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Everything posted by Ibbo!

  1. It was roasting out there in our little sun trap, I think it got up to 39°C and the cam got up to 53°C There were over about 5 hours and cleared away before the rain and thunder and lightning. The seeing was not great so had to run through pipp as well. I retired at about 4-30 am Just got the overexposed discs to sort out now.
  2. Lunt 60mm double stacked with Rich Tuner Chameleon cam 200 frames prodded and poked inwith pipp, AS3, imppg and photoshop give it a click or 3 for full res Ha mono
  3. Just popped out and its lovely, not just the sky but it is nice and cool. Hoovered up the naked eye ones luna, jupiter and saturn earlier and now mars and venus . no chance of mercury as too many buildings in the way.
  4. Glad I packed when I did instead of the "I'll just have another 1/2 hour" as we have just had a right cloud burst.
  5. First ser of the day. Just stacked no other processing
  6. Ha with Lunt 60mm and D/S Chamelon cam Ed 80 reduced & Lunt 600 Cak bf do the clicky thing for full res.
  7. Nicely done. About to venture out into the blast furnace like air - I might take my fan with me.
  8. The forecast was eventualy correct., I only had to wait 5 hours and it did clear. Ha will have to wait for a restack. 20% of 1000 frame with the Blackfly cam.
  9. I did it some years ago with the FS60 with less than x50 and it was not just me 3 out of the 5 of us anged it . Now I have the scope back I will see how I do 20 years on.
  10. https://transit-finder.com/ I have one from here on Sat night and a solar next Weds if I nip down the road a few miles to Shipley park.
  11. Ha LRGB with the FS102 & WO 132 3 nights of 17 x 600 L x2 binning rgb 19 Ea x 300s x2 binning Ha 17 x 1200 x2 binning More data than I thought.
  12. Q - how many telescopes do you need? A - All of them 🤡
  13. You could well be correct. I think my obession with the squid has made me think I need more data on everything else.
  14. I do have some LRGB I don't think i have enough though. 😃 I will stack what I have and go from there.
  15. Vey nice . I am in exactly the same boat as you with this object and I am wondering if I should delay the change of scopes. So far I have only stacked the Ha.
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