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Everything posted by callisto

  1. Hi everyone, I'm wanting a 2" OIII filter to use on my widefield eyepieces...has anyone used Optolong Filters and if so are they good for deep sky? Cheers, Mark
  2. Hi John, I've just got one of these chairs, did you make the seat yourself or purchased it? Thanks, Mark
  3. Thought you were easing up on your spending Simon 🤣
  4. Thanks I have a single Tak LE 18mm and a single Tak Abbe Orth 12.5mm....think I'll have to start doubling up on some eyepieces 😉
  5. What eyepieces do you use for that specific observing Jeremy? Mark
  6. I can confirm, it's very addictive 😊
  7. Ahh, ok Jeremy thanks I haven't used Binoviewers before 🤔
  8. Hi all, Don't mean to hi jack the thread...has anyone used a pair of these in a Binoviewer? https://www.firstlightoptics.com/skywatcher-eyepieces/skywatcher-uwa-planetary-eyepieces.html Mark
  9. I agree with that...mines not GOTO but its on a EQ Platform which tracks nicely for longish observing
  10. You been watching the film 'Contact' 😁
  11. Beautiful...looks like it was taken from the Lunar module 😮 Mark
  12. 🎵 Happy Birthday To You 🎶 🎂 🥂
  13. Magnus, that was a fantastic report, I had all your sightings in my head while reading it 👍 Mark
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