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Everything posted by jock1958

  1. Had a lot of good advice from Ian King before I bought my Tak FC-100DL off him. Needless to say I’ve been very happy with my purchase. Good luck to you both I’m sure it will be an excellent partnership!
  2. Have you carried out a star test and checked the airy disks inside and outside of focus? If your collimation is good your airy disks should be perfectly circular.
  3. Good luck and enjoy your retirement, I’m planning the same thing in about 18 months or so 😁
  4. Looking at the way it’s put together I think it will last a long, long time. Its not cheap but IMO a worthwhile addition to the Tak FC 100 when you are trying to eke that last bit of focusing performance!
  5. Came through the post a few days ago a very nice MPA - TAK 2.5 FT focuser for my Tak FC 100DL and after I said I was happy with the stock focuser...hmmm! However It’s beautifully engineered and an absolute delight to use 😃
  6. Hi Andy and welcome to the Lounge. The 200P has some very good reviews and won’t break the bank. Enjoy 😃
  7. Thoroughly absorbing and brilliantly written report. Goes to show what can be seen from a dark site. I was out for a couple of hours last night and struggled to see a fraction of what you had!
  8. Hi there. I went through similar issues with my 100DL and eventually arrived at the sweet spot using a TS optics 35mm extension tube and now all my 1.25” eyepieces including my Baader 2.25” Barlow arrives at focus. I trod the same path as @mikeDnight ‘trial & error’ Theres an excellent thread on this forum that might be worth looking at, Tak FC-100 - a few questions my input starts about pages 11 or 12. Attached pic of the stock extension tube (which I don't use now) and the TS optics 35mm if that’s of any help.
  9. I’ve had my 100DL less than a year and I’ve cleaned it once already (pollen & dew spots)
  10. Wife’s old dressing table chair, height adjustable by adding & subtracting patio chair cushions ?
  11. Some may cringe..... but the old adage springs to mind ‘If it ain’t broke don’t fix it’ ?
  12. I’ve only had my Tak 100DL for a few months but no complaints about the focuser so far.
  13. Fantastic images Geof, looks like you've opened a box of sparkling jewels ?
  14. John you are quite correct, it’s a 72mm tube and I don’t use it either. To bring my 1.25 eyepieces into focus I bought a 35mm TS optics extension tube and it works a treat
  15. Do you know if it’s just the DC & DF that comes with that green extension tube? And what’s the length? My DL came without it but came with a black 52mm extension tube?
  16. Very nice...and the title did grab my attention lol!! The thought of hacking 55mm off a pristine Takahashi tube made my stomach turn over
  17. I absolutely love it, double thumbs up from me ??
  18. Thanks Dave lots of food for thought there All the best Jock
  19. Hi Dave Thanks for heads up. My 100rs was roughed up by clumsy couriers and has never produced the views I hoped hence the thought of using the good bits of my TAL with a 100r, that's if I could find one close to home and cheap enough to make it worth my while. All the best Jock
  20. Hi Dave Great bits of info on the TAL 100r. I have a 100rs and was wondering if you could swap the focusers over without major surgery. TAL 100r with 100rs focuser hmm! that would be nice to try ?
  21. Agree with Jules and it does look like the original TAL tripod and mount. Looking at the photos the whole package looks in great condition and if I was living closer I would be very tempted to go and have a look. One of these went for £103 a few weeks ago on fleabay, including mount and tripod! Ta Jock
  22. Bit off topic but has anybody tried this? AZ4 handle screwed into counterbalance shaft on the Skytee 2. Works great for scanning with the added bonus of slo mos when required
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