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Everything posted by Physopto

  1. I gave up trying to observe from my back garden precisely because of street lights...... All eleven of them. Trouble is the older you get it seems the worse light pollution seems to affect your eyesight and ability to dark adapt in a short time period. You also loose the ability to see colours that were obvious when younger.
  2. I hope you both enjoy the forum and the night skies πŸ˜ƒ
  3. Hi Damian, I haven't seen Richard for a few years now. I hope he is well and going strong. Sutton Bank, you get around πŸ˜‚ πŸ”­πŸ”­πŸ”­πŸ”­
  4. Hi Jim, Yes it will be good to catch up once again. Just as long as we are able to do so! The news of several possible Covid inoculations becoming imminently available is a welcome respite to the ears. Let's hope it works out for us all. The Scottish Star Parties at Drumroamin are one of the highlights of our year πŸ˜ƒπŸ₯ƒπŸ˜ƒ. I hope you and Dawn have a nice Christmas and New Year. Keep well.😷πŸ₯ƒπŸ₯ƒπŸ₯ƒ
  5. Hi Adrian, I hope you are doing OK. The above announcement was not a post that I wished to place here on the forum, but the present nightmare of Covid -19 has changed a lot of things and expectations. Still, there is now some hope on the horizon as to how we may be able to deal with this terrible outbreak, in the form of the up and coming inoculations promised some time in the New Year. Hopefully for some even earlier. A return to happier times will be a very welcome boost to every ones moral I think. It will be very nice to be allowed to return to the way The Scottish Star Camps were held in the past if that is ever possible! Stay well Adrian. Derek
  6. I saw it from just outside of Alston in a very dark area. Fantastic sight. So clear, just a pity I did not have any Astro gear then.
  7. Look on CPC website there are several good water proof (to an extent) cases. You get the idea. About Β£30-40 ish but the foam is the costly bit. I try to use packing foam I keep from other deliveries.You can use spray glue or water based types suitable for foam otherwise it cam melt the foam. Efoam sell loads of different types. All mine in the photo are reclaimed.
  8. Well well Damian ! Are you being rude then? 🀣 δΈ­ζ–‡ But I do get your point. It has become a bit of a pain in the rear end to me. We should have the option to switch it off really. Mind you I don't mind the highlighting as my spelling can be abysmal at times. It depends upon how tired I am.
  9. I hope none of us is in Lock Down and we can all make it !!! πŸ€” This word correction thing is painful ! It is taking me ages to write a few words. May be I should write in Chinese and see the outcome! πŸ˜‚ Stay safe. Derek
  10. My fingers, toes and everything else is crossed !!!! Derek
  11. Sorry Heather it is from Latin ! Quote :β€œAmateur” comes from β€œamatore”, Latin for β€œlover”. It means β€œsomeone who does something for love rather than money” or β€œsomeone motivated by love rather than money”. Derek
  12. You could mess around in Photoshop or on of the free programs to get rid of the purple blob as you call it. Derek
  13. There will always be someone who tries to make a profit by underhand means. There are loads of examples on line. One for instance was a bar of soap for sale from Aussie. They were advertising it at around £14 and £9 plus for shipping! The actual soap was available from Loccitane for £9. Yes I know a daft price even direct from the maker, but there are many such crazy sales pitches going on at present. What I want to know is which idiots actually fall for it 🀣 Derek
  14. So many times in the same position where everything goes wrong, one after another. It gets almost to the point of a Keystone Cops comedy, without feeling so. You probably did the right thing, another quiet drink and give up until the next day. No point in bashing your head against a brick wall. There is always another day/night in the future. πŸ™‚ Derek
  15. Hi Alan, I am glad you enjoyed the Star Camp and have booked up for the next two camps. It is always nice to see newcomers to the party, especially the ones who have enjoyed the clear skies that Galloway can offer. Just remember to bring plenty of warm clothing including warm socks and good boots. If we manage to beat Covid-19 the warm room will be available once more, and that changes everything for the better. πŸ˜ƒ Derek
  16. Cracking images! Must have taken some considerable effort and time to accomplish this set of images. Well done and thanks for taking the time and effort to post them all. Derek
  17. Hi John and welcome to the forum. Have fun exploring πŸ˜ƒ Derek
  18. Cracking image with lots of detail with the dust lanes beautifully clear. One to be proud of. Derek
  19. I hope you enjoyed yourself even after forgetting some gear. It does pay to check then check again before leaving home. I know as I have done plenty of forgetting myself. Anybody who says different is not telling the truth. 😱 Nice picture of the horses ....... 🀣 Derek
  20. Thank you Adrian, It was a different Star Camp as all who attended can attest to. But it was a good Star Camp with some very clear skies and good company. I am sorry you missed it and do hope you are well enough to attend the Spring event. We made some new friends and reacquainted some old ones, (yes some very OLD ones 🀣 ). We had some good laughs and although we could not shake hands, we still managed to greet each other in the usual fashion, er...... yes least said the better.....😱 I am sorry to say I cannot see Covid-19 restrictions being lifted at all in the near future. So I am planning for that contingency. I hope you noticed I have now posted the dates for the 2022 Star Camps. That gives everyone who needs it plenty of time to set holidays, get ready and maybe even book a pitch early. As pitches are at a premium it always is a good idea to book well in advance rather than be caught out. I know from my own experiences in the past at Kielder it can be a right disappointment to be told all pitches have been booked and there is nothing left. Missing a favourite event is so disappointing. We all look forwards to seeing you at the next Star Camp. Get well soon, Derek
  21. Excellent news for you Jim, or should say for Dawn, as she would have had you wingeing for EVER aboot it. 🀣 Really though, good news πŸ˜ƒ I am glad it is sorted without spending a small fortune. All the best, Derek
  22. Excellent news Jim. I hope it does not happen again. It looked dire. How easy was the strip down, cleaning with what and reassembly? By the way you are in the wrong Star Camp posts πŸ˜‚ Derek
  23. Thanks for posting a few pictures there Jim. Nice to see a few, even with a sober Mapstar I believe..... 😱 OK I am only joking there Damian. 🀣 Derek P.S. Dates for the 2022 Star Camps have been posted as of now. Derek
  24. Hi everyone. I have the pleasure of announcing the dates for:- Scotland's Premier Autumn (November) Star Camp in 2022 The Star Camp will be held as usual at Drumroamin Camp Site. Between the Monday the 21st and Friday the 25th November. (The New Moon is on Tuesday the 23rd November ) Bookings are available from the 21st until the 28th November when discussed with the site owner at the time of booking ! This has been a particularly awkward one to set up as we have had to fit in with school holidays and other commitments of the site owners. To get the weekend in we have had to move to late November as October was just not feasible. The New Moon in October would have been on Tuesday the 25th meaning that by the following weekend the moon would have been becoming too bright. I could not start the camp earlier than the Sunday the 23rd as the site was booked. So people arriving on the Sunday would have had to setup in too much of a hurry, some obviously could not have travelled there only to leave the same day for work. Then the next weekend was too far away and moonrise in the afternoon causing problems. So late November it is I am afraid ! As stated in earlier posts, I am continuing to base the Star Camp dates centred as closely as possible around the New Moon. This is to encompass the best chance for the darkest possible nights for all concerned. These dates still and will always contain a weekend so hopefully most can attend if at work during the week days. I also will do my best to have the included weekend at the end of the star camps, in the hope that we can reinstate the Pie and Peas on the Saturday night when the New Moon is brightening up. General Moon Information for Attendees: Once again the important detail here is the time that the Moon sets and rises. In the Autumn of in 2022 and the moon sets in the evening and rises in the morning. This means that observers and imagers are still able to view/image some days before and after the New Moon without moonlight pollution affecting them. An important Note to all. In the past we have been very lucky to be hosted by Lesley and Ralph Shell who genuinely wants to see our one and only Premier Scottish Star Camps succeed and they have gone out of their way many times to accommodate us and our needs. Unfortunately, some attendees have been leaving earlier than their nights originally booked. The owners cannot afford to bear the costs of these late cancellations in future, as Covid-19 has already severely affected their profit margins. As such, Lesley has reluctantly decided that in future ALL NIGHTS BOOKED must be paid for. (Unless there are weather related reasons i.e. likelihood of damage to tents and life due to severe weather). This will remain her decision at all times. These cancellations have also affected the availability of places for those on the backup/waiting list as it precludes their attendance at such a late date. As always those wishing to attend a day or so early and/or stay longer can request this with Lesley at the time of booking! (This depends upon availability due to other reservations by the general public.) Best wishes Derek
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