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Everything posted by david_taurus83

  1. If it's working now with ST4 then leave it the hell alone!!!
  2. ^^^I found them! They download to another hidden folder. From memory, it goes something like this, /home/david/local/shared/kstars/astrometry. All there, except the standard 4208/4219 package. Theres also a configuration file in there that when opened shows that both folders are used, /usr/shared/astrometry and the hidden one.
  3. Change the y scale to 4 to give you a better idea of what's going on.
  4. I'd say its guiding error or as above, flexure. Your imaging at 1" so in an ideal situation youd want your guiding to be sub 0.5"RMS and that includes the peaks! Can you check a few guide logs? Ignore the average RMS and take note of the peak errors. It only takes one jump to 2.0" to give issues.
  5. I've even downloaded a half gigabit file but its not in the folder?
  6. Boxes ticked as above! They 100% downloaded as I watched the progress bars. They're just not in the Astrometry folder!
  7. Just curious Alan. When you start guiding with the EQMod pulse guiding, does the EQMod box still say tracking? I've had it before where EQMod stops the mount tracking as soon as guiding was initiated. But that was in my early days and was using the serial cable through the handset.
  8. This is on the Linux laptop. Above are all the index files I've installed. Some are quite large. But when you click the folder icon above that it opens usr/share/astrometry and only the 12 preinstalled fits files are there. Just curious as to where the extra ones are? So offline is the same source as I'm working off, ie local disk, got it, thanks.
  9. Still doing indoor testing 😀 I've managed a few nights outside for testing also. I little concerned about lag if working directly off the RPi. Yesterday I managed to run Kstars directly from the laptop and successfully connect to the RPi! No issues with serial port connections either. Everything seemed to run smoother so i think I'll try and and image with this first and fall back to VNC if it fails. When working directly off the RPi, the offline solving works well. Quicker than the online. I managed to add more Astrometry index files which sped things up. Yesterday, when connected via Kstars running on the laptop, the offline method worked fine but the remote method failed. When working off the laptop, is offline looking through the laptop Astrometry folder? As reading through the Stellarmate website it appears to say I should use the remote option? I also downloaded more Astrometry index files to the laptop but they are not in the Astrometry folder? Left me scratching my head a bit? Only the standard 4208 / 4219 files in the folder?
  10. Quick question, is the entire RPi OS stored on the SD card? For example, if I wanted to flip between Stellarmate and back to APT via Indigosky, then I'd only need another SD card for Indigo? Each time the card is swapped the settings and configurations are all ready to go?
  11. If you tap the spanner in the EQMod box, what does it display for your Ra and Dec guiding rates?
  12. Make sure all the all the mounting points are still nipped up tight and theres no loose play between guide scope and main scope. Also worth clearing your calibration and starting a new one.
  13. I had one of the Tracer batteries. 12ah one. Very good, could power the mount, dew bands and USB hub for a full session (4/5 hours) and still have a little left. Never used it much with my 1600MM though as I've switched to a 12v PSU. Still, the ammeter on the PSU stays at a steady 2 amps during a session now. That's powering the mount, dew bands, USB hub (or RPi) focuser, 1600MM cooler.
  14. Theres some belters on that site! I'm gonna bookmark it for a laugh every now and again!
  15. 0 is fine. The ZWO driver controls it.
  16. I've got the 36mm Baaders and it allows me a bit of headroom to offset the camera further back from the filterwheel (I've fitted a camera rotator adapter) I've I was to buy filters again, I'd look at the new ultra narrowband ser from baader. Especially the Oiii as the 8.5 is Halo City!
  17. Does it cool at all or just stays at current twmp? Change the step to 0 and the ZWO driver will take care of cooling. APT likes to cool it and warm it up very gradually. Too slow for me.
  18. What flattener do you have? Some allow threading of 2 inch filters on the front end.
  19. It should just start tracking in sidereal when you press track? Will take 6 hours to go from horizontal to weights down again..
  20. Hi. Are you trying to connect through Stellarium? Have you checked the device manager to see what COM the mount is as it can change between reboots?
  21. Still testing with the RPi3 and Stellarmate. I've got it pretty close now to consistency. Still having the odd connection problem with serial ports. The mount and focuser keep fighting over the same port. 8/10 they connect without issue though. I've been connecting indoors every day to try and make sure it works on demand. I've been using VNC viewer on android, windows and linux without issue. Offline platesolving works within 60s. I've been trying to get it to communicate with the home wifi though so I dobt have to keep updating the time on the RPi. Initially this works fine. I can connect via VNC viewer through the new IP address generated. I've updated the RPi os and installed more Astrometry index files onto the SM system. The weird thing is if I connect next day I cant connect again via VNC. I've switched the home wifi off to connect to the SM hotspot again and under the wifi connections there are multiple versions of my home wifi network. One will say connected 3 days ago, one will say connected 1 day ago, one will say connected 2 minutes ago. So the SM is auto connecting to my home wifi each time but its creating a new connection each time. Any ideas?
  22. Have you followed this procedure: http://www.astro-baby.com/EQ6 rebuild guide/EQ6 worm alignment.htm Its pretty much the go to procedure and works well. Are you sure it's not a lack of voltage? I've adjusted my RA axis before and you have to rotate the axis fully in each direction after each adjustment. If your satisfied you think you've nailed it then rotate both axis fully at full speed at the same time to make sure your PSU is providing enough volts. I found this out myself. If power is too low then one or both motors will let you know their upset!
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