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Everything posted by banjaxed

  1. banjaxed


    Hi Rob, welcome to SGL.
  2. banjaxed

    Hi All

    Hi Richard, welcome to SGL.
  3. banjaxed


    Hi Jessica, welcome to SGL.
  4. Skywatcher do a 1 3/4” stainless steel tripod which is a great upgrade on the supplied tripod.
  5. The Skywatcher AZ GTI seems to be a popular choice at the moment . Might be worth a look.
  6. Hi, Welcome to SGL. I am fairly new to astronomy myself but I can highly recommend the Skywatcher 200P dobsonian telescope for ease of use and some great sights. I am sure others will give you their advice soon.
  7. Hi Harry, welcome to SGL.
  8. I have never tried to rotate the eyepiece as once fitted and the fixing bolts are clamped on the EP it can't rotate. Am I missing something ?
  9. That is a fantastic image, excellent work.
  10. Not having been bitten by the eyepiece bug YET so I don't have the problem 😀
  11. Glad your surgery went well. The 200P is a great choice and I am very pleased with mine. With regard to portability I found it a bit of a chore, especially with the base. My solution was to build a trolley base, mount a water butt base and fit them all together with the scope. I can now set up in about 2 minutes. This solution is assuming you have no steps etc. If you need further details just let me know.
  12. Hi Patrick, welcome to SGL.
  13. That was quick, you certainly know your way around this place .
  14. There is a thread on here were someone made the base completely portable. It was quite recent so you should be able to find it.
  15. That explains o lot, thank you for your input. I have just sent a message to the person I bought it from in the hope he still has the original adaptor as mine is not the older model.
  16. Thank you for your advice Robin, much appreciated.
  17. The 2” adapter was not with the scope when I bought it as it was used. I presume I need to find a 2” adapter.
  18. Thanks for your reply. My dob has a 2" focuser with a 2" to 1.25" adaptor. I seem to remember reading that a 2" eyepiece can not be fitted directly in to the focuser, or am I wrong ?
  19. I have a Skywatcher 200P dob and would like to try a 2” eyepiece but I seem to remember that you can’t use it directly into the focuser. Could someone please tell me what I need. Thanks in advance.
  20. Hi Rich, welcome to SGL.
  21. The 130 and 150 refers to the aperture size in mm so the 130mm is about 5 inches and the 150mm is about 6 inches. Happy hunting.
  22. You are not that far from me (Formby) and as stated in my previous post the weather can be different from only a few miles away.
  23. You are lucky as where I live the climate has a mind of its own and can be different weather from somewhere only 2/3 miles away 🙁
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