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Everything posted by michael.h.f.wilkinson

  1. Data for mosaic number 10 captured this morning!!

    1. Luke


      Ten here too Michael. I was hoping to beat you!! :D But heavy rain forecast before, during and after my diddy little imaging hour tomorrow! Good luck for turning it up to Eleven!

    2. michael.h.f.wilkinson


      Cheers Luke. Fingers crossed for good weather. Hope you get a chance

    3. Luke


      No luck for my slot, Michael, all out for Ten in the pouring rain! Hope to see your Mosaic Eleven!

  2. Animation processing in progress

  3. Mosaic number nine is being processed now

  4. More data brewing at home; 7th full-disk H-alpha mosaic of the week!

  5. 6 days of sun! In the running for a whole week of full disks in H-alpha!!

    1. Luke


      Snap! :) Good luck for the full house.

    2. jetstream


      Congrats Michael!

  6. I assure you my collection of EPs is complete ....... until I have the urge to buy something, or an offer I cannot refuse pops up
  7. I let the courier drop the package off at a nearby camera store, and picked that up when the missus was away. That was simply cunning, but the appearance of an entire new alu case should have raised eyebrows. When I set it up she should have noticed subtle differences in the solar set-up too. No matter, the opportunity to scowl at the new purchase has been and gone, so now I have had the new set-up for AGES
  8. OK, back on topic, here is the kids' mini-Dob I built It is a 4.5" f=500mm. The boys are quite a bit older now.
  9. Being in the euro zone, I just use the EUR : GBP. Doesn't require any calculation, just say you paid 10 euro when it was 10 quid. Regarding the SWIMBO radar, I still don't know how I slipped the Solar Spectrum H-alpha filter + ERF + Baader TZ-4 telecentric + Vixen Ortho under the radar. Not exactly small kit, and came in a new case too
  10. I do not see what this has to do with this thread. Please also refrain from referring to religion.
  11. Lovely scopes here. I am thinking about getting an ES AR127 (5" F/6.5). They have a great rep, and I want to convert it to a solar instrument. I want to place an 85mm Beloptic tri-band ERF I have halfway down the tube (this filter passes the solar continuum band, a band around H-alpha and a band around CaK, and reflects all the rest back). I could then switch between white light and H-alpha quickly, with the option of getting a CaK module later. Should be a killer solar set-up (and a good-looking scope to boot).
  12. I hadn't noticed that. That is the LS35THa I used to have. I sold it to the Kapteyn Astronomical Institute of our uni, who now use it for outreach. I also have an ST80 somewhere for future use as a guide scope, and then there is the 70mm F/5 frac I use as a 14x70 finder on the SCT
  13. Even though my main scope is an SCT, I do value the frac, especially for solar and wide field workDual H-alpha/white-light set-upTwo Grab and go solutions with the same scopes Solar Spectrum / APM 80 F/6 0.3Å H=alpha set-upand a double-barrel frac
  14. Never seen one of these, although I have heard of them. Interesting tool for scouting out dark areas or assessing how good the sky really is. I have often set up the scope in what looked like dark conditions, but once the eye adapted fully were not that good (not hopeless, but not as good as hoped for).
  15. Two new galaxies bagged!

    1. Tzitzis


      Aaah nice. Wish I could just see M13 :P

    2. michael.h.f.wilkinson


      NGC 3642 and NGC 3646 were bagged

    3. YKSE


      Good work! :-)

  16. Clear skies, new moon, scope cooling outside!

    1. Pleiades M45

      Pleiades M45

      Haven't had that in awhile. During the week it's nice and clear all day and night. Weekends come when I have free time and its cloudy..

  17. totally washed out day, just cloudd and rain

    1. David Smith

      David Smith

      Infuriating weather here, clear one minute, cloudy and raining the next.

    2. michael.h.f.wilkinson


      Very frustrating, indeed

    3. goose35


      starting to think its a government operation. Clear dalight hours then bam, clouds show up during dark

  18. Fleeting sun here. Captured some data, processing them now.

    1. David Smith

      David Smith

      Look forward to seeing them later. I managed to grab some white light data this morning for the first time in a couple of days. Will process tonight after work.

    2. michael.h.f.wilkinson


      The data should be stacked when I get home from the boys' guitar lessons

  19. FC Groningen won the Dutch FA Cup!!

  20. MVs are very good, and outstanding value for money. I have two 24mm 68 deg (future binoviewing in mind, one is on loan to the observatory of our university until I have either big bins or a binoviewer), and they perform very well indeed.
  21. Thanks Freddie. Registax wavelets gets pretty decent results The very fine detail is better in LR deconvolution, I feel
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