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Stub Mandrel

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Everything posted by Stub Mandrel

  1. Predictive PEC on RA and Resist switch on DEC. Recently I've had constant 0.65" with the 130P-DS which is (according to Vlaiv's calculations) as good as the HEQ5 (or an EQ6) can be be expected to deliver because of the step size. I PA with Sharpcap, typically to better than 0.2'. The heavier 150PL I get slightly higher figures.
  2. 3DP is becoming mainstream. To be honest, it's frustrating waiting for the day when I can pick up a kilo or two of PLA at the supermarket.
  3. They would need one of these if they did! I can't see Ed cracking and fractionating oil then polymerising it on site. Plastic feedstock comes from people like BASF and DOW, usually as granules or pellets for further processing:
  4. Assuming 'image integration' is your stacking, I wouldn't apply any cosmetic correction before stacking (unless it's automated hot pixel removal and the like). Also consider sigma clipping or auto-adaptive averaging to get rid of aircraft and satellites rather than just dumping those frames.
  5. I use it now, it's really easy. I haven't made any exact measurements but I see my guiding improve over the first twenty minutes to half hour and I am definitely seeing better guiding since I started using it. For the DEC I find that 'resist switch works best.
  6. Yes, but hours, minutes and seconds in SIDEREAL TIME, not 'clock time'. Think of it as rotating the scope to point north and 0 degrees dec. Then increasing the DEC to 90 degrees. It's just a convenient repeatable place to set the scope when you switch off and on. EQMOD will remember where ever you left the scope when switched off but any other position is much harder to find again, even approximately. For PEC try the 'predictive PEC' routine in PHD2, I find it is very good and improves my guiding after two worm rotations.
  7. It's a non-question. The line between planet and non-planet is an arbitrary construct whose value is enabling humans to classify non-stellar objects for the purpose of studying them. I would say division into gas-giants, ice-giants, rocky bodies with active gelology, static rocky bodies and comets would be more likely to be useful but even taht woudl have some ambiguities (like the asteroid that changed colour by out-gassing like a comet).
  8. My late 60s/early 70s 50mm Tasco shows Saturn's rings nicely. My 10" dob shows them rather better! Focal length of scope divided by diameter of objective. I would estimate your lovely scope as being about f16.
  9. They must get the basic plastic pellets & dies from the same sources as everyone else though?
  10. I've always been bit sceptical to be honest. None of the filament brands 'make' their own feedstock, even if they extrude their own filament (which I doubt) .
  11. Did you get the email today from Rigid Ink saying they are no longer going to sell filament?
  12. I was thinking of entering it as an APOD... Noise and dirt aside, it does show some subtle detail the DSLR didn't pick up (notably small stars), will be worth cleaning and cooling:
  13. Results of the experiment! Four frames of about 2 minutes One of about 30 seconds Ninety five of about 7.5 seconds Lots of dust! Poor aim! Unmatched darks! No Flats! No cooling! Iffy focus! Some potential, but a lot of work needed.
  14. Great! If you're in southern Derbyshire, you could come along to one of our RAG meetings - lots of friendly help and advice (and fig rolls). http://www.roslistonastronomy.org.uk/
  15. I don't know to be honest. I got both the 130P-DS and 150PL to image on the EQ3, with basic guiding the 150 should be OK, I think the main advantage/difference with the DS models is the focuser.
  16. Here's a circuit for one: Flick the switch, and if it's cloudy the bulb will light up...
  17. Dear Nice Mr Paul, I am very poor, but I needs an ASI1600MM Pro Cooled. And a C14. And an EQ8 would be nice. Thank you 😵
  18. Argh! It's appeared in my post, I think... better than mine, I would say!
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