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Everything posted by Highburymark

  1. I was just about to say the same thing. In my third decade of stargazing. Probably owned 40/50 eyepieces over the years, at least 10 diagonals, and have never had a problem.
  2. Very interesting Ken, thanks for posting
  3. Congrats Jeremy! Very interested to hear how you get on. An F15 fluorite - suspect false colour won’t be a problem.
  4. That’s among the best solar animations I’ve seen - fantastic for a Lunt 50. Congratulations.
  5. It’s the 3” - FT3035. Beautifully made, and glad to have it, but wouldn’t have bought new considering its stellar price. The original Tak focuser appeared to be excellent too.
  6. For its size, it’s pretty light. Starlight says it’s 3.6lbs (1.6kg), but that’s with the adapter and end cap. Which side did I fit…? Did you mean which visual back, or finder base?
  7. Since the Orion deal went through a couple of months ago I’ve been watching out for any market statements or messages through dealers about the future of the brand, but haven’t seen anything. Stocks of Meade product seem to be non-existent at most retailers. Particularly interested in what Orion might do with Coronado. The solar telescope market really needs some affordable competition for Lunt, which is so overpriced in Europe. Suspect Orion has a massive task ahead rebuilding the business, but there’s still a lot of goodwill out there for the brand
  8. Congratulations Agnes! Looks like a perfect tool for those of us with light polluted skies. Could you post a link so I can place an order?
  9. Nice report on a superb eyepiece. Once you get to this level, you can be sure you’re getting the best out of your telescope and sky conditions on any particular night. There’s very little optically between Delite, Delos and XW (and probably Morpheus - haven’t tried one yet) in my experience. They are all a pleasure to use and complement almost any decent scope.
  10. TSA-120 out tonight for views of the gas giants. Seeing only 6/10., but nice detail on both planets - first comparison I’ve been able to make between Pentax XW5 and Delite 4 - both eyepieces gave pretty much identical views once magnification and fov taken into consideration.
  11. My first Pentax XW - thanks to a FLO return. And very lovely it is too. Alongside a new Tak TOE 2.5mm, which will produce 240x in the TV85 and 360x in the TSA-120 for those extra special nights.
  12. Wow. Not jealous at all Stu. Want to make absolutely clear that in no way are my congratulations tinged with an overwhelming sense of envy. As you set off on your journey through the Sharpless Catalogue, spare a thought for us poor souls who are doing the Lunar 100 for the third time. Seriously - looks incredible.
  13. Along with a new telescope come unforeseen gaps in eyepiece collections. And so it has proved with the arrival of my TSA-120 - a yawning void has opened up between 130x and 225x. So a 5mm was needed for planetary views at 180x. I’ve broken the habit of a lifetime and gone for a Pentax XW, and very nice it looks too, beefy enough to hold its own in a case full of Televues. Have also added a 2.5mm Tak TOE for doubles and Moon. The 3.3mm is a stunning eyepiece, and so - inspired by others who own the equivalent Vixen HRs - I’m expecting great things of the 2.5mm for those rare evenings of perfect seeing.
  14. That’s a real beauty Deadlake! Congratulations.
  15. I couldn’t pass up an opportunity like that. I’d take the WO, and the minimum number of good quality EPs and filters to make the absolute most of the skies. You could also insure it against loss or damage for peace of mind. The advantages of an ED scope over an achromat will make a big difference under dark skies in my view. The first year I took my old Equinox 80ED on holiday to Spain I must have seen 40-odd Messiers. Amazing what small ED scopes can do in the right location.
  16. Wow. Happy 50kth John, and thanks for all the advice over the years.
  17. I second that Dave. Denis is a lovely guy who has not only made some amazing Zeiss binoviewers available over the years, but also helped educate us about the treasure trove of Zeiss microscope eyepieces out there for use by amateur astronomers. Wish him and his wife in particular the best.
  18. Thanks both - I’ll try Zeiss first but if no joy the repair site is a great find.
  19. Just checked and they are 3.2% nitrogen filled apparently. Binocular repairers that is, not the binoculars.
  20. Thanks Rusted. Not 100% sure for what, but thanks.
  21. Oops - only just seen your location - you have a bit longer to wait until darkness than we do the U.K. Time to get everything set up.
  22. Fantastic - congratulations. Jupiter, Saturn and the Moon are all rising, awaiting your first light….
  23. Wow - would love to have a peek through one. There are still 4 left at APM so maybe a pair would be good for binoviewing tricky double stars……
  24. Do you have the 1.6mm Jeremy? And if so, what have you used it for?
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