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Everything posted by banjaxed

  1. Just looked at this app an it is £3.99, you must have got yours before they started to charge for it.
  2. I updated the firmware recently and had to disconnect the ethernet cable to the PC. As far as I can tell you need the pro version of the app to update. I don't think you need your phone to be connected to the mount as you need the mount near your PC to connect. Make sure you download the firmware loader as well as the firmware update and if you follow the instructions all should be well.
  3. My 8” Dob is ready for use in about 2 minutes. After some thought I built a wooden base to which I mounted a water butt base then the scope. It has 4 wheels and a handle and can be wheeled from my garage to the garden in under 1 minute. The other advantage is the extra height which is just right for me
  4. Yes I am using the pillar and have just checked and there is definitely no receiving hole anywhere on the pillar. The movement is definitely in the mount and not the pillar.
  5. Hi Stu, Thanks for the input, I don’t normally use it manually myself but I was just doing a quick check on my finder scope and was too lazy to connect the battery 😁
  6. Maybe I should be asking FLO this question.
  7. I was lining up my finder scope yesterday and while using the manual adjustment with the clutches disengaged the Az movement could not be moved smoothly, as though it wasn’t completely disengaged. When the clutches are engaged there is still a small amount of movement in the Az position but not the alt. Is this normal or do I have a problem?
  8. https://www.amazon.co.uk/KingSaid-Aluminium-Lockable-Combination-Portable/dp/B07HSP3WNT/ref=sr_1_19?crid=2JXKDS8PYXPK8&keywords=aluminium+foam+case&qid=1569669854&s=gateway&sprefix=aluminium+foam+case%2Caps%2C133&sr=8-19 Have a look at this, it wont break the bank and you eyepieces will be safe.
  9. In my opinion your experience has not been unfriendly but as the society is run by volunteers the administration is somewhat lacking. I have been a few times and have not been pressed to join so maybe just keep going and see what happens.
  10. I have been to the LAS a few times and found them to be very friendly, just turn up on a Wednesday at 7 pm and see what you think. They will tell you to come for a few visits to see how you like it before parting with the princely sum of £15.00, I think, certainty no more unless it’s gone up.
  11. Hi Cary, welcome to SGL.
  12. Hi Dan, welcome to SGL from the other side of the Mersey.
  13. Further to my suggestion about fleece lined trousers I forgot to mention that in really cold weather a pair of thermal long johns under the fleece lined trousers is exceptionally warm, in fact sometimes they can get too warm.
  14. Visual only for me as I don’t think I will live long enough to match quality of images posted here 😊
  15. You could try fleece lined trousers as they are very warm and are easily to wear.
  16. Hi Martin, welcome to SGL.
  17. Hi and welcome back to SGL.
  18. banjaxed

    Hi all

    Hi Lee, welcome to SGL.
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