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Posts posted by Dinglem

  1. Have you tried shift and connect to the camera and checked it's connecting to the correct setting, digic 3 I think for the 450d, I had an issue as it was set to a newer version, I can't show you at the moment as I have a seperate astro-laptop.

  2. Hi Simon, like me I started with that EQ5 and a 200p for visual and found it ok. It was only when  I started to try and do astrophotography with it I realised it was not up to the job. So I purchased an EQ6R-Pro and the difference was unbelievable. Unfortunately that was not the end of it for me, as I have to set up and strip down everytime I found that I needed to fiddle with the 200P's collimation constantly. I have now purchased a refractor and haven't looked back.

    @Stu made a very good point about mounting your 72ED on the EQ5 and getting experience in astrophotography before spending more money on something you may regret later.

    Good luck with the wedding.


  3. APT for me too, once set up and configured to your equipment it just seems to work everytime for me. If you have any issues you can always ask on here or the APT forum you will quickly get an answer. I've never used Backyard EOS so can't comment on it.

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  4. @Allinthehead those are stunning. I have the same scope and I'm using a modded DSLR but have been thinking of getting a dedicated astro camera and was looking at the ASI294MC pro after seeing other peoples results on here. Looking at those with little processing I now think it may be worth spending the extra money on one of these cameras.

  5. So I had a free day yesterday and decided to sort out my equipment and update my astro laptop software packages. I downloaded the latest Stellarium and managed to get it to sync with APT. I installed my Xmas present from my sweetheart (Optolong L-eNhance filter) how did she know it's what I wanted??? I recently installed the free trial version of Pixinsight on my main laptop so after watching a few YouTube videos decided to get some Dark and Bias frames to create some masters ready for my next session.

    The weather was good yesterday and it stayed clear here as the sun started to set, so I set everything up outside hoping the apps were wrong and it wouldn't get cloudy. As it got darker I launched Sharpcap and completed a polar allingment, I used Stellarium and APT to slew to Vega and checked the focus was good. I then used Goto++ in APT to slew to NGC 7380 (Wizard Nebula), I set PHD2 off guiding and then I had my first issue; my laptop would not connect to my Lyn Astro dew controller so I manually set the temperature to quite low as it wasn't too damp at that time. So I started capturing 5 minute subs went inside and remoted into my astro laptop from my main laptop to check how it was going, all appeared good.
    I recently set up a Rpi NAS at home so I'm able to transfer data to it and then to my other laptop on the go, so after I'd got a few subs I opened them in PI to check the quality, they looked ok to me. after about an hour PHD2 started binging a lost star warning so I went outside and the clouds were starting to cover the sky, I then took loads of flat frames using my main laptop, Notepad and 3 sheets of white paper and decided to take some more darks in case it cleared. I then set about trying to process the 9 subs I'd managed to capture with the 200 flat frames the master bias and dark frames I'd created earlier. Despite the lack of subs I'm quite pleased with the result, I have done a quick Histogram stretch, and the knowledge I have gained, I'm definately going to purchase PI when I can afford it.

    So this morning I thought I'd sort out the issue with the connection to the Lynx Astro dew controller, you won't believe it, my Astro Laptop will not turn on, it's been playing up for a while I suspect the battery has died. So just when I thought I was getting on top of this frustrating hobby I get another spanner in the works. So do I gamble and order a new battery then discover it is the laptop that has failed, do I set up another old laptop I have and hope it will be ok, do I set up my Rpi3 with Indigo or do I buy a mini PC as I know my way around windows?

    Anyway here's the calibrated stacked image as it is in PI with a quick stretch.


    • Like 1
  6. @apophisOAS for so little data and no darks, flats etc that looks pretty good to me. I keep thinking about getting Pixinsight as I struggle with AstroArt to get anything that good. I've watched loads of videos and bought the book Inside PI, the results from others using it inspires me. I've just got a more powerfull laptop so think in the New Year I'll download the free trial version and give it a try. I look forward to seeing your improvements as you learn more about PI.

    • Like 1
  7. I've been off today with a list of jobs to do, which I managed to get completed about an hour ago. So I thought I'd tidy up my scope setup and the wiring to everything. My intention was to replace the small Skywatcher losmandy dovetail bar with a longer Altair-Astro one I have, so I can velcro my Lynx astro dew controller and USB hub underneath out of the way, then get a shorter dovetail bar to put on the top to mount my guidescope. So I removed the tube rings from the little SW dovetail and attempted to fix it to the other dovetail only to discover that none of the holes matched up. So I've put everything back as it was and put it outside as it may stay clear here for a few hours. Anyone know what's the best way for me to resolve this issue.

  8. 3 minutes ago, Jkulin said:

    @Dinglem Speaking as I own an import company you need to take into consideration not just the taxes and the duty but the freight costs and customs clearance charges, it all adds up quite significantly.

    We always state on every quotation: -

    Duty is calculated at the cost of the item+ the Ocean Freight + Any Collection Charge + Fees + Insurance, then multiplied by the rate.

    VAT is calculated by adding the above total figure plus the amount duty, then multiplying by the relevant rate of VAT.

    So HMRC certainly get their blood money.

    I understand all that but these are produced in China so won't importing them into the USA also incur similar charges?

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  9. On 10/11/2019 at 12:49, Davey-T said:

    A few updates ago it stuffed my user folder so had to make a new one and it managed to lose the registration info of a couple of astro' apps so they reverted to demo mode.


    It's done that twice to me recently 🤬

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