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Laurin Dave

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Everything posted by Laurin Dave

  1. Nice start, as @DaveS says somewhat low surface brightness so it really needs a lot of time.. 20plus hours perhaps, but it’s worth it
  2. Very nice Alan, I'd say your best yet.. my only advice would be to stick with what is working - which this setup clearly is. Dave
  3. Very nice Wim.. be interested to know where do you get the galaxy info from Thanks Dave
  4. Thanks Dave.. lets hope you get your observatory finished in time.. what you've completed so far looks great. As for Ha, looking at others images there's a bit but I'd only do that if the Moon was out as extra LRGB would benefit the image more.. and hopefully bring out the blues.. Dave
  5. I'd also suggest the Esprit 80 ED Pro Triplet.. better colour correction than the SW Evostars (I assume) so better with a colour camera and good field of view with an APSC sensor (big enough for Andromeda) Its worth having a look at the FOV using the Astronomy Tools website.
  6. Have a think about these questions as well ...What sort of objects would you like to image and what fov are you after? For a given camera the TS and WO71 will have a fov 2.5 times that of the Esprit100... What camera will you use and what mount do you have or will you be getting? Based on what I've read on here recently the Esprit100 will most likely require an EQ6 class mount whereas the smaller scopes will be happy on an HEQ5.. Where will you be imaging.. home or dark site.. lighter equals more portable
  7. Barred spiral galaxy NGC2903 in Leo imaged last night with my Esprit150/SX46 and piggybacked Esprit100/ASI1600. 7hrs Lum (including 1.5hrs from last year) and 100mins each RGB. The galaxy is about 30million light years away and 100000 light years in diameter and has a high rate of star formation in its core. Discovered by William Herschel who catalogued it on 16 November 1784 (Wiki). Processed in APP Pixinsight and Photoshop. Thanks for looking Dave
  8. Very nice Goran, lovely wide field galaxy images.. hopefully the weather will be kind to you whilst you are off and looking forward to some more great images Dave
  9. Hi David.. I use AllSkyEye software and have a ZWO dew heater strip to prevent mine misting up. Other use the ones from Dewcontrol.com Dave
  10. Looks like hot pixels to me.. what software are you using? Can it do automatic dark or bad pixel map subtraction ?
  11. If I remember correctly Ian King told me that he didn't use a flattener with his Esprit150/QSI6120 setup, so you should be ok without them as your sensors are smaller .. worth giving it a go I'd have thought.. Dave
  12. Did you know that you can run two instances of SGPro with one licence ? no need to run Sharpcap.. I run my dual rig that way, and just junk the RGB subs that are affected by dither.. also have you checked the dither pattern and that it’s big enough .. You can do this by stacking without registering/ rejecting.. on occasions I’ve noticed fixed pattern noise and found that the dithering was in a diagonal line rather than being random .. nice image by the way.. 6” refractors don’t you just love them Dave
  13. Very nice.. just the inspiration I need to get my old 10" LX200 out of storage, last used it May 2018 on the moon, Saturn and Jupiter.. when it produced some pleasing results with an ASI1600mm and ASI224mc with and without 2x barlow or reducer... I use about the same number of frames stacking 25-50% and sharpen in Registax Dave
  14. It can, I do it frequently.. might be a registration problem (although I'd have thought that linear fit etc would have similarly failed if it wasas has happened to me) so suggest you re-register them and try again..
  15. Mine stopped.. took it apart and it was stuck together with spiders web .. gave it a clean and all ok.. hopefully the same for you
  16. Nope... but whilst you are at it why not have a look at the AstroPixelProcessor.. free trial
  17. Excellent image.. quite remarkable what these phones can do.. and do try Steve’s suggestion it works well
  18. You might also experiment with stacking a higher percentage of frames as this will bring the SNR up (so Damian Peach says ) and allow mote aggressive sharpening
  19. What direction does Sitech say its pointing when you do an offset init?.. and is it really pointing that way ? if not check the appropriate "radio" button .. Hopefully I remembered this correctly.. Dave
  20. Very nice, both are excellent and you absolutely do need to click through to see the high res version.. My preference is for version 1. How long did the capture take and how do you execute it? Dave
  21. Hi Adam Assuming you have Steve Richards Mesu set up guide ..how to do it is on pages 10 for Servoconfig and 12 for Sitechexe.. Dave
  22. What skies do you have Rodd/ Gorann? Mine are Bortle4/5... I guess a question to answer (maybe you already know) is whether your results are the same as someone with the same/similar kit in the same sky conditions ..
  23. What you are doing all sounds good Rodd and the same as I do .. so assuming the EL panel is ok I'm not really sure, the only thing I could think would be to try sky flats. Do the integrations from the other filters have similarly noisy background?
  24. If this was mine I'd suspect the calibration files, might be worth stacking the lights registered but a) uncalibrated, b) calibrated with just darks and c) calibrated with just flats to see whether noise is being introduced
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