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Nigella Bryant

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Everything posted by Nigella Bryant

  1. Hi all, I'm embarking on spectroscopic analysis and that huge learning curve, is there a spectroscopy category? I can't find one to post results or ask specific questions. If not, could there be one? Many thanks.
  2. Sometimes my secondary mirror fogged up, only a couple of times. I've since fitted a primary mirror fan and not had issues since. I boughtan ordinary computer fan with variable speed and usb. I then simply attached this to my old front cover but then used this to cover the primary mirror as seen in pic. Cost £15.
  3. It's a great piece of software and great support, worth every penny, 6 euro to upgrade each year, no brainer. Glad you are sorted.
  4. Thanks Merlin66, I'll give BASS Project a go.
  5. I've come across Vspec, interesting comment about Rspec Buzzard75, thanks, that was one I'd been looking at but if it's not intuitive, like you I'd probably get fed up and not bother. Thanks everyone, appreciate your help and keep any thought's and experiences coming.
  6. Hi all, I'm looking for something that would produce analysis of spectrums taken with a star analyser 100. Free software would be great but willing to pay for something that's good at producing spectrographs. Hope this makes sense.
  7. Hope you don't mind but I did try and sharpen things up on your image.
  8. That's my thought exactly, seems a bit of a con.
  9. Hi Lucus, just sharpened. I used a lunt 60mm with reducer and zwo120mm. False colour added in photoshop.
  10. Hi all, I've just completed a mode on my neq6 Pro, replaced the wobbly bolts with a wedge so had to realign everything. Used sharpcap Pro polar align which was very intuitive and easy to use. Managed to get polar alignment to 0.01. Sharpcap told me it was a good alignment. I first used my TS 70ed to align and tighten things up as it's easier with less weight. Once aligned I put my OO12inch f4 Newtonian on and did another alignment but everything was fine and nothing moved. Great piece of software.
  11. Welcome back, I've returned to the hobby last year after 10 years, couldn't even remember alignment star name's when they appeared on my synscan. New technology and software also to catch up with. You'll have fun.
  12. Welcome to the forum. As other's suggested I'd buy a 25mm eyepiece to help getting you used to finding object's. Your 6.5mm gives a high magnification to begin with but fine once you've centered the object. Have fun with it, learn the night sky with it. I'd also suggest an app like skysafari 6 Pro for a smartphone or tablet. You can hold it up against the sky and it will help you identify star constellations, where the planet's are, etc, etc. Think it's about £17 at the moment.
  13. Flo do the ADM for £55. https://www.firstlightoptics.com/adm-replacement-saddles/adm-dual-dovetail-adaptor-for-az-gti.html
  14. Sorry Olly, I was brain dead when I wrote that, yes I meant flats (not the kind you live in, lol).
  15. A surprise, an EQ8 R PrevNext Skywatcher EQ8-R Pro (head only) £3,699.00 Replacing the redoubtable Skywatcher EQ8, is this new improved version - the EQ8-R. Improvements include shifting the motor housings to improve axial balance in certain orientations, improved internal cable management, improved connectivity (with 3x built-in USB connectors and 3x power out sockets to run peripherals, such as cameras), up-rated clutch mechanism, improved dovetail groove knob for added comfort and increased locking power and belt drive of the Dec Axis for reduced slewing noise. The mount is available as this head-only option for those with observatory piers and also as a version with the portable pier tripod, for those who need to transport their system.
  16. High jacking the thread, do light's have to be the same length exposure as the sub or less? I'm assuming less as it would be overexposured. As long as the histogram is slightly to the left or half.
  17. I've thought about it but never had a problem with it disconnecting.
  18. Now in place on piller ready to pa, 70mm overkill but I use that to pa and then add the 12inch plus weights so I can tighten things up easier with the smaller weight ratio.
  19. Hi James, mods have made the mount more stable, quite and free from backlash. The best mod was the belt drive and the wedge. Pec is enabled in software so this is virtually eliminated as well.
  20. Great gear and welcome to the forum.
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