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Everything posted by simmo39

  1. V nice, I can see why these lenes are so popular. Started saving for one myself but spent the cash on something else, will have to start the fund again!
  2. Stunning! I was thinking of doing this target as my season starter but need to be quick as it hides its self behind trees!
  3. V nice, looking like a storm brewing.
  4. Thanks for the pointer, i will check it out.
  5. Hi Nigella, Thank you. Im alredy using a tilt plate and have got it at such an angle that looks ridiculous. I think its the camera. Im hopeing to invest on a ASI 178mm to see if that helps. I have been using ImPPG but find it very fickel to use, sometimes I get what i think is a good result with it but I cant seem to get it to work everytime.
  6. V good. I tried to do that today but mine is not worth showing but I did learn a lot.
  7. Very warm again today but thought i would have a play, not to much for me to see but here they are. Taken with a daystar solar scout and a ASI 120mm Hints and tips welcome. Thanks for looking.
  8. Hi, thanks for the info, BTW great vid!
  9. Wow, that is fantastic. I dont know how you keep going during the summer! i havent played with deep sky stuff since mid May and will only start about mid Aug. Just been using the summer to start solar stuff.
  10. No sun here, v impressive images.
  11. Hi Dave, I have been looking into another reducer I have got one fitted that I found but Im not sure if its 0.5 or 0.75 lol. I have a tilt adapter fitted and have tried it at loads of tilt angles an it doesnt seem to make a lot of differance. Ill keep plugging at it though. H, saving a few pennys for a new camera at the moment ( need to sneak it in past the wife! lol ) Im look at either ASI 178mm or ASI 290mm. I have asked in another forum as to which would be better.
  12. Rushed home from work yesterday to set up as the sun was out. I only took a few vids as the heat was not good but when i started looking at the data i seem to have alot of verticl lines as well as the dreaded newton rings! Anyway here are the results taken with my Daystar Solar Scope and a ASI 120mm. Hint tips and pointers most welcome. thanks for looking.
  13. Hi, I have been using a ASI 120 mm for my solar stuff ( using a day star solar scout ), but this camera is my guide camera and with the coming DSO season just around the corner Im looking for a camera to use with my solar scout and may be double as my planet cam with my SW 127 MAK. After a bit of research I have got it down to 2 possible camers. ASI 178mm ASI 290mm Does anybody have any recomendations for either or anything else in the same price bracket ( £350 ) Thanks in advance
  14. Hi, build quality seems good to me. Im sure out there you can get bget better built scopes but you will be paying a lot more for them. As for the focuser its smooth and holds my ASI 1600, filter wheel and CC no probs but i must admit here that i added a motor focuser to mine, hope this helps.
  15. I have one of these scopes and use it for imaging ( when weather lets me and it get dark a bit earlier ) I have found it v good and have stopped using my old SW 130 pds. I would recomend it.
  16. I tried using FFT, couldnt get it to do anything, not very user friendly. You seem to have got someting to work though.
  17. Hi Rusted, no not easy at all. Im having a right game trying to deal with the Newton rings and also trying to get a colour that is not to harsh. As for the sun being upside down I have been waiting for a surface feature to work that out, now i kmow. Im using a Daystar solar scout with a ASI 120mm.
  18. With the first sun spot on my list of to dos i had to wait for a gap in the clouds and finaly found one! so here is todays efforts. Still cant get rid of the Newton rings! Hints and tips required!
  19. V nice. Hope we get some clear sky here, it will be my first sun spot and hopefully help me focus the scope better.
  20. Still trying to get the hang of this Solar stuff. Had ago trying to get rid of the Newton rings with a tilt adjuster looks a little better but not gone. Is there a method to setting it up? Any way here are the best of todays lot. Hints and tips welcome.
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