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Everything posted by Moonshane

  1. I can always use these Dave if you don't mind me having a few please. Cheers Shane
  2. That said, it will genuinely make a massive difference and a 32mm plossl deserves a place in everyone's kit. I am considering a pair of TV 32mm's for my binoviewers in the future and would certainly buy used and buy the extenders for sure. Maybe wait a few weeks and then get one. It won't sting as much then and you'll both be happy.
  3. The extenders do pop up used from time to time. Might be worth a wanted ad?
  4. The eyeguard extension transforms this eyepiece. that said it's frustrating that such an extension is not built in
  5. A tiny tweak on the fine focuser won't affect the coma correction
  6. I agree with above suggestion but go one step further and get it as good as you can with the tunable top ( which effectively becomes becomes a rough helical focuser) and fine tune with proper focuser.
  7. Reasonably okay if used safely on your own but won't make many friends at star parties!
  8. I suppose you should always have something to look forward to !
  9. I was like that for ages ages too Nick. I have settled on Delites though and combined with the Nagler zoom at one end and the 24mm Panoptic / 26mm Nagler and the other end depending which scope I am using I am and sorted. My ideal bv pairs would be 19mm and 24mm panoptics but not for a while yet!
  10. Future plans include 18.2mm, 15mm and 9mm Delites, a Baader Cool wedge, a Baader zeiss prism, shortening my 120ed (maybe) a pair of lower power eyepieces perhaps 32mm plossls, a moonlite for my pst mod etc etc.......does it ever stop?
  11. Here's my rather 'barren' set. I have spent quite a bit recently getting binoviewers together along with associated bits as well as we a new to me 102 mm f7 ed. I have therefore sold anything not in my long term plan. If you ignore the borrowed plossls and treat the bcos as a pair, I have less eyepieces than scopes!
  12. Looking for a Baader Zeiss t2 diagonal.
  13. TV plossls are really superb and the 20 is no exception. Whilst the 32mm and the 25mm are also great, for roughly the same sort of price or a little bit more than those two you can get a 24mm panoptic so I sold them and did just that.
  14. It's an awesome build mate. Might even inspire me to get my but into gear and truss mine.
  15. you did well to reach the pedals at five days old mate.
  16. Hoping someone might have a Delite to sell (15mm, 18.2mm or 9mm) in which case I'd sell / swap plus cash either way my 9mm T1 Nagler or my 17.3mm Delos.
  17. I have been following mate. It's an awesome project. I am sure the mirror will be fine but better safe than sorry. In the back of my head I am sure I read about coatings having to harden off for a period. Again, I'd check this.
  18. Great news! I am not sure how long a mirror test takes to do but in the circumstances might be worth arranging for them to do one while you watch / before you pay?
  19. It's a native 1600, 1840 with the paracorr. I built the base to have the eyepiece at my eye level or a bit below at zenith. I can just about sit at all times on my home made chair.
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