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Everything posted by Altocumulus

  1. Holy moley! Wonderful. Promise of some activity showing there, to last us a while? Now, where's my filter for seeing through the cloud and the rain
  2. Great shots - SO good to see there's still a sun out there somewhere
  3. I have both the ASI 120MM USB2 and the 174MM-Cool. At first glance, and confirmed by "Astronomy Tools" the 120MM is a smaller sensor and the Sun disc overflows the view - in the 174 the Sun is surrounded by probably 50% sky, it looks that small! The first would need at least 2 takes for a full disc.
  4. Brilliant shots. That looks like a larger spot coming round the edge?
  5. Not bad from a short session. You're braver than I - I got a few drops of rain on my scope lens and it took me a while to clean them after it dried dirty!
  6. Might be struggling, but that spot's showing some definition
  7. Chuckles - You've got clearer skies because you're sending them across to us Every time I look out and think there's more blue - it suddenly fills in again ......
  8. ps. Just visited your blog and read of your tales of woe on CdC. Glad I'm not the only one
  9. Looking forward to the next version....
  10. Thanks don41 I have removed the auto-link in Sharpcap, and connected through EQMOD in CdC, rather than POTH. Hope for some consistency in blue skies to check!
  11. Nice one. Aren't we all! At least I now have the sun poking through the cumulus.....
  12. Amazing detail you've got there. Thanks for giving sunshine to those in cloud
  13. Fantastic captures. Again cloud, wind and showers against us yesterday, looks the same this morning.
  14. Weeps. Cloudy with snow showers here - plus my replacement filter hasn't arrived from Lunt EU. Great capture!
  15. Thanks again, I'll have to look at the instructions and double-check all the settings, especially as I get two EQMOD panels opened as well as the POTH.
  16. All I'm looking for at the moment is remote control of telescope just to slew to and track the sun, if anyone can suggest a simpler method?
  17. Thankyou I'll double-check the setting when it stops snowing! I am sure it's set correctly as you've suggested.
  18. Why do I use POTH, because it fires up as part of CdC [I've only been using this software this last couple of months, and assumed it was integral and necessary] and is seemingly needed to connect to the telescope?
  19. Just a wild thought on another source of error, from where does CdC get the time? How does it know whether the PC is on GMT ( it is ) or BST?
  20. If the human eyeball is involved.......natural or enhanced it's observing ?
  21. No, just the one mount. Sharpcap is set to automatically fire up an ESCOM panel, as it's built into the sotware - very handy. But I can switch that bit off. CdC fires up its own copy, with POTH popping up behind it. AT least on my laptops when I start observing
  22. I must admit I'd quite forgotten about GIMP, it's a long time since I last looked at it.
  23. Indeed. Perhaps we're asking too much - but I can cope with a small error if I know how to correct it easily and consistently - but it's when it suddenly throws in a wild difference that makes me wonder what is 'wrong'. I do wish there was a simple telescope control option on a PC that 'just' had a GOTO, rather than linking into panetarium software like Stellarium and CdC. I know ASCOM has a Tour section, but does it have anything that would suit?
  24. Interesting comment about EQMOD. I usually end up with two copies of the panel opening, one from Sharpcap and one from CdC - there's a possible source of conflict! Although, thinking back, although I slew to Sun or cursor I haven't in recent weeks bothered about sync - largely because after the first time I was out the next and as the tracking was spot on I just left it. I do need to consider which of my setups is out, I suspect it more likely az...
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