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Mr Spock

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Everything posted by Mr Spock

  1. Starfield 102mm f7 is £899. Don't hesitate, just buy it. It's one of the best 4" scopes out there. I could barely separate it from my Tak.
  2. East is cloudy, west is clear. I have the Tak out. Jupiter - wow - it's all kicking off. GRS is dead centre and a lovely pale salmon colour. There's a transit shadow off to the left (refractor view) and oodles of detail in the belts with a couple of festoons. Why do people keep saying the Jupiter season is over? Looks pretty lively to me!
  3. This arrived last week thanks to a fellow member. A while back I changed direction and hastily sold my 6mm, 5mm, 4mm and 2.5mm, completely forgetting it would leave me without a 6mm... I promise not to sell this one!
  4. I'm waiting for a live feed of the end of the world. Should be exciting to watch.
  5. I've had a number of 4mm eyepieces. The 4mm SLV was excellent; I'm still using a 4mm TOE and 4mm Nirvana - both these are excellent too. We are spoiled for choice!
  6. Aye, and if my grandmother had wheels, she'd be a wagon...
  7. Sounds like someone who is overwhelmed with work. Good for him, not so much for people wanting stuff.
  8. 👍I'm sure you'll enjoy it. TV make excellent eyepieces. Yes, and, there are one who two who take it personally if you don't like their favourite! If you have an eyepiece you enjoy, go for it - what others use doesn't matter
  9. Agreed. I think a 4mm + 5mm at that focal length is perfect.
  10. Yes - great for lunar too. I do prefer (on mine) x185 for Jupiter though.
  11. I'd definitely want x224. I use x224 a lot with my 100mm Tak (3.3mm TOE).
  12. You say a 4mm is x224 - what scope is it for?
  13. If I didn't have my wonderful LVWs I think I'd go down the UFF route. There's just something 'right' and comfy with a 65° eyepiece.
  14. I have an old Meade 32mm 4000 series that is exceptionally sharp. It's in my eyepiece case but I never use it. At that focal length I need a wider field than 50°.
  15. If I win the Lotto tonight I'll be taking that. What a scope!
  16. I've got a 6mm SLV to fit in mine somewhere
  17. The 22mm LVW is a legend. Nothing will make me part with mine
  18. As I head for retirement (four weeks tomorrow) I was determined my last scope would have the best of the best of the best. It is now a joy to use and will last a lifetime (what little I have left ).
  19. That's an excellent image with a different presentation of features we are used to seeing with different illuminations to this.
  20. Baader Zeiss T2. Works perfectly with the 30mm UFF without any vignetting. It's already been said, but the biggest difference will be seen at higher powers. It's much easier to see faint features on Jupiter for example than with a mirror diagonal. I have the Baader mirror which is excellent but this prism just takes the next step upwards. I still use the mirror for doubles as I don't see a difference, plus the mirror 2" can take my 42mm LVW. Prior to this I had the Tak prism and the differences between the two visually are slight, however, the Baader is far easier to use with the clicklock and takes 2" eyepieces whereas the Tak was 1.25" only. One thing to note is the shorter light path. It's shown here with the 35mm extension but doesn't come to focus with that. I have to use the Tak 80mm which came with the scope.
  21. The 30mm is one of those rare eyepieces that people can't find fault with. Everyone should have one
  22. There's a review of the 5mm here https://astro-talks.ru/forum/viewtopic.php?f=32&t=1557#p20906
  23. Mine is sort of portable - I can move it from the shed to the patio
  24. I don't have the luxury of dark skies. The moon is really amazing though with 12", especially when you get good seeing conditions.
  25. Vixen SLVs are orthos with 20mm eye relief. £134. Nirvanas are excellent 82° eyepieces at just £85. StellaLyra UFF (not 30mm - that's over budget) range from £119 to £79.
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