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Alan White

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Everything posted by Alan White

  1. Nice when this happens, bright and early that.
  2. Ah the new kit curse strikes again.
  3. Hello Tina Welcome from another Essex located member. quite a number are located here on this Forum, no doubt they might say hello too. Ask questions, nothings silly, if you don't know, you don't know, all of us start in the hobby and don't know either, we gain knowledge by asking. This hobby is very helping and sharing orientated, it's tends not to be competitive. So long answer as always from me, but Hello 👋 Alan
  4. Interesting topic this and something that visual observers see and cataloge as odd. So intereting to its poetential and knowing what space debris looks like as it burns up.
  5. I have had multiple scopes, so many eyepieces and when it comes down to it I find I like several things: Simplicity Refractors Wider but not ultra wide eyepieces Seated observing for my back and knees sake as well as relaxed propper observing
  6. I am sure the Apollo 11 is a most wonderful eyepiece, but it was clearly produced as a celebratory collectors piece over the Moon Landings and came with a Collector's price to match. As a user of eyepieces I would not buy such a thing, mainly because it’s outside my budget range, but I would not use one even if I did as it would be an investment. Dont worry about the XW’s they are safe come what may, the t6 was a side show, but I was curious to see what folks would say. The t6 Naglers are an amazing bit of design in such a minimalist package, most surprised it was and is so popular in its design home as the US likes to go large. I can see Naglers and an TV 85 would be a wonderful pairing.
  7. Thanks all, so the reality is as I thought. Smaller and lighter with the t6 or marginal improvement with what I have and they all play together. Somehow I think the t6 was a worthwhile distraction, but Pentax, Vixen APM etc will remain as stunning and already invested in. I have to say if the XW was in a t6 size and eyerelief, wouldn't that be great.
  8. Nice crisis Mr Icesheet, lets hope its an early midlife crisis as 40 is a bit low for the midpoint, but at 56 I would say that! I managed to not have a midlife crisis, was too busy with life throwing things at me, but always time for a belated one.....
  9. I like the closer eye relief for some odd reason, the Nagler has a smaller footprint and does not in the t6 cause an issue for me. The wider topped wide angles you mention make no sense to me with big flat tops, some folks must have enormous eye sockets!
  10. Problem is the Delos is even more unwealdy and Turkey leg like and heavier still. But I like the sugestion though.
  11. Thanks chaps Indeed a more compact package with shorter eye relief, I am ok no glasses to 11mm or a bit, so either option works with my scope, but a change of scope and bigger exit pupil might change things. Hmmmm
  12. Well having recently out of rosey memories I picked up a mint 11mm t6 Nagler. It was expected to be an oh well, rosey glow and then sell on moment, a weakness of purchasing as I wanted a lift, BUT... Having used this now, it flipping great and now has me again pondering the XW's as the Nagler is more compact and lighter, i could not really see any discernable difference in 10XW (which is my loved up eyepiece) and the 11t6, both sharp, both easy to get my eye settled. Now as the title says , 'That's put the Cat among the Pigeons!' Stick with what I have, having only just settled back down with the 7 and 5 XW, the 7mm new 35 days ago or so from @FLO or Do I throw it all back up in the air and sell the XW's again (regret it no doubt) and buy the Nagler t6 in 7 and 5 instead and love it. Oh I hate myself for putting myself in this situation, I must stop looking at for sale adverts. Please feel free to throw comments, jokes at my expense etc. into the thread.
  13. Picking up on previous comments om Astigmatism in your eyes, Only at a certain exit pupil does the astigmatism show in the view, the bigger the exit pupil the worse it looks. TeleVue have a chart to show this. I have astigmatism at 0.75 in one eye and 1.00 in the other, so 2mm and above exit pupil and I get funky off shaped stars, doubles cannot be seen at some exit pupils without corrective lenses. I wear my glasses, have an observing pair for the job.
  14. Nice end result for a £4 bit of fun, bet it ended up costing you more than that though in reality. Sometimes old simple lenses can be real gems and generaly just fun, I have an old 50mm Fuji that gives really funky Bokeh in terestrial use, its brilliant fun hunting suitable subjects.
  15. Mind you if he has to clean his mirror it's a bit of a trip outside.....
  16. I bet he gets 365 days without cloud as well lucky fella!
  17. Oh no, not the Vibration Pads, you needed the Anti version 😉 🤣 Sorry I could not resist. Good purchase, be interested in how they work.
  18. Lucky you getting a gap in the cloud yesterday. Thanks for sharing the image, brings a smile that someone got to look out of the cloud.
  19. I have no idea about the science time line, but 2000 years is but a blink of the eye in the Cosmos, So somehow I have my doubts on this finding based on gut instinct. Clearly the data set of two observers feels unreliable to add to my reasoning. Clearly I could be way off the mark through ignorance.
  20. How about dark skies nearer to home, The South Downs for instance or North Norfolk? Just a thought. Lake District etc. has Lakes for a reason, the water fall from the sky regularly.
  21. Oh bless, its shaking with excitement about its arrival to you 😉 Nice addition, look forward to a family portrait when the are assembled together.
  22. NIce to see images of what you have visually observed. Good old Sol is putting on a show for us Solar observers and imagers at the minute 😀 Thanks for sharing your fine images.
  23. Nothing like a savoury pancake, Galletes in France if memory is correct, But as you say Strawberry and Lime Cider, just a step too far 😉 for me anyways,. Cheers, here's to a job well done 👍
  24. Postman finally delivered a rcent purchse, had been stuck in Special Delivery land far longer than expected. Another olf ffriend EP returns for the minute, was curious to compare it to my XW's etc. Not trialled yet other than WL solar and all was good. The now discontnued Nagler t6 11mm, this one is truly a mint copy, nice 😃
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