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Everything posted by orion25

  1. Here is my best image of the Mars Opposition this cycle, taken with the ASI224mc using the Orion 180mm Mak, captured in Firecapture, processed in Registax 6, post-processed in Photoshop: I was able to get Olympus Mons before it rotated out of view, and the polar regions and some cloud appeared to be visible: Visually, I could only see the dark albedo regions as the planet was almost white from the full illumination of the sun. Its close brush with the moon was exciting also (the moon didn't occult Mars from my latitude, instead coming within 0.5 degrees of the Red Planet): I dodged copious cloud all evening and was fortunate to capture some data and get some prime-focus shots during breaks. Soon, however, clouds took over and I called it a night. But oh, what a night! Cheers, Reggie
  2. Great animation. Mars wasn't occulted in my location in the southern United States, I'm glad you were able to capture this!
  3. Here is a composite of Mars images taken over a series of nights leading up to perigee using my 180mm Mak and ASI224mc, captured with Firecapture and processed in Registax 6: As I capture more data over the next few weeks, I'll add to my composite. Cheers, Reggie
  4. Get out your telescopes and cameras! You won't want to miss these Martian features. November 30 (perigee): Syrtis Major and Hellas December 8 (opposition) December 10: Mare Cimmerium and Elysium December 17: Mare Sirenum and Olympus Mons December 23: Tharsis Ridge, Solis Lacus (the "Eye of Mars"), and Valles Marineris December 30: Solis Lacus, Valles Marineris, Mare Erythraeum, and Sinus Meridiani Sources: Astronomy Magazine, November/December 2022 issues
  5. I heartily agree with Malcolm. That is one gorgeous piece of kit! Regards, Reggie
  6. Fingers, toes, arms, and eyes crossed for you, buddy!
  7. Thanks, Geof. How's the Red Planet looking from your neck of the woods?
  8. Two weeks to opposition, a week to perigee! A variably cloudy week for us in the southern U.S. but during those brief windows of clarity, I was able to capture some valuable Martian data. Here is the result of Wednesday night's hour-long session, Valles Marineris/Sinus Meridiani regions and the polar hood on full display: Orion 180mm Mak, ASI224mc, no barlow, captured in Firecapture, processed in Registax 6 and Photoshop
  9. Seeing may have been bad but the images are GREAT, Neil. You made the most out of tough conditions. Bravo, mate! Regards, Reggie
  10. Here is the best image I got of Mars from Friday night's session with the "Big Mak" (180mm). Mars is looking great again this time around! Firecapture capturing valuable Martian data! The "Big Mak" 180mm! The ASI224mc at work! Mars is at top; Orion rising on the right... Can you see Orion?? (both of them, lol) Conclusion: The time to view and image Mars is NOW!!! Cheers, Reggie🤩
  11. Oh, to be shouted at to go outside to look at a planet... What BLISS, haha
  12. Here are some new pics of imaging rig (Orion 180mm Mak, ASI224mc and laptop with Firecapture). Right now, I'm "focused" on Mars and took these shots Friday night as I was capturing some data: Mars is at the top of the picture; Orion is rising on the right: Can you see Orion?? And, of course, I had to include the fruit of my data collection: Cheers! Reggie🤩
  13. Crackin' image, Paul. I have an Orion 127 Mak Reggie
  14. My planetary imaging rig. Pictured is my Orion 127mm Mak, ASI224mc and laptop with Firecapture and Registax 6 at the ready. This was taken in 2018 during the great Mars opposition of that year. I usually use my 180mm Mak for planetary imaging, but the 127mm is a little more photogenic, lol. Time to set this up again! Clear skies! Reggie
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