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Mr Spock

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Everything posted by Mr Spock

  1. Yup. I bought an 8" f4 reflector 6 months ago. I've used it once...
  2. Aren't you supposed to lick it? I'm sure I've read that somewhere...
  3. Agreed. I often find the rather odd 45° position of the Dob focuser inconvenient. Variable polariser sorts that out
  4. Oh, look what I've got Height is fine for me. Must be a different focal length.
  5. It's not even close to the detail I'm seeing visually in steadier moments of seeing. It's so distracting I hadn't realised looking at it just now I was outside in my t-shirt with no coat!
  6. A snap with the Nikon D500, single shot at ISO 400 and 1/640th. 120mm Helios with x4 Powermate and Baader Coolwedge II.
  7. Sun is looking good right now with a spectacular, huge sunspot. I tried to get a snap but I'm struggling to focus the camera with the sun so bright - I can't see the screen! Single shot with a Nikon D500 and the 120mm Helios achro with Baader Coolwedge II and x4 Powermate.
  8. No, it was something I got used. I don't know who makes them now.
  9. I had a goto Skywatcher Flextube which didn't work out. My current 12" Dob has an EQ platform which tracks perfectly.
  10. That's why I have more than one type! Plus there are others I would be happy with - I can't justify having one of each brand though much as I'd like to
  11. Subtle clues. Supposedly from the UK but with an IP address in St Louis (though could be VPN); claimed to be English but using US spelling; unable to answer questions about the equipment; not aware of the actual value, repeated ads for similar items, etc. - they all add up and things you should watch for. Plus private behind the scenes stuff I can't reveal. Good! We got to them in a reasonable amount of time ( we aren't here 24/7 - real life and all that).
  12. Yep, I hid the ads as soon as I heard about it ( a member PM'd me - thank you to that person). Be vigilant everyone, and, if you see anything suspicious, let us know. The last thing we want is to hear a member got scammed.
  13. Lovely image 👍
  14. Spent a while studying the shadings inside Aristarchus. Looks really good tonight. Also had a look at Castor. Looked great at x296!
  15. More modest magnifications for me. I did compare the 3.3mm TOE against the 3.5mm LVW. Very little in it; on the moon detail was the same, the LVW slightly brighter and cleaner, but subject to blackouts if my eye wasn't in the right place (you don't get that with the others). Both produced nice airy discs on Castor, with the LVW image being 'whiter'.
  16. The moon is out, so, I have the 4" Tasco out cooling.
  17. If you have more than one, you can use whatever takes your fancy. With high end eyepieces there isn't a right or wrong choice, it's down to whichever you enjoy using
  18. I can recommend the 3.3mm TOE. It gives x224 in my Tak and is perfect for lunar. It just has a clarity to it and sense of ease. For that, and compared to my other eyepieces including orthos, I compare it to the LVWs. It isn't something you can put into words, it's just a relaxing view. Quite stunning in the 12" when conditions allow. Cruising along the moon's surface at x461 and picking up exceptionally sharp fine detail is a sight not easily forgotten.
  19. Or, could be TMB Or, even, Tasco
  20. You can see it better if I enlarge it The moon is too high for it to be atmospheric.
  21. I don't remember the primary springs on either of my Skywatcher 250s being a problem.
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