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Everything posted by michael.h.f.wilkinson

  1. In faster scopes you really notice the difference. My F/10 SCT is pretty forgiving, and the MaxVision 24mm 68 deg works brilliantly in it. The APM 80mm F/6 is a bit more demanding, but the MV 24 still does a good job, but in Olly's 20" F/4.1 dob the MV fell apart, mainly at the edges. The Nagler 22T4 works better in all scopes I tried. I never tried BSTs because the eye relief is too short for me.
  2. Interesting result. I might try that some day with my ASI224MC and APM 80mm F/6 with TRF-2008 reducer (at F/4.8). I have a TEC 12706 Peltier cooler lying around somewhere. Might even try adding that to suppress noise
  3. I have always found this an interesting comparison, concerning size, weight, and price. The 20mm Plössl cost just €15 (new!), and is really nice in the kids' mini-Dob. The Nagler 22T4 wouldn't fit. Regarding green-on-black: I have quite a few lacking that colour scheme which, if they want them, they can take out of my cold, dead hands. If somebody forced me to work only with the complete Pentax XW and XF range, I think I could live with that.
  4. That is a serious case of TV addiction! Two cases, in fact. Lovely collection!
  5. Very nice set indeed Or just get a bigger one like I did
  6. The 26T5 Nagler was the second Nagler I looked through (the 22T4 was the first). Awesome EP.
  7. How can a case full of quality EPs not make sense? Very nice case indeed
  8. Great report Stu! I was sorely tempted by these on ABS, but resisted because they would probably require a rebuild of the P-mount I made. I am glad they have gone to a good home.
  9. Nice to see the Morpheus has found a comfy slot in the EP case. Lots of dangerous (to the bank balance) empty space in that case
  10. I have used a 31T5 at an exit pupil of 7.56mm which worked, even if you might lose some light. When using the LVW 42mm in the same F/4.1 scope you get an exit pupil of 10.25mm. Assuming your pupils dilate to 7mm you are cutting down the light cone to F/6, so you would not really be testing the EP at F/4.2.
  11. I do wear glasses and have astigmatism. The LVW 42mm works very nicely at F/6 in my 80mm APM triplet, but I haven't tried it at F/5. At F/6 the exit pupil is 7mm, at F/5 it becomes 8.4mm, which is a bit much. It would be great if your eyes look like this
  12. Very subtle update of mine: the Morpheus 14mm has been replaced by a Delos 14mm. Top row: Vixen LVW 42mm, Nagler 31T5 "Panzerfaust", Nagler 22T4, H-beta and moon filter, Orion 2" 90° Amici prism Second row: Nagler 17T4, Delos 14mm, Nagler 12T4. Third row: Pentax XW 10mm, Delos 8mm, Pentax XW 7mm, MaxVision 24mm 68° Bottom row: Pentax XW 5mm, Denkmeier Filter-Switch diagonal with UHC and O-III filters.
  13. Very nice indeed. I have the 8mm Delos and since this morning the 14mm. More may well follow
  14. Processing a load of lunar data

  15. Alternatively, your lounge is too small for the eyepiece cases
  16. Forgot to add my oldest frac (1850 or thereabouts): a 48mm achromatic doublet (uncoated, obviously), inverting lens in the tube, and Huygens EP.
  17. Agreed, you need superb conditions to see any difference at all, unless we are talking very fast scopes, where astigmatism raises its ugly head much sooner.
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