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Everything posted by xtreemchaos

  1. thanks David, ive been quite bizzy mate helping a friend out but my times my own since monday so geting back in the swing of things. hope you have some clear. charl.
  2. of course you can David, anything is possable if ye put you mind to it, look at it like a challange and it will work honist 😀. charl.
  3. started off nice and clear with steady seeing and with in 10min went to 90% cloud and wobbley seeing so im still trying so will update if i get better. kit starwave 102 f11, ed80, quark, asi120mc. wishing you all clear. thanks for looking. charl. 102. ed80 super large prom.
  4. yes seen them on gong first thing, nothing but misery here dark n rain most of the day.
  5. thanks Dave, ive been neglecting the sun of late mate, ive been helping a mate setup a computer repair bis but ive got my time back now. but the weather has been pants as you say, seeing here was not the best and the cloud made for short vids. hope you get a chance soon. charl.
  6. not too good shots, skys have been terrible here, cloud dodging on both sessions. kit starwave 102, f11, quark, asi120mc "i carnt get on with the mono cam it needs a priest" clear skys , thanks for looking. charl. 26th i know if you close one eye its not as bad . 28 a little better.
  7. thanks Pete, that very kind of you. clear skys. charl.
  8. great shots David, got clouded out before the quark warmed up here, shame really as those proms look nice. charl.
  9. yes the power of the Quark is truly wonderfull, im into 4th year with mine and it never stops amazing me. well done. charl.
  10. great shots mate, pitiful skys here today. charl.
  11. just had a look on gong back to nothingness again , i had 10 min of clear thismorrning but before the quark warmed up it started raining but after seeing gong it would of been pointless 🤨. thanks guys for the likes. wishing you all clear. charl.
  12. great shot Dave, would you believe i caught it on Friday 😀, sunny here today but after its outa range mate. charl.
  13. great shots mate, i missed my window today, thanks for the view. charl.
  14. at last I get a few vids, seeing isn't the best and its quite cloudy but ill take anything. kit starwave 102, quark, asi120mc. hope you all have clear, thanks for looking. charl. AR I don't even know the number. nice prom mid off going limb. prom upper oncoming limb. prom upper off going limb.
  15. great shot mate, well done for catching it under todays conditions. charl.
  16. nice one Alan, glad you got a look. here sohos image. hope you get lucky David.
  17. raining here too chaps but my grass needs it its a fine yellow colour 😀 i dare not look at the weather forcast for the next few days.
  18. clouds here again thismorrning David, darn weather mate im sick of it. hope you have better. charl.
  19. great result Pete, looks a interesting AR mate. charl.
  20. great shots David, im iching to get a few vids of it mate but it wasnt to be darn weather was 2 hour too late for me. hope we all get another chance tomorrow. charl.
  21. lovely shots mate, very nice detail. well done. charl.
  22. great shots Dave, darn weather beat me mate, hope we get better tomorrow. on a diff note canon had just picked my 2000d up today its only took them 13 weeks with a bit of luck ill get it back by Christmas 😀 well done for catching that spot in this weather. charl.
  23. great shots Stu, it looks a nice AR mate, i was trying but the weather beat me. charl.
  24. thanks Dave, im gutted as soon as sol was outa range my sky was like this its like its laughing at me 😀, maybe tomorrow ill be luckier, hope you sky gets better today. charl.
  25. thanks Mg, well the sun is shining but too late sadly it broke at 10am 30min after it went outa range .
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