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    Photography, Diving, Cooking and Vodka.
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  1. Really nice image and loving the dust.
  2. I’m looking forward to hearing how you get on with this it’s a competitively priced travel mount.
  3. Yeah it is a strange one. The Petzval design makes it unsuitable for solar according to the research I have done. Shame really but maybe I can swap it for an ED80 or something similiar.
  4. Thought I would revive this thread instead of starting a new one - is anyone using a Star71 for Solar? I have a used Quark that I want to pair with the Star71 that I have doing nothing. I know you need a dedicated diagonal to get focus for visual with thew 71 but am hoping I can use it for solar imaging to save me buying something else. Any thoughts?
  5. That looks like a really nice place. What’s the closest airport?
  6. What do you call affordable? I have an Evolution mount with Starsense I’m not using anymore I can sell.
  7. I bookmarked these guys for exactly the same set up but haven't got around to doing it yet... https://www.dewcontrol.com/Dew_Heater_Straps_-_All_Sizes/p3099125_14674363.aspx
  8. I have the 140, have only set it up on the Gem45 and had a test run under less than ideal skies but it seemed to guide ok but you can see on the graph when it gets a bit breezy. It is heavy. I think the GEM45 or equivalent is the minimum mount for it. My plan is to buy a 70 for it or wait to see how the new Pegasus mount performs. Build quality is excellent, I haven't tried the flattener or reducer yet as I think the native FL is really useful. The focuser is silky smooth and it does come in a lovely case that you will never use once you put your EAF on 🙂
  9. That is really nice. I am no expert on guiding but have spent quite a few hours playing with the guide settings in ASI Air while imaging and I think it might be worth upping your RA aggression a bit. In your guiding screenshot you can see the blue (RA) line "bouncing" a bit. I have a completely different mount to you so all this may be invalid but it has worked for me. 🙂
  10. I love it. I was sitting outside last night wondering what to do with my Atik 383 and filter wheel now I’ve upgraded. I might see about sticking them on the back of a Sigma!
  11. Thanks for the feedback, it is much appreciated. I'm happy with my setup and capture, it is all about nailing the processing now.
  12. Thanks Stickey. I still have a long way to go with my processing capability but I was really pleased with it.
  13. Tried the new noise Xterminator in Pi On my flaming star and quite pleased with how it turned out. 38 5 min subs at 2.4 with Idas NBZ 2600mc on Gem45 with ZWO filter draw adaptor
  14. Hi Dave I have the 533mc, great camera. I'm waiting for the 533mm to come out then plan to use it with 1.25" filters as I have them but I plan to get them as close as possible to the sensor. try this calculator with your measurements and see what it says... http://astronomy.tools/calculators/ccd_filter_size Richie
  15. That works. I’m currently trying to get my C8 working for galaxy season so will hopefully pick the mono up in summer. have been inspired by some of the Ha only images for the 135.
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