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Mr Spock

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Everything posted by Mr Spock

  1. 4" apo yes, 4" achro no - the 6" f8 Newt is a clear winner.
  2. I'm here for the free Jaffa Cakes
  3. https://www.firstlightoptics.com/stellalyra-telescopes/stellalyra-6-f8-planetary-dobsonian.html
  4. I have a Dob. It has an EQ platform. So no, I don't need slo-mos
  5. Aw man, when it blows it will fry your eyeballs and leave the Earth with an inch of topsoil.
  6. I use an EQ with tracking. It allows me to concentrate on what I'm observing instead of being distracted by faffing with controls. It's especially important when using high power.
  7. The only group requiring some kind of approval/test score I'm in is Mensa. 98% of people don't qualify for membership
  8. My eyes have always been different. Different brightness, different colour saturation. I imagine its normal.
  9. These days I find all clubs a hassle. I don't need them to enjoy my astronomy! Besides, I wouldn't join any club that would have me as a member...
  10. Takahashi FC-100 & Powermate x4 Nikon D500, 1/250th @ f29.6, ISO 1600 - single shot. Processed in PhotoLab 7.4
  11. With my f7.4 scope and 2.5mm eyepiece with Powermate I can get x1184... Not that I'd ever use it
  12. Just use a different focal length eyepiece. Better optics will always give the better view.
  13. Why do you think that? For planetary you want the best optics you can get.
  14. I had goto on an EQ6 but never really used it. I went back to basics for my 4" - an EQ5 with drives. Takes away all the faff.
  15. I'm the opposite. I've always been a left eye observer but recently my retinopathy has been putting floaters right across the middle. Tonight I did my observing right eye. It feels really weird but I'm going to have to get used to it.
  16. You can't get a scope on Betelgeuse 24 hours a day. There's this thing the earth does called rotation
  17. Buyer beware as they say. I'd always buy from a well known reputable retailer. That's why FLO gets so many recommendations.
  18. Anytime in the next 100,000+ years. We simply don't know.
  19. It's completely fake, nonsense and clickbait. Calling it what it is isn't being negative
  20. That might be it here - it's clouded over. I'll give it half an hour or so to see if it clears before bringing everything in. It's been a great night though. I don't know what's wrong with me lately, I'm like a kid in a sweet shop!
  21. Quick single shot with a D500 and x4 Powermate.
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