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Everything posted by tooth_dr

  1. Thanks Ray. Yeah, i know it works, I just prefer the look of the colour when its day time #firstworldproblems I have to admit I dont know much about streaming, VLC etc. This may be a post for another thread! I'm currently using AllSkEye software with my Oculus. I have the FTP settings to direct the latest image to my domain, and I open up the page on a web browser and I can see the latest image. I wouldnt know where to start if it wasnt being done through AllSkEye camera, but it may indeed support the 120 now? I guess I was thinking that I could use a security camera, which has an IP address, and I could somehow tell a website page to 'see' that IP address. This way I could open up my website anywhere and see the cloud conditions. Is this even possible?
  2. Thanks Ray. I have a spare 120 but it’s mono. Is it simple enough to then get these images to upload automatically onto a server to go onto a webpage?
  3. I was thinking that, there are a lot of cameras, was wondering if there were specific examples. Maybe anyone would do?
  4. Hi I have a Starlight Xpress Occulus camera that I use for night time all sky image capture. Over the past couple of days I've been working on a website, and plan to stream my feed live. I have noticed however that the occulus camera is totally over exposed during the day. I am using AllSkEye software and have the min exposure set to 0. Even with a 0.01s exposure it's completely blow out. So my question is - can the occulus camera be used during the day with software adjustments. If not, can anyone recommend a suitable cheap camera that I can use for day time imaging and revert to the occulus at night. The camera needs to be suitable that a muppet (me) can get it to upload to a server via FTP. I've seen a few really nice colour day time all sky cameras, and this is where I would like to go if I can. I cant spend very much on the daytime camera, and it needs to include an enclosure too. The webpage isnt current refreshing properly, but Michael at AllSkEye is helping me with the coding side of this. TIA Adam. https://www.deepskywalle.com/livecam.html
  5. Looks nice Mick, sitting well there at that FL in my opinion.
  6. Nice image, but slightly misleading in the first post, as most would assume it's done with your own equipment unless stated otherwise.
  7. Lol this was not aimed at you at all, it was very specifically about the post linked
  8. @Ken Mitchell thanks for letting me know that and for providing the photo. Given thats a full frame Nikon and 432mm, its a bloody long tail!
  9. I have a Bahtinov mask that I use for both 1200mm F4.7 and 500mm F2.8, and it works as intended on both. I dont use the APT, but I would input the actual working FL of the scope.
  10. Thanks! I think it sky brightness, 4 degrees further north must make all the difference!
  11. Very very nice! How much was cropped off this at 432mm
  12. Fantastic! How did you get a 1 minute shot? I tried with my lens and I’m completely blown out
  13. Best image I've seen - just represents what I saw - astronomy everywhere!
  14. Next weekend onwards looking ok. Thats a good image given the circumstances but I can appreciate your frustrations. I have mountains that direction and plagued with cloud too.
  15. I found this table very informative when I was choosing to purchase. It is evident that there is variation in the cameras, and that the Movarians seem to be the most consistent. My QHY9 has a lower read noise than my 383L, and the QHY9 subs always looks slightly better. However once calibrated and stacked there is no difference that I can see from my dual rig. I run mine all at -20. The QHY9 will occasionally fluctuate between -19 and -20 throughout the evening, but the Atik never moves off -20.
  16. Thanks Stuart and Terry. Never heard of it.
  17. It wasnt looking good tonight so I had written it off and was having a couple of beers. Just heading to bed around 12:30am and it looked clearish, so I headed out across a couple of fields on foot and found it just about in the clouds. It's very low at this time. I grabbed a couple of shots, but yet to catch the ion tail. If it moved round to NE then I can get it from my dome.
  18. I love seeing shots of the comet over major cities 👍🏼
  19. Very nice! Those clouds have appeared in a lot of last nights comet images NLCs indeed
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