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Everything posted by jetstream

  1. Clear,bright and cold-for once the forecast was wrong in the right way

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Pig


      I think I did Gerry, But it may have been more of a solar review.... :-)

    3. Pig


      I am very impressed with the LZ, the differing colours of stars are quite remarkable through it which is something I hadn't noticed in the past. I am very surprised how good it is on Ha and TBH I cant think of anything negative about it.

    4. jetstream


      Awesome Shaun! I figured it would be top notch. I'm seeing a ray in a lunar crater trying to figure out the name.... good seeing so far

  2. Off to view the sun after repairs....

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Qualia


      Saw the sun today after quite a while of cloud. Hope you had a nice session, Gerry :-)

    3. jetstream


      Good solar day, great nebulae night... :)

      Hey Shaun, guess what-your right! :)

    4. Pig


      I know :-) ah well off to work I go.

  3. snow and cold, where did all the stars go?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. jetstream


      LOL! glad your having fun :)

    3. Pig


      Gerry it is still quite warm here esp for November, the odd cold night is all we have had.

    4. YKSE


      No snow here, but not many stars visible either

  4. Rain, sun,and now clear- I hope it stays this way for tonights neb hunting

    1. YKSE
    2. cotterless45


      Good hunting, rubbish here.

  5. The Uranometria atlas is very good, so much to see.... need clears skies

    1. cotterless45


      Certainly a lovely detailed source.

  6. The clouds look great thru my new 25mm TV! :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. jetstream


      Only 10 more days of rain forecast Shaun.... :) ! This EP does look really good though, great build quality, coatings. It will be a great fit for solar too when seeing is sketchy- can't wait

    3. jabeoo1


      Nice eyepiece that one. Very comfortable to use and great value for £/$'s. Enjoy!

    4. Pig


      10 days !!!!! not good

  7. Uranometria 2000 coming my way...

    1. YKSE


      RA in 4' spacing! You have a very thick map :-)

    2. Pete Presland

      Pete Presland

      its an excellent atlas!

    3. Pete Presland

      Pete Presland

      its an excellent atlas!

  8. Televeue 25mm Plossl on its way

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. jetstream


      Once again I'll try the Horse Head neb... :) it was too late in the season last year for a good try. The 25mm TV and the 18mm BCO / Hb are the EP's that may work.

    3. Qualia


      Good luck on that one, Jetstream!! The BGOs and TV Plossls are seriously nice EPs and make wonderful additions to any eyepiece kit :-)

    4. ghostdance


      Good stuff! My 15mm TVP arrives tomorrow so I share your pleasure (but not in a kinky way! )

  9. Leica zoom eyecup replaced :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. jetstream


      'Till the next time! lol!

    3. Daniel-K


      was it the same issue bigmakstu had with his?

    4. jetstream


      I believe so, this is a fairly common issue. Leica wants the cap stuck good as its for fieldscopes.

  10. Raptor in a windstornm....90mm is doing great in high winds on solar,LZ wound out,great views

  11. Nice solar finish to the day :)

  12. Great solar,cell like granulation @ 240x :)

  13. Great solar.....:)

    1. Pig


      Yes some excellent views Gerry.

    2. AndyWB
  14. scope out,storm in...

  15. great seeing,no sunspots...

  16. Great seeing!granluation @ 250x!and not one sunspot...a small group of pores over on the left.Where did the sunspots go!

  17. 120ED,Baader wedge,Leica focus, figured out...:)

  18. Microbursts.....:(

  19. The 120ED works very well,great 3 hours of solar

    1. Luke


      I love my 120 for solar too. It rocks! :D

    2. faulksy


      nice one gerry

    3. jetstream


      Luke,it does ROCK!I am surprised at the potential actually

  20. SW 120ED Pro arrived,looks good,focuser seems good.Gonna try it out on thr sun....:)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. nightfisher


      Nice scope, im not jealous not one bit

    3. Pig


      Congratulations on the new scope Gerry :-)

    4. faulksy


      look foward to your first light report gerry

  21. Bright and sunny :) Leica + Raptor is my best combo yet

  22. My collimation is very close!

    1. faulksy


      should be better than close, is this with your new coli kit ? whats it like

    2. faulksy


      how much did it all cost you in the end, did you use a cheshire first to confirm and did it make any difference ?. cheers gerry

    3. jetstream


      It cost me about 1/4 the cost of a SIPS :) Not sure about the difference,but during those brief moments of great seeing I'll know the scope is right on!

  23. I love solar

    1. Luke


      The Sun = awesome :D

  24. Heavy rain,floods

    1. cotterless45


      Forecast 2 consecutive clear nights here, hurrah !

    2. jetstream


      Enjoy Nick!

  25. zanderfest!!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. jetstream


      sander lucioperca vs sander vitreus, a simple wikipedia search took 5 seconds......maybe give that a try :)

    3. ronin


      Search Wiki using Latin ? I have enough trouble with English, and if I knew the Latin name I would have known of their existance. Do recognise the name Walleye but cannot recall them refered to as Zander. I see it is the offical fish of Saskatchewan. I'll stick to coho.

    4. jetstream


      Try wild Arctic Char if you havn't already-one of the best tasting fish out there

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