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Everything posted by paulastro

  1. Many thanks for your response. Perhaps 50mm as a DS is not considered bright enough by many people, though I've never heard anything along these lines. I would have thought someone might be interested to use it as a stand alone etalon an a small refractor. I don't know if you including a BF with the etalon, but if not this may be putting people off.
  2. Thanks for posting Trazor. I totally agree re your comments on using a binoviewer rather than one eyepiece - it works for me. I haven't seen your ad for the etalon. I just wandered if it was a 50mm or 60mm? I have a 60mm Lunt and DS it with a second 60mm etalon, and use it with my binoviewer with SW 40mm eyepieces. I nearly always use it in this configuration and the 40mm EPs give a nice view, plenty bright enough for me. I occasionally use it with 32mm EPs in good conditions, though it does go a little too dull with the 32xs for my liking - still usable though. Going to 25mm EPs is too dull for me. I would also add that I always use a dark cloth over my head for solar observing as it makes a huge difference in what you can see as you probably already know. Which ioptron cuibe mount is it you are using by the way? Regards, Paul
  3. A good collection there Roberto, it's good to see you're getting some use out of your Questar.
  4. A lovely collection of Solar goodies there Michael. I'm extremely jealous of your lovely garden!
  5. Thanks John, I thought that might be what it was. I had one some years ago and sold it to a friend - shame! As you say, a great scope and you don't see many of them about at all.
  6. That's a nice setup John, which Vixen refractor is it?
  7. I'm hoping this topic hasn't already been posted elsewhere or I'll feel pretty foolish!! I enjoy looking at (and through of course!) what other setups people are using for their solar observing so perhaps people would like to share images of their solar equipment here? It would be particularly of interest to see PST Mods and other bespoke setups. Mine is pictured below - a Lunt 60mm scope with a 1200 BF and standard tuning - not pressure tuned. It is double-stacked with a Lunt 60mm etalon. The camera attached is an Olympus E-M5 (macro 4/3 CSC) which I use for taking full disk pictures. The mount in use is a Vixen Porta of course, and I sometimes use a SW AZ4.
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