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Everything posted by CraigT82

  1. Had just enough time between clouds to capture 1 video tonight. Seeing was quite wobbly on the preview screen so went with the IR685nm filter. Fullerscope 8.75" newt at ~f22 (APM x2.7 barlow). Altair GPCAM3 290m. 500/5000 frames. Firecapture>AS3!>IMPPG>PS.
  2. What a productive night! A really great set of images. I really like the Bullialdus image, the three parallel rimae look like a giant bear swiped it's claws across the surface
  3. Some really nice subtle detail there. You must have had good seeing last night. Was pretty poor here in Bristol.
  4. I like it! Great detail and contrast. Very nice work.
  5. Ah that is faster than I thought it would be. I'm still not sure if the lunar tracking mode activates the Dec motor though. Should be easy enough to test with a multimeter, or even just an ink dot on one of the dec spur gear teeth
  6. Really nice set of images, nicely done
  7. The second one looks good to me. Lovely images
  8. That peanut pod is called Hainzel. Really nice images 👍
  9. A very interesting crater found to the north of Sinus Iridum. 154km across and very old and eroded with several smaller and newer impact craters littering the rough crater floor. Bottom right is Montes Recti, and unusually short and straight mountain range. 8.75" Fullerscope at ~f22 (APM x2.7 barlow). Altair GPCAM3 290m and baader red filter. 500/5000 frames. Found it quite difficult to focus this one (as I always do when imaging in the foreshortened zones)
  10. Gassendi from this evening, approx 8pm. Conditions ok but not great and not a patch on last night's. Used a red filter for this one. 8.75" Fullerscope at ~f22 (APM x2.7 barlow). Altair GPCAM3 290m and baader red filter. 500/5000 frames
  11. Nice work, very clear Rille there... will you try to do the same for the other Apollo sites?
  12. Shot last night through a green filter in very good seeing conditions. 500/5000 frames. Stacked in AS3!, sharpened in imppg and tweaked in PS. 8.75" f7.5 Fullerscope at ~f22 (APM x2.7 barlow). Altair GPCAM3 290m. Baader green ccd filter.
  13. Just to add. I usually image at just under 5m FL and don't really see any drift over a 5min capture if I'm well aligned, and I've only got a syntrek mount with no lunar setting.
  14. I'd assume so, isn't that what the lunar setting is for? To engage the dec? Never had a heq5 though (or any synscan mount) so might be wrong. I think the lunar rate motion varies day to day though so you even so you would probably would get some drift which varies day to day, but it cant be much.
  15. Yes I agree normally the longer wavelengths win out in the UK skies, but on the very good nights I'd definitely give shorter wavelengths a go if you have them
  16. No I dont have one but as I understand it it is a tighter green bandpass so may require longer exposures or gain. Would be interesting to give it a go though to see how it compares.
  17. Thanks all for the kind words. Glad I got the chance to go out last night, nearly didnt take the chance due to baby duty and a quiz with friends on zoom!
  18. Last night I decided to try out different colour filters with a mono camera, just to compare which colour gave the best result for hi res lunar. I used Baader green, orange, red and IR685. I also tried a ZWO 850nm but the results were poor. The seeing turned out to be very good and I think because of this the green filter came out on top. Not much between them really. I think if I repeated this under poorer seeing conditions the longer wavelengths would come out on top. Each capture was 500 frames stacked from 5000. I tweaked the gain and exposure carefully to match the histogram for each colour (with an emphasis on adjusting the gain: I tried to keep all exposures under 5ms). I then sharpened each image in imppg and tweaked the contrast in PS.
  19. I could get A to D solidly with moments of E and possibly the one directly opposite E at the other side of the crater in the best moments. Didnt spend long with the eye piece though as was mostly imaging. I find that orthos excel at this task. Was using my 6mm BCO for x270 (was tracking though which made it easier!)
  20. I'm sure you'll get 30 secs exposure with the S20. The last update I did gave my S10 30 secs, I think the S9 got it too through that update?
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