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Everything posted by DeepSkyBagger

  1. You know it's Summer when... You wait for it to go dark, set your telescope up and realise that it's light again.

    1. Littleguy80


      haha so true! I've had a couple of nights of wondering why everything was starting to looked washed out and then realised it was because the sun was coming up!

    2. DeepSkyBagger
  2. Just waiting for it to go dark. Well a bit dark. Just a little bit... oh, go on!

  3. Preparing for the Webb Deep-Sky Society AGM in Cambridge on Saturday.

    1. estwing


      would like to do this one year, have a great time

    2. FenlandPaul


      Really looking forward to it!  My first one.

  4. Now there's another advantage I hadn't thought of! Sometimes, especially in high contrast situations, I can hardly see past mine. Awful.
  5. Can't reply from personal experience, but I can echo the comments made above with reference to my Mum. She'd worn glasses since being a little girl and then in her late 60s (IIRC), she had surgery to remove both her lenses, which had cataracts. She walked out of the hospital without glasses. The artificial lenses they put in were much better than the natural ones! That was almost 20 years ago, and she now has to wear glasses again, but with much less extreme lenses in them. I found myself wishing that they'd do it for non-cataracted eyes!
  6. From the Uranometria Deep-Sky Field Guide, which for me is the most reliable source for magnitudes: NGC 5221 m=13.0, SB=13.5 NGC 5222 m=13.1, SB not given NGC 5226 neither magnitude nor SB given NGC 5230 m=12.2, SB=13.2 In any event, 5226 is going to be a real toughie. NGC 'extremely faint, pretty small.' Good luck with that one!
  7. Beginners - start with binoculars, for pity's sake!

  8. Come the fat moon, come the clear skies...

  9. Well, that was a mudbath!

  10. Yup, me too. Tonight's forecast says it will be clear. Mind you, it did last night as well...

  11. What's happening to the sky? There are patches of something... blue.

    1. ronin


      Not here it's not, just the 50 shades of grey that seem to be normal now..

    2. Uranium235


      It was clear here last night. But with barely 2hrs of twilight to play with, I decided to give it a miss (im not setting up at midnight!). Now bring forth the darkness!

  12. Galloway booked for November.

  13. Something's gone wrong with the natural order. I actually got to see the eclipse!

    1. Ant


      Me too, quite amazing really considering what the weather usually does to us :)

  14. No clear, moonless nights for 6 weeks now. Getting antsy.

  15. Venus and Mercury - lovely naked eye pairing this evening.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. DeepSkyBagger


      I saw them when out on a walk too. Made me happy.

    3. ghostdance


      Through dramatic cloud fortesses, they were indeed a lovely sight as they have been the past few evenings. Still excited to see Mercury, a first for me :)

    4. DeepSkyBagger
  16. Two unexpected clear nights this month. Wahay! Clear again tonight, but too moony to go out.

  17. What are the chances of another clear moon-free night before next year?

    1. Uranium235


      Slim at the mo. November was a bit pants, 2 nights is all I got. Woke up this morn to a blue sky, so theres hope yet.

    2. Alienfox


      Nice blue skies here too, but my weather software says 100% cloud cover for tonight, damn frustrating.

    3. tingting44
  18. Looks like it's shaping up for a clear one!

  19. Yes! It's down! Kudos ESA!

  20. Heart's a bit in mouth at the moment. Happy landings Philae!

  21. Back to deep dark cloud until the next full moon, then.

  22. Oh yeah. It's clear now. The huge Moon has sucked all the clouds away. Great. :-(

    1. cotterless45


      Huge Moon = clear sky ;-(

    2. astronymonkey


      Ive been out and used the moon to find uranus. Only a couple of degrees away !

    3. DeepSkyBagger


      Well,I suppose it's gotta be good for something!

  23. I don't know what the weathermen's definition of 'clear' is, but it certainly isn't the same as mine.

  24. Forecast is for a clear night. Currently under heavy leaden cloud. Don't believe it.

  25. Under cloud. Grumpy.

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