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Everything posted by Paul73

  1. Rainy days are for gaining the domestic brownie points to alow a decent run on Obsy building when the weather allows. Paul
  2. That a one cracking eyepiece collection. Nice to see that you have resisted the lure of the 100° monsters. Paul
  3. I man can never never have too many sheds!!
  4. Either they are selling mini telrads now, or that lovely eyepiece is an absolute beast. I’ve never had a look through one of those, so am looking forward to the first light report. Paul
  5. The postman has been busy: A couple of TV Plossls to complete the lineup 25,20,15, and now 11 and 8. An electric hand warmer for long observing sessions. And a couple of additions to the meteorite collection; a lump of Libian Glass impactite and a Dioginate mini-meteorite (from Vesta).
  6. Surely only during the build phase? You could run a pipe with a small tap directly into the obsy....... Looking good. Paul
  7. Yes. I’m luckier than most. But there is always darker sky somewhere. ? I’m jealous of Dave’s NR Bridport,Dorset sky. Dark sky and a lovely part of the world. The numbers only tell half the story! Paul
  8. That’s good enough for me. Count me in for Friday and Saturday nights please! Paul
  9. Hi Folks Is this site dark enough for great visual observing? I see that there is a pub within spitting distance in the unlikely event of clouds ? Paul
  10. A middle of of the road reading for me. Dark enough to enjoy myself! NELM@Zenith is 5.5 on a good night. I wish that my gear was more portable.... Paul
  11. It looks very lonely in the corner. Nice to see you back buying again. The UK Astro industry can breath a sigh or relief. Paul
  12. @garryblueboy you may find that you don’t need the 12mm as you have the 14mm and the 10mm. Maybe spend the cash on a couple of in- travel adaptors to make the 14 & 17.3mm Delos parfocal with the rest of the range and the 24mm Panoptic. Paul
  13. No sympathy required Stu. But, thanks all the same. A case full of Televue is better than money in the bank. ?. I’ll enjoy rebuilding my collection. Some of Gary’s nice new bix full of Green & Black look really familiar! He’ll enjoy the move from the excellent SLV range. The viewing experience is similar in style. But, everything that the little SLV’s do, the Delos does just a little bit better and noticeably wider. Paul
  14. Hope that is what I think it is. Thought that you would be waiting ages. Open the box! Open the box!!! Paul
  15. ☹️☹️☹️This is it folks☹️☹️☹️ ‘Lean Observing’ Bank of Televue properly raided! You only realise how good Delos are when you use primitive Plossls (Ethos ain’t bad either). But, they do have a certain charm. Rather like driving a good classic car compared to its modern counterpart. ?. Also, only 3 Dobs now (and solar gear - obviously). Paul
  16. 10” is a great Veil scope. The whole complex on one view!!! I’d buy the OIII just for that one view. Next time. Try identifying the different elements, and also try upping the mag. As with a lot of nebulae, it will take a lot of magnification. Enjoy. Paul
  17. Yep, Stu’s finderscope might look a bit rubbish, especially with all that stuf hanging off the focuser. But, if that is all that you have...... Yes, I am still jealous and too poor. Why can’t people realise that each type of scope gives you a different observing experience? Paul
  18. Splendid. The dust lanes really jump out. Paul
  19. The SLV may only have 50°, but it is a really good 50° (Very near Delos quality which i’m Told is similar to the XW). Very comfy to use. They are also very light. And, very cheap..... I’ve not tried the XF range. Believe that @John has explored both models. Paul
  20. That was deeply impressive! Putting the car into space. What great marketing. Paul
  21. ??????????? Thanks for the advice guys. Paul
  22. Thanks guys. I’ll try the ZWO ASI120MM. For an extra £30, I may as well get the USB 3!? Our old laptop died. So my wife (the technical brains of the team) replaced it with a quad core gourmet version. I was properly unhappy about the outlay. Was thinking £350 ish. She spent a lot more. So I’m due a present just to highlight that her profligacy does have real consequences. Paul
  23. Thanks Charl. You seem to get some decent results! The two cameras seem well priced. Pros/cons? Colour or mono? Paul
  24. Possibly a really stupid question..... Given that solar images are generally made by selectively stacking many short exposure images, is it possible to get good results without a tracking mount? If it is. What would be a good camara to stick in the back of a 100mm f10 PST stage 1 mod? It is parked atop a SkyT II on a very solid ash tripod. Paul
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