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Nigella Bryant

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Everything posted by Nigella Bryant

  1. Sometimes James, at least I'm not alone, lol. I frequently read a word and I've read it as a completely different "CART" (word). Gotten me in trouble a few times and once embarrassingly so in a parent's meeting, lol.
  2. Ken, sorry, no idea why I wrote Ted, but at age 60 I'll put it down to senile decay, lol.
  3. Love this quote "Pictures of Stars show what they look like - a Spectrum reveals the soul." after J Kaler.
  4. Thanks Dave, unfortunately I have sky at night not astronomy now, lol. I'm very taken with the subject but a huge learning curve.
  5. Thanks vlaiv, much appreciated. So I guess if I use my mono asi120mm that will give less of a camera response and less to calibrate.
  6. Hi all my spectroscopy gurus. My zwo ASI224mc definetly has a response dip on spectrum data. Can I make a camera response data capture and use this to calibrate the spectrums in future so this can be extracted from the spectrum of an object? Attached are two spectrums with what I assume is the camera response for clarity. I my be wrong. Hope the above makes sense.
  7. Welcome and enjoy the forum, great people here.
  8. I'm planning on selling up and move out to the canaries when I formally retire, well that's the dream, lol.
  9. Hi Robin, I've had a look but can't see me in any, I was right next to Chris. Small world though.
  10. A total eclipse of the Sun in Turkey in 2006 with a group of other astronomers and the sky at night team right next to me. Love to see another one but can't justify the silly price's to far off lands so waiting for the 2026/7 solar eclipses nearer home. Attached two image's taken with a 90mm mak and dslr from the turkey eclipse.
  11. First, welcome to the forum and secondary, I'm sooooo jealous, lol.
  12. Thanks Louise, I'll take a look. Welcome to BASS Project too.
  13. Hi all, Onward and upward, please find attached BASS project for Alpheratz and Vega. Hopefully getting to grips with it. Please comment, thanks. P. S. Just noticed my Cal02 line on Vega is slightly out, humph.
  14. I find it scary when I've gone on my own to a dark site. I don't feel safe at all and my partner won't let me on my own anymore. I do 95% of my observations from my observatory now, I lock myself in and the shutter can be put down quickly. I also have my phone with me. The only thing to jump through the shutter has been my cat who then curls up on my chair.
  15. There's a Canon modded 550d on Astro adds UK for £200 if that helps.
  16. Thanks Stu, just realised that when Jeremy Shears emailed me back today. I'm very humbled.
  17. Sorry Andrew, I'm not sure, lol. I'll have another go. At least it's practice. Thank you all for all your help.
  18. On my third chart I corrected the lines. Is this correct. As the 06 line on my third chart didn't correspond to any line on the reference spectrum I assume this also is a camera response and not anything to do with the star spectrum. Also I added another calibration point at 397.0nm and this seems to line up with the reference spectrum. Am I correct in assuming this in my forth spectrum chart?
  19. Thanks Stu, Yeah, I thought my third attempt was correct so I'm getting there, lol. Yes my "RMS" error was in the 0. something on the third attempt so I knew I was getting somewhere. It's a learning curve alright, lol, but I'm enjoying it, especially when I get it right.
  20. Personally I'd go for a modded one. They're easy to pick up and gives a better results, especially in Hydrogen Alpha. I wouldn't get bound up in choosing the latest model either. You can pick a modded canon from around £150. I use an old modded Canon 1000d and I'm not going to change that anytime soon. Here's the wensite. https://cheapastrophotography.vpweb.co.uk/
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