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Everything posted by xtreemchaos

  1. thanks Pete, hope you have some clear mate. charl.
  2. well done mate, lovely images as allways. yea british weather is poor and when we get a bit of clear the seeing dismal. charl.
  3. thanks Rusty, luck of the draw mate, the ed80 gives a nice bright image which helps with proms but its lacking in mag when the seeing is good but today it was pants so didn't matter too much πŸ˜€. clear skys. charl.
  4. thanks Geoff, much the same here mate, only short vids on offer. hope you get some clear soon . charl.
  5. a qwick session with fast moving cloud, theres a new small AR but not the best of shots with the seeing, 2 nice proms if you get the chance. kit ed80 quark, asi120mc. thanks for looking. Stay safe everyone. charl. pityfull ar shot sorry. prom lower oncoming limb. prom lower off going limb. There is another prom on the upper off going limb but my vid was riddled with cloud and could not do anything with it.
  6. thanks Philip ,im sorry i had humor lapse πŸ˜‰, i get them more and more as the world gos mad πŸ˜€. some nice scopes in this post i hope to own one one day. yes stay safe everyone, ive been in lockdown 3 weeks today and im still not bored. clear skys. charl.
  7. nice one mate, thick haze here thismorrning i did have a qwick look but it was a boll of soap "there i go sleep spelling again must be the fear of captain trips πŸ˜‰. well done. charl.
  8. looks good to me mate, wish I had one just like it. well done . charl.
  9. thanks Craig, agreed I like to see them too. quite chuffed with the new camera its on par with the 1200d, I hope it matches on hardyness I had over 200.000 frames before it kicked the bucket. clear skys. charl.
  10. qwick moon seeing ive got a bit of clear and it would be bad to waste it. seeings a bit fazey but im trying this 2000d i got earlier in the year to replace my 1200d and its about the same as the 1200d when on the frac. kit starwave 102, said 2000d obsy openroom window. thanks for looking, clear sky. charl. ps sols got a spot hurrah !.
  11. thanks Pete, I think the JS is just over the south of wales, its very low today. charl.
  12. thanks Mark, glad you got some views, its been a while for me too. charl.
  13. thanks Chris, hope you have some clear mate. charl.
  14. wow ive some clear thismorrning ! but seeing is pants, darn jet stream eh. but theres some nice proms if you get the chance. kit starwave 102 f11, quark, asi120mc. thanks for looking . clear skys. charl. prom bright upper off going limb. prom not so bright near bottom of the disc. prom off going limb lower.
  15. wish thay would repossessed my camera and give me another, I dropped it a while ago well dropped it then stood on it and bent the bit where the usb plugged in πŸ€ͺ. charl.
  16. great discs David, yes very quite mate, I had a qwick look thismorrning, just some very small proms, my cam is acting up it was giving me live view but very low res think it needs recycling or a Exorcism πŸ˜€. charl.
  17. very nice test mate, well done. charl.
  18. great shot Peter, its nice to have some action. charl.
  19. WOW yea double WOW, im impressed, stuff dreams are made of. thanks for the link John
  20. just a bit mate πŸ˜‰The Devils Dialysis 2020 VR rig, im not quite finnish yet im waiting for a custom res to be made and delivered and I need to get some fans that match rbg of course how else would I find my rig in the dark 😁
  21. thanks Dave, agreed think im going to take up bog snorkeling to fill in the time mate. charl.
  22. thanks Alan, I feel much better now πŸ˜€. well done on this years firstlight. charl.
  23. try as I might I couldn't get any good data with the darn seeing today so just for the jist and practice. kit starwave 102, 120mm, quark. asi120mc. don't laugh, ok but laugh kindly. thanks for looking , clear skys. charl. ar2757 st 120mm proms lower oncoming limb. prom upper off going limb. proms lower off going limb.
  24. thanks Neil but sadly its not my image, its off this site https://sohowww.nascom.nasa.gov/ I forgot to add a credit. ive had a look today but could not get any data as its very cloudy here but on the live view look nice if a bit fazy there quit a bit of activity around the spot and a large prom on the upper oncoming limb if you get chance for a look. charl.
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