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Everything posted by callisto

  1. Very nice set up 👍 Hope you're recovering well 🙂 Mark
  2. Hi and welcome from me Mark
  3. Thanks everyone...I've went with the Hyperflex 7.2mm - 21.5mm Mark
  4. Thanks John, appreciate your reply 👍 Mark
  5. Hi Guys Can anyone recommend a half decent zoom eyepiece......Will be used only for white light solar viewing with my 127mm f/9.5 Achro, I've never owned a zoom eyepiece before so don't know how they perform Price wise, around the £100 mark. Thanks, Mark
  6. Protecting your mount?......Oh sorry, thought you meant the wine 😄
  7. Looks like your headering a comet 😄 Seriously though, great image Mark
  8. There's nothing wrong with a 6" Dob to start with 👍 You'll be able to see quite a few objects with this and its really portable....as for seeing Andromeda, you will just see the centre of the galaxy with a hint of some edges. (see image below) I personally use a Telrad on my 10" Dob for locating objects and its really easy to use Enjoy getting to know the sky with yours and you'll soon become used to finding objects fairly easy Mark
  9. Don't know if this has already been on but for anyone who has not watched this it's on the Disc.Sci+1 Channel at 6pm today Mark
  10. Hi Steve, hope you get well soon 🙂 Hope you don't mind a bit of friendly advice....I had exactly the same symptoms as you and also tested negative on the LF tests....still felt the same if not worse after a week so sent off for a home PCR test and guess what?....yup, I tested positive and had to isolate foe 10 days 😟 I would advice you to do the same just in case All the best, Mark
  11. Invaluable advice over the years 👍 Mark
  12. I love my Marmite, I mean Telrad 😁
  13. Aww, poor little Telly....beauty is in the eye of the beholder 😉
  14. Nice doorstop you have there John 😄
  15. A big welcome from me too Mark
  16. WOW....brilliant image 👍 Mark
  17. A big welcome from me too Mark
  18. Great image Peter...really different, love it Mark
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