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Everything posted by paulastro

  1. Yes that's correct. I tighten it until the slow motion works, though not so tight that I cant also just push the mount up and down if I want to. The same for azimuth. My experience with this mount is the same as Mike's. 'Fine-tuned', both axis can be adjusted so that you can use both slow motion or just push the mount into position on either axis. In the manufacturers defence, I can forgive any variation on adjustment upon delivery. In terms of value, the only mount I know that equals it is the AZ4. I admit a bias, as the happy owner of 1 x AZ5 and 2 x AZ4s 🙂.
  2. My experience with this mount is the same as Mike's. 'Fine-tuned', both axis can be adjusted so that you can use both slow motion or just push the mount into position on either axis. In the manufacturers defence, I can forgive any variation on adjustment upon delivery. In terms of value, the only mount I know that equals it is the AZ4. I admit a bias, as the happy owner of 1 x AZ5 and 2 x AZ4s 🙂.
  3. It wasn't as bad as that Mike! The front baffle had some deep scratches etched into it though showing the metal underneath. Not mangled though. I probably have the pics somewhere that I took before sending it back 😁. Never had that problem with a SkyWatcher 🙂
  4. Sounds great Peter, I wish I could have seen it.
  5. You'll have to be careful if you meet up to observe with Mike. He uses his on a GP mount and you may get mixed up and take the wrong scope home 😄. Like Mike's it looks fabulous on that mount. A lovely setup, some great observing adventures on the way 😃
  6. You're very welcome, but thanks must go to Ade for bringing it up to date - I wouldn't have a clue how to go about it myself 🌝.
  7. I agree with this. Some good issues, and some issues with one or two things of interest. Not worth over £5.00 to me. This is why I took out a sub a month or two ago and now get it delivered for around £3.50 or so per issue !!! Now come on you chaps, less than the price of a pint or a coffee per issue in most places. And, a yearly sub at a price many people are happy to spend on a meal out or to watch a football match etc etc ......... If astronomy is one of your main interests it doesn't seem a lot to me. And of course you dont have to read the bits you aren't interested in. If the bits you might read aren't worth the price to you, you're not compelled to buy it. You can always go out for a meal or a pint or two instead. Cheers.
  8. I'm delighted it's agood optic Mike. It certainly looked good in the back of your car. By the way, I take it that Mrs Hezzlewood hasnt caught sight of it yet, otherwise you wouldn't be posting on SGL this morning 🙂. I think it will complement your Tak really well, a bargain 👍. PS I may have a finder you can have, I'll have a rummage and see what I have.
  9. Well Mike, you're clearly a reflector type of guy now. Reflectors 2 Refractors 1 How on earth are you going to cope with those 'awful' diffraction spikes you are always talking about? 🙂
  10. John. My tube assembly arrived today. Cant take it out side to take any pics, heavy rain today. In due course I'll do a review when I've put some time in with it. There are a couple of differences, including the cell. In your pics it looks like yours has a black back plate behind most of the mirror, with only a small part of the mirror visible in the centre? Mine looks like most of the mirror is visible, with some sort of thin black material on the back of the mirror. Anyway ill take a pick when I can. Also, I dont think the inside of the tube has a rubberised coating, it, if you hadnt mentioned it I wouldn't have any doubt. It also has that paint smell like the interior of new SW reflectors. Also I was very surprised to find a full aperture solar filter inside the box. The filter material is some sort of film, but it doesn't look like any film I have seen. It's much duller looking. It doesn't indicate what its made from. Did you get one with your scope? Anyway, it all looks and feels well made as you said, very nicely put together. One thing John, can you tell me what the two screws are on top of the focuser nearest the tube? I wandered if the focuser rotates, but havent touched them just in case they are something else adjusted at the factory. Best regards, Paul
  11. Another location? Bigger telescope? (Tak of course Mike 🤗)
  12. In a similar way, tak owners challenge our understanding of psychology 🙂.
  13. So, it's not true then? Fluorite lenses dont melt if the sun shines on them? 🤭.
  14. I'm really pleased for you Peter, but I'd have been an awful lot more pleased if I had been there with you! 🤢
  15. I'm mainly a planetary/lunar man, and though a dim white light can be ok, I prefer red and rather hope that using white lights doesnt catch on. Ok at home if you must, but not when you are at a club event or at a star party. Trying to get away with it at Kelling would be very inconsiderate and put your well being at risk!
  16. Thank you Chris. I ordered the optical tube assembley today from Telescope House. Thanks to John and others who have posted about the scope on SGL previously, I feel very confident it will meet my needs. Alas, this means the troublesome weather we had had recently will probably continue for a while 🙂.
  17. Many thanks for getting back so quickly John. That's very useful information. Can I just finally ask if the rear of the cell on the dob looks the same as the one on the OTA only version? Photo on the link below. If it's the same I'll almost certainly go for the tube, I'm not patient enough to wait for December for the dob I'm afraid. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/BRESSER-Messier-203-1200-Hexafoc-Optical-Tube-/164127278700?hash=item2636bf866c
  18. Many thanks John, that focuser does look good! Do you know if the Bresser OTA is the same tube as used in the Bresser Dob? (I know the focuser is the same) I'd like the scope for Mars, and it will be passed its best before the Bresser Dob will turn up new. From what you say about it, I doubt if I'll be able to get a used one any time soon.
  19. I was going to buy a SW 200P Dob or a Bresser Messier 8 inch Dob with hex focuser. As things are, both of these are unavailable for at least 2/3 months. I haven't managed to locate one on the used market (or at least none suitable for one reason or another) so I was thinking of just buying an OTA instead - I have a mount available I could use. The problem is Sky Watcher don't do an 8 inch f6 tube (which is what I want) but only an f5 version. I than found this, BRESSER Messier 203/1200 Hexafoc Optical Tube, listed in various places. I would love to hear from anyone who owns one, or has used one, as to it's optical quality when compared with the SW 200P Dob optics if possible. I have used many, and owned several, of the SW Dob over the years and am very familiar with it. If the Bresser is of the same standard or better it may suit my purposes. Also it would be useful to hear any other insights re the Bresser which may help my decision. I wouldn't expect a lot of difference, but you can't beat first hand experience. Many thanks.
  20. I've just added this post to the Observing Planetary forum. Adding it here for those who may not look at the other forum.
  21. I first posted up this software on August 3rd and since then Ade has added several modifications. These include: Improved images used for better mapping. New date format. Additional information such as CM longitude. Period of usefulness increased from mid July 2020 to mid March 2021. Ade has added changes at different times. If your software has updated automatically, it should look like the screen shot from my mobile below. If you haven't already downloaded it, or to update it, it can be found here http://nightskies.net/mars/mars.html# As for the original edition, Ade is happy for anyone to use it and pass it on to anyone else who may find it useful.
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