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Everything posted by Jonk

  1. Sounds like you should also remove all sgp installations and start fresh.... also probably need an internet connection to register the installation at the time of fresh install.
  2. Fair enough, maybe download the latest then? V or something.
  3. That is a very old version you have? Unless you really have to use sgp, why not try NINA or Voyager?
  4. Yeh, it's not sitting right with a lot of people. I'm looking at Voyager, but not necessarily for the reasons discussed here.
  5. I don't think you can - a friend of mine had a perfectly working version of 3.1xxx and when he put 3.2 on, it lost all his sequence settings, profiles etc and half of his equipment wouldn't connect. He wrote to them to ask if he roll back and they basically said it's not possible, as only >3.2 can be licenced, anything earlier was not possible. He was very upset and basically told them it should be his choice which version to use, after all, he paid for it. But no, same answer, you cannot licence <3.2 now. Unless, you have a complete backup of your HD as a cloned image - you could try reinstating that image prior to any updates (Windows or SGP)?
  6. I've just seen your post on the SGP forum Dave - word of warning, once you install >3.2, you will not be able to downgrade.
  7. I would have snapped it up, but needed to shift something else quickly to help pay for it. Not to be however, maybe next time.
  8. I have just been told that it’s sold. But not to me 😭
  9. I've had a trial of Voyager for about a week now, and as with any software, there's a learning curve. So far however, it seems to fit the bill, you just need to remember how to set things up properly, and more importantly, why they need to be set up in the way they are. There;s no one size fits all with software, and there are alway things good and not so good, but it's about matching the softwsre to the requirement. For me, dual / triple or more scope control on 1 mount is near if not top of the list - Voyager array can take care of this.
  10. I've contacted Dave and there's already a lot of interest in it, mine included!
  11. I tried Nina, but it won’t play with the sharpsky focuser. Another option is Voyager which is the likely path I’ll take.
  12. I haven’t had any issues myself, but a friend of mine has after updating. SGP won’t allow downgrading to 3.1 from 3.2 either, he’s lost all his profile information and it won’t connect to half of his equipment. Might have to move to another program, as a few others appear to be doing. If you have a dedicated pc for imaging, keep it off the internet and don’t update anything unless sure!
  13. Have you raised this on the Discord section? I never see a "disconnected" in SGP either. I didn't post in the Discord forum, instead I emailed the SharpSky developer, and he agreed that the 64Bit version of Nina does not connect to the SharpSky driver, which he's confused about, as it should. The SharpSky driver is 32bit and 64bit compatible and complies with the ASCOM verfication checks. He's going to take it up with Nina so there may be a new SharpSky driver or Nina build to address this on the way.
  14. I've just read about Voyager and am keen to test it alongside N.I.N.A Has anyone got any further thoughts on this option, as I'm sure a lot more testing has taken place since July?
  15. Pixinsight Pixelmath has a very simple formula to remove magenta from the edge of stars: https://pixinsight.com/forum/index.php?threads/using-pixelmath-to-get-rid-of-magenta-stars-in-sho-hubble-palette-narrowband.7128/
  16. From what I know about SGP, it’s polling a lot most of the time, and is basically a vey long “if-then” list which means there’s a lot of waiting going on.
  17. No, I haven't raised anything, I'll get round to signing up....it's on the list! SGP did like a pop up when something disconnected in software, but true, I haven't pulled cables in SGP to see what happens. I'm guessing it's because SGP must only check for a connection every now and then (minutes probably) but when there's a reason for the software to disconnect, it reacts straight away.
  18. First problem for me... Sharpsky focusers won’t stay connected. They instantly disconnect. Another problem, pulling the usb cable from the camera and no pop up to say disconnected. Even after waiting a while. Have to stick with SGP for now...
  19. The main problem with SGP, is it's mainly a 2 person outfit. 2 of the biggest issues I have with it are the graphical layout, windows not being embedded properly, over filling the screen when on a laptop, it doesn't appear to scale properly etc., and the non-cancellable delays when connecting to a piece of equipment which leads to lost time and added frustration. It is good, and one of a kind (or at least was), but with there being other options, this can only be a good thing. Maybe they'll learn from one another?
  20. I'm going to give it a go too. I have used SGP for the past few years (since early version 2) and although it is good, there are aspects of it that bug me.
  21. If you use mains outside it is imperative that it is rcd protected!
  22. Just looking back at some old topics, I wondered how you got on with this?
  23. Your LiZone battery is likely not going to work. These batteries have circuitry that detects low current (i.e. device you are charging is charged and no longer drawing current from the charger), and therefore switch their output off. I learnt this on a star adventurer - perfect for about 30 seconds then if goes off! My advice, if you need to use a battery and you're not sure about electronics / voltage / current / power etc, is look for a Powertank (various brands, namely Skywatcher and Celestron). This is the simplet way to achieve what you need. Essentially all they are is a lead acid battery, probably a 7Ah (Ah means capacity, so a 7Ah battery theoretically can deliver 1A for 7 hours, or 7A for 1 hour etc.) The AZ-EQ6 probably needs a 5A power supply for when it starts to slew, especially both axis, but for normal tracking speeds, the current is a lot less, maybe half an A (I haven't measured this, I might do one day). So, a Powertank is likely your best bet as there's little you need to understand, apart from use it, then charge it! https://www.firstlightoptics.com/batteries-powerpacks/skywatcher-powertank-7ah.html
  24. 8A I think, but I didn’t fit one... I linked it out... James’ advice on the fets is correct.... make sure they are fitted as per the silk screen... The metal heatsink side goes to the 3 rectangles on the silk screen.
  25. It must be condensation. You either need ventilation, or purge with argon and then seal.
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