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Everything posted by jetstream

  1. Hopefully this is the last white out (blizzard) of the year...

  2. I find really good optics "grab" my attention immediately, and I look for this now after purchasing glass. Both of my Baader prisms do this for me. If this reward is given from any product, regardless of origin it is good enough for me.
  3. If Baader had old Zeiss stock-prisms etc- and the stock gets depleted, the level of optical precision might be impacted on some things down the road. I'm sure glad I bought my BaaderCool wedge and prism diagonal when I did...
  4. The 90mm SV is taking the HR2 2.4mm easily tonight- the barlow is going in now!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Pig


      Nice one Gerry, they seem pretty cost effective on amazon... do you have an image of one so I can make sure I am looking at the right thing :happy7: I need a high power around 3mm.

    3. jetstream


      Here is the 2.4mm Shaun, they are very good...

      Vixen HR2 2.4 003.JPG

    4. Pig


      Cheers Gerry :happy8:

  5. Thanks Steve, But I still want your scope!
  6. We need bigger scopes Niall! Our 15"s would look pretty skinny up against those big jobs the Mob has...
  7. 2.4mm Vixen HR ordered.....:dontknow:

    1. Stu


      You didn't hang around Gerry! Hope it is as good as expected, should be great!

    2. jetstream


      I've been looking at them for a while Stu, it will test the refractors... :cheesy:

    3. jabeoo1


      No doubt great performers.  Shame they don't cover 3.5-5.5mm range. 

  8. Awesome scope Mike! The color is stunning BTW, nice choice!
  9. Great scopes! Who owns that great big black one near the red topped box?
  10. The 1.25" NPB works and well. Tonight under less than optimum conditions it pulled out very good structure in the Rosette... using the 25mm TV plossl,200mm F3.8.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. jetstream


      Ahh yes, the cold... it fluctuates between 40f and 20 below f now.... it was near 40f :)

    3. Pig


      LoL that is some crazy temperature. You should ask the mods to make some  blue monkey emoticons available so you can express just how cold it gets out there :icon_bigsmurf:

    4. jetstream
  11. Well with the moon observed and a few minutes left to observe I went back to Polaris using my lowest scatter set up- a 90mm SV APO triplet/Baader Zeiss prism diag and some low scatter EP's- 12.5mm Docter, 7mm KK ortho, 18mm BCO and the 25mm TV plossl. I was pretty excited to sneak in a 25x view of the double with this class of aperture, which bested (so far) the 200mm f3.8, mind you a paracorr will help on this. I didn't try the 32mm TV plossl yet- next time. They all showed the Polaris companion well, but that 25mm TV plossl showing it easy was just icing on the cake. Totally agree Shane, aperture does help. My little un coma corrected 200mm is chugging along nicely on this object and it was fun to see the little 90 do so well. It is a very good scope though.
  12. Anyone else get the new March S&T?

    Congrats to Tom O'Donoghue and Olly Penrice for a superb image of the Orion area.

  13. Windchill -44c+ today @ -22c with 50km/hr gusts. Brisk to say the least...

    I spoke too soon in the other update lol! Sure glad I have a woodstove...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. jetstream


      Not good, those are serious collisions... Our HWY is bad, a head on yesterday a few miles from here. I slow right down in this and find the Fusions low CG helps, along with the Blizzaks.

      I hope those tides don't reach you there.

    3. Pig


      I think I would cry if it got that cold over here Gerry.... The UK would come to a complete standstill :happy6:

    4. jetstream


      The eyes do leak in these temps lol! All the snow does help things in the cold though- one year with little snow the frost was driven 9 ft below the town roads... not good for waterlines.

      You guys have worse things anyway...those crazy winds must wreak havok on everything.

  14. Yes, this star became more obvious visually the "tighter" SAO 305 got and actually became a distraction. VG point Chris.
  15. Thanks everyone, I'm seeing how well the mirror works and its f3.8. A Paracorr will used coming up I think. I tried the 32mm TV plossl and got a fleeting glimpse of it I think- I won't confirm it though. One interesting thing is that when very low power views are used eye placement becomes critical on stars with any eyepiece and I'm curious to see if the CC changes this. A zoom really helps "watch" the double as you zoom out-to 25mm in this case- no trying to get the companion as its easily seen zoomed in. I found locking on the target this way and then zooming out worked very well. It was -28c last night and the scope was close to equalized, but not perfect, the mirror was still "crawling" a bit. Collimation was close but I need the "radiation symbol" to increase it further,at least without the AC. I have AC'd the scope a while ago but not since setting up the mirror cell.
  16. Boy the moon is bright... it looks very clear but there must be ice crystals up there or something because I can hardly make out any stars. I'm playing with the 200mm dob and found Polaris to look at and found that I can split it down to 30x with the 25mm TV plossl. Just for a point of reference, what is the lowest mag that anyone has split this star?
  17. 5 more days of snow to go... at least its warm, -20c seems to be the minimum for now.

    1. scarp15


      Yet more snow Gerry, expect that you will be continuing to ploughing your road access, unless a snowmobile has become the only means of getting around. Perhaps a settled period of clear skies will follow. Strengthening winds and snow forecast here for at least northern UK.

    2. faulksy


      and the weather is coming from your neck of the woods gerry :icon_biggrin:

    3. jetstream


      Your welcome for the weather guys :grin:

      Yes I just got done ploughing with the ATV, its fun actually. The lake is a big slush hole so no fishing yet.

  18. I really need a Pentax 5mm XO to compare my eyepieces to...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. faulksy


      the xw is great gerry, as goo as a good ortho

    3. alan potts

      alan potts

      Gerry, you are about in the right place to pick one up, I haven't seen one for sale here for years.


    4. jetstream


      I would love to find one Alan, and hope one comes up from a reputable seller. I have had chances on ZAOI's but passed. I think the 5mm XO just might be a uniquely good eyepiece, have you ever thought of one Alan?

  19. A crisp -33c with the wind chill atm, great lunar seeing.

    1. Stu


      That sounds a bit brisk Gerry! Brrrrrrrrr. ;) 

      Sounds like it is helping the seeing though, have fun out there!

    2. YKSE


      I'm yet to experience that cold in my lift up here in lat 57°

    3. jetstream


      This is a bit early for this after very warm late fall, it should be interesting in Jan and Feb. This cold blast was from air spilling out of the -80c deg polar vortex or polar cyclone.  It was only -27c without the wind so far, I remember -42F (no wind) as a child and with the wind...

  20. Great news! my 200mm f3.8 dob mount should be here from TS on Dec14!!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. estwing


      i was snowboarding in lake louise in 2011...-35...still had fun tho!

    3. faulksy


      sounds ace gerry, nice stable skys

    4. jetstream


      The base is now in Kentucky! :grin:

      Prompt service is rewarded by customer loyalty!

      Calvin, yes the cold can be a lot of fun, what a great clear day right now.

  21. Vg seeing tonight- mono or bino, mono or bino.....

    Bino:) with the 15":thumbsup::thumbsup:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Pig


      LoL ... and how was it Gerry ? :happy7:

    3. jetstream


      Unbelievable views Shaun! The binos give such good low power views I generally stay there, under 230x roughly. The ability to get great views at low power makes the scope less sensitive to seeing so to speak- the view at 70x in the binos still reveals piles of fine detail.

      All my scopes respond very well to the Binotron 27's :thumbsup:

    4. Pig


      I bet they were great views Gerry, 230x is pretty high mag and proceedings can get a bit wobbly at times :happy7:
      I have viewed the Moon a few times with binos and I must agree they are pretty impressive, after all two eyes are better than one :happy8:

  22. The 200mm f3.8 ships Monday :hello2::thumbsup:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. faulksy


      and seeing more iain

      nice one gerry

    3. Pig


      Not too long to wait then my friend.... how are the seeing conditions over there at this time of year Gerry ?






    4. jetstream


      Well..... clouds and rain for the past couple of weeks with a few clear breaks. Not much observing happening lol!

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