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Stub Mandrel

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Everything posted by Stub Mandrel

  1. You can change the title by editing your first post.
  2. Grrr... my home network has lost my laptop again -( So tomorrow I will switch off, stick all 2,500-ish captures on a128-gig SD card and copy across the data files and see what I can do.
  3. From ZWO's website: https://astronomy-imaging-camera.com/tutorials/what-is-amp-glow.html
  4. It's probably the same one! You know you need your own 3D printer now. Mine is already warming up...
  5. Hmm, this could supplement my income... https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2496996
  6. Number 2, the first one lacks contrast.
  7. 😭 I would be lost without the P520, it's my most useful work tool as I use photos a lot in my work. I can use it for things where a DSLR would be completely impractical and I have never had any problems with image quality shooting on high quality all the time. Compared to a DSLR the image quality can drop off in the corners with wide angle shots, but this has never been an issue in practice.
  8. See what you can get from the moon. I can only do 1-second exposures at higher ISOs - my phone is better for stars! The new Nikon P1000 looks amazing, I tried the P900 out the other day (x83 zoom!) and it was pretty fantastic and costs the same as my P520 did!
  9. The so-called 'Sturgeon Moon' in glorious technicolour. 10 jpeg frames with Nikon P520 bridge camera, PIPP, AS!3, then RGB layer in Photoshop for saturation and colour balance, luminance layer vis Astra Image for deconvolution. For when subtle really won't do.
  10. The point of this image is to prove you don't need any special astronomy equipment to image planets, just a camera, any camera, with a long lens. 20 frames on Jupiter and 30 frames on Saturn with my Nikon P520 bridge camera, 1000mm equivalent focal length, 400 iso, 1/60 second, hand held with support and image stabilisation. Cropped in PIPP, stacked with 3x drizzle in AS!3, slight gamma tweak and combine the two images.
  11. This is a single frame from my Nikon P520 bridge camera, 1000mm equivalent focal length, 400 iso, 1/60 second, hand held with support from car roof and image stabilisation. No processing at all, just cropped.
  12. Went out with my bridge camera and a bat detector, managed to get some iffy video of bats, but great 'snaps' of the 'sturgeon moon', jupiter and saturn. Feel guilty for not setting up for planetary as the conditions are great, probably the high wind is sorting the seeing. But my lappy is recording meteors and my camera has a wide angle adaptor on it and is lying on its back on a bit of foam on top of the shed roof taking dodgy pics in the hopes of getting a late meteor.
  13. My mistake.. the lunar tranits are visible in Lichfield. But I have three solar transits visible from home this month, and two of them are pretty close to centre.
  14. Thanks! I'm looking at https://transit-finder.com/results There's a solar one at 2pm on Sunday, and I'm only 3.7km from the centreline. There are two lunar transits visible from home on the 23rd !
  15. It sounds crazy at first, but if the alternative is mass extinction and the collapse of civilisation... But could be counter-productive... where do you shield? Shield the seas and... algae stop turning CO2 into limestone... Shield the land and people starve. OTOH a lot of medium-sized geostationary things that chiefly block IR and are placed in a diffuse pattern so as to reduce irradiation over a large area rather than creating cold spots could have an impact without being noticeable from the ground. Also, partly shading large areas of permanent icecap could have a disproportionately beneficial effect.
  16. This is something I'd really like to do! Congratulations.
  17. Dust is ubiquitous, definitly not a fault in any unsealed camera unit. You need one of these, the only way I have found to get a sensor clean without major frustration : https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Sensor-Gel-Stick-Jelly-Camera-CCD-CMOS-Sensor-Cleaning-Kit-for-DSLR-Red/153136678365?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649 But in practice, using flats will get rid of them.
  18. I believe it. Binoculars are sold in much greater quantities than astronomical telescopes.
  19. Actually came yesterday, but for some reason my desktop wouldn't synch with gmail and let me have the pic from my phone.
  20. Yeah, although not off the top of my head. I've got all the marlin source for my board.
  21. I want to fit a filament out detector to my Prusa i3 clone. I'm pretty sure a microswitch will do the job, the trick is finding which set to terminals to wire it across and what to add into the code to enable it...
  22. Worst of all, the ball was on the line....
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