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Pete Presland

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Everything posted by Pete Presland

  1. its been a while since i used firecapture, but i think the USB traffic setting has been there for a while, it is certainly on my older version. i normally have mine set around 55-60% high enough to allow a good frame rate, not too high to start dropping frames. 13 fps is pretty slow, what are you imaging?
  2. YES! its proper clear tonight!

    1. David Smith

      David Smith

      Looked clear here last night but as soon as I got the scope out the haze came down.

  3. so much for the aurora?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Pete Presland

      Pete Presland

      i did exactly the same, my images confirm this!

    3. Ant


      It's also a possibility for tonight (and might even be clear).

      Last night Aurora was seen well into Norfolk (according to bbc this morning).

    4. Pete Presland

      Pete Presland

      i did see a image of aurora off the norfolk coast

  4. just pulled the plug on a Hotech collimator !

  5. cmon clouds go away, new AR regions to see?

    1. Luke


      They took there time to shift our way, Pete! And then there was a strip that was just over the Sun for a while! Hope you got a decent session in.

  6. the morning eastern horizon is pretty special at the moment!

  7. what a great resource, well done to all involved!
  8. clear skies and a last crack at Jupiter, Mars, Saturn

  9. conditions tonight are the best of the year!

  10. the seeing really is pretty at poor at the moment!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. David Smith

      David Smith

      I was out last night, seeing was shocking here too. Gave up in the end.

    2. JessicaFaye


      I went out last night around half ten... clouds started to roll in, seeing bad and then the scope dewed up! Really successful night :D

  11. Mars i am coming to get you!

  12. looks like clear skies for the Mars opposition

  13. up at 2:30am to imaging Mars and the data is pants!

  14. spring has arrived, maybe?

    1. ronin


      That means the clocks will go forward soon and everyone will start complaining again.

    2. cotterless45


      Warm weather this time of year used to be known as "false spring", cold follows, ouch !

  15. glad i got a couple of sessions in before the rain returns!

  16. happy christmas everyone

    1. JessicaFaye


      And to you too! :)

  17. loving the dark nights!

  18. love haloween look!

  19. broke my veil duck last night!

    1. Guy Wells

      Guy Wells

      Could always buy a new one...

  20. dark skies are around the corner!

  21. summer is just around the corner!

    1. Daniel-K


      yup with the rain!

  22. clouds, clouds and more clouds pretty depressing!

  23. happy new year to all on SGL

  24. happy new year to all on SGL

  25. merry christmas everybody !

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