m3 of concrete, where do your figures come from...I think you are way out...
  22. 75cm cube of concrete, is a hefty lump, overkill really...and good luck with digging and if you are mixing by hand... 😮😅😅
  23. 32 bit is absolutely fine for INdI... 64 bit does not interest me at all for my needs, but the much faster Ethernet does, and the USB 3 ports, and also the upgraded BT will be a benefit to me.. and of course the 4gb DDR4 RAM, that will work wonders for my needs..
  24. WiFi system on AB is not good, and not easy to navigate...I want ease, as I said I am a Linux dummy..
  25. I never mentioned anything about 64 bit, I just stated that 18.04 mate, via Stellarmate runs extremely well on rpi3b+, it still 32 bit..
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