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Alan White

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Everything posted by Alan White

  1. Or you can store alongside the Observing Area in a Sentry House or Dob House arrangement.
  2. Nice to see these images Merlin, thank you for sharing. I got to see Solar in Ha well on the 1st but not been clear round the sun since here.
  3. It was clear here too, did a short bingo tour, but some of the sky was very poor and I think some high cloud was lurking about, so poor seeing as well. Nice to see stars and some familiar constellations clearly again though. Weds forecast looks good here too, but I may be talking too soon.
  4. Steve Glad you got a 31/12 session in, amazing it cleared at all last night. I grabbed two looks, one from home with Binoculars and one naked eye 15 miles away at my daughters. All unexpected and all the more rewarding for it. Happy New Year to you
  5. I spoke too soon, the cloud parted, so got out with a Solar Scope and the AZ75. Great all round and more time with the mount now spent. Report 001/2022 sent to Rowan 👍 And I got to use all the new Tak LE's out as well, 2022 started OK so far.
  6. As one of the testers, it's still in test, mainly due to the terrible weater stopping me and proabaly @Stu from also testing. I know Rowan were making parts ready for production, it just needs some more final testing of some minor changes made, but I am not Rowan or FLO, so they no doubt might have a more informed answer. All I can say is I too look forward to the release of this mount.
  7. The new ones handle has no lumps or bumps, I think the original was a one off seam fold gone odd. The cases are of very good quality and Made in Europe, not far, far away either, which is nice. If I did not have nice Vixen bags already, then my Refractor would live in a case like F15's one.
  8. An update, I liked the bag so much that its now had a second one join it. Really find the bag works for me. The only thing I would add to it is loops on the zip pulls, thats easily done.
  9. Postie Pete been again, wished him a very Happy New Year and he left boxes for all the family. Boxes for me add friends to the Tak LE 5mm I bought recently, for those narrower fov moments you have every so often, or it just me? And in company of the two Astro Essential 26 Plossl for the WO binoviewer I bought again recently…. I wish this cloud would go, it’s getting expensive!!
  10. The AZ75 would suit a 4” scope well, it’s is the size scope I am presently using for my part of the testing programme.
  11. Good on you Dave, good and slightly brave purchase. Lets face it, you do quirky and this scope will fit that criteria well. Good luck with it, look forwards to pictures and feedback
  12. Phew. Family we’re supportive of a hold on dinner to allow the full watch. They even sat and watched The Queen at 15.00 which never happens.
  13. No appology required, I think some of us are all keen to own the TOE as the HR are now history.
  14. On a positive note, FLO delivered today, two 26mm Astro Essential Plossl's. So I can give the new to me binoviewers a go over those clear nights we are about to have 🤣
  15. You were faster on the draw Mr S, I too had that notification, but waited a short while. Be interested how you find it, look forwards to afirst light report.
  16. Nice list Nigella and how can the last 3 excepting No.6 be unrealistsic or pushing your luck 😉 My list was short this year: Dear Santa, Please can we have heating and it's just been granted early, new boiler providing heat.....nice. Mind you Santa has sent his bill direct to me in error of course, who knew Elves were so expensive? My final wish of course is that everyone stays safe, has a pleasant Christmas and No Dinners get burnt. We will see if that happens, but somehow I think it should for most.
  17. I really enjoy my Vixen ED103, but I always wonder about the Vixen ED/SD115S, A grass is greener thing for me in all honesty. Your wait until you can save enough for the extra size makes sense to me. On the mount a GP2 I am sure would handle it, My GP handled the ED103 and also an C8 which I tried for a while. Clearly Mike talks from experience of larger scopes and GP use, he is the font of GP's in Visual use.
  18. Shows it is not just Astronomy here in the UK that gets messed up by the weather! A move of date with such a precious cargo is clearly the sensible option to take.
  19. Postman Pete been a few minutes ago, good that its Astro realted, sad its not the new boiler circuit board as still no heating and 3 weeks into frozen nether regions now. Astro wise, regretted selling an EP that I liked a lot, so replaced with another. Takahashi LE 5mm.
  20. I saw some amazing sight last night, The nebula, the doubles and so much more, it was stunning. Sadly I then woke up and realised I am now dreaming Astronomy, No surprise really as I am not able to see through the Fog and Cloud.
  21. Nice image, as a non-imager I have no idea how much work these things take, but suspect a lot. Sorry to read of you loss, I know how that feels. Nice to see you now back and posting.
  22. Glad that is the case and thought it was still loved. Miss my GP2, sellers regret as is often the case, nice solid mount for a 4" refractor
  23. Vixen mounts are always nice, but always have a niggle such as the plastic coverrs or similar. That poor GP looks sad, cast to the side.
  24. Indeed one is running, sadly the boiler packed up 2 weeks ago and new one I hope arrives on the wall tomorrow. So sadly no Pentaxes this time for me. The purchase of the BV was challenge enough for now sadly.
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