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Nigella Bryant

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Everything posted by Nigella Bryant

  1. Strangely yesterday, darting from a thunder downpour I found myself in oxfam book shop. Found this book for £2.99 by Patrick Moore. Didn't really think twice so bought it as it was by Patrick. Not got a book for binocular observing so why not, lol.
  2. Thanks for sharing, I've just splashed out on a D2 so hoping for better imaging when the skies darken. We'll as dark as they can be from a bortle 6 sky, lol.
  3. Hi all, is there an idiots guide to quantum physics?
  4. Nigella Bryant


    Welcome Jessica, I'm sure you'll be beyond what I can advise.
  5. What a legacy Patrick has left behind. I met him when in my late teens the then Devon Astronomical association's meeting, signed one of his books for me, must dig it out, been stored since moving house.
  6. I found this which might help. I found this which might help. OK I had a chance to do some very rudimentary filter comparisons. It's not all IDAS but is IDAS dominated so will put it into this thread. This is a comparison of the LPS-D1, LPS-D2, LPS-V4, HEUIB II, No Filter, and finally the STC Duo Narrowband. There is -no- tracking, exposure is 5 mins with ISO2000, and is taken with the A7S RAW downloaded and converted to JPG. Scope is the Takahashi Mewlon 250CRS (2500/F10), therefore pardon the star trails due to gusty winds. This was from a golf course carpark in Chiba whereby the SQM was 20.27 when the shots were made. it was 21:50 JST and ambient temps were 15.7C (although my Astro A7S cooled the sensor down to -3.9C) and humidity was approx 77%. As mentioned, it was annoyingly windy. There were some LED lights but were literally only 1 foot off the ground but a good 200-300 feet away from me. I was parked next to a 3 story building and next to my car for shielding from the wind. There was a vending machine light on in one of the rooms where my scope was approx 30-40 feet from the window. I don't think it would have contributed much light pollution seeing I'm on such a high focal length scope. Subject was M97 (planetary Owl Nebula). No Filter Used IDAS LPS-D1 IDAS LPS-D2 IDAS LPS-V4 IDAS HEUIB II STC Duo Narrowband v4
  7. Image attached from above post, silly me. Also M42. 45sec subs.
  8. I was gobsmacked this spring when I got this image from my light polluted bortle 6 back garden. It was my first galaxy image. Even through the telescope I was blown away. So light pollution canbe overcome. I have taken most of the thing's mentioned in these posts, flocking the tube, painting items black inside the tube, etc. The only thing I've not considered was the light shade so I'm now thinking about that. Image is of M64, NGC 4826 the black eye galaxy and sub's of 30secs. I know I need to add flats, etc when I image in the future as light pollution causes an uneven background.
  9. Hi and welcome to SGL, you'll find plenty of people who are willing to help and give advice, clear skies.
  10. Yep. I have a Az-GTI for grab and go, great lightweight mount and easily hold my TS70mm carbon tube refractor.
  11. Welcome Richard and to the black hole of Astro imaging, lol.
  12. I'm thinking the Canary Island's or the Gambia, lol.
  13. I was just going to post the same comments, lol. Yeah, Mercury transit starts at around 12.30pm and ends after sunset from the UK. Slowly across the sun from our perspective. From the UK in November, I'd be more worried about cloud cover.
  14. Hi, I live near troppers Hill, it's not a dark site, bortle 6 I'm just five mins walk from it. There's a good expanse of southerly sky but that's about it.
  15. I might be wrong but I don't think that model is supported in windows 10, it has to be flashed to think it's another device but not sure which model that would be. Someone else on here would probably know about flashing the model so that it would work with current device driver's.
  16. Just been watching the sky at night 700th edition back in 2011 on YouTube and the question came up, "What influenced them to go into astronomy" and all said, "Patrick Moore." Patrick Moore and the sky at night influenced me back in the 70's. Question, "how many of us on here were influenced by the sky at night programme and Sir Patrick Moore?"
  17. Yes, because we can, lol but seriously, scope in sunlight and laptop in doors, taking observations, more accurate when focusing during imaging and no wobble.
  18. I motorised my focuser on my lunt 60 even though there's no official focuser model. So much easier for imaging.
  19. Welcome to SGL forum, you'll find lot's of helpful people here.
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