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alan potts

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Everything posted by alan potts

  1. I am pleased with the mount though I have found it a little hard to set the clutches just right, very much a hit and miss affair from what I see. If they are not just so you tend to get a horrible noise and slip, harmless by all accounts but annoying. Guiding in general with the exact same scope and guide camera is better but maybe not as good as I thought it may be, one member suggested go for a OAG to nail the guiding, I do have one. It is true I have jumped around the sky a fair bit and imaging low down I don't see it as any better than than AZ EQ 6 was. However higher in the sky last night I was down to 0.22 Sec in DEC and 0.30 in RA, for long periods too, it only came off the rails a bit with very high passing con trails, even then it only dropped to about .7 sec and mainly in RA. Sometimes the AZ wasn't any better than that all night. I have resisted touching too much as I tend to create my own problems. My next step it to include on the mount a duel rig with either a 70mmED or the 77ED ll Borg that I have as well as the bigger APO. either one was intended to carry the 183MC as camera. On a different matter I am still struggling a little with exact focus using APT though I tend to get reasonable results taking my time, I also feel the i5 laptop could be better as it seems to lock up from time to time. Maybe it's time to get a proper desk top in there with bigger RAM and faster processor. Alan
  2. Rodd if you have the time can you post something showing this micro lensing you talk about so I can hope to understand it, I have only OSC cameras in the shape of 183 and 071, are they affected too? Alan
  3. Both really nice images Rodd, the HH is superb, as you say great subject for Mono. Alan
  4. Send it here we need rain badly, 43 days clear followed by a couple of days with rain and now 10 days clear, gardens are dry as a bone but new gear often does bring bad weather though didn't work when i got my new stuff the other week. Alan
  5. I imaged the other night with analmost full moon and below 20 degrees. Not brilliant I grant you but far from rubbish. Alan
  6. Do you know it is funny, I found posts and video's on how to take the stars out but not one on how to put them back, mask them remove them, errrr, replace after masking, errrr No. BTW I rather like this without the stars leave it as it is Alan
  7. I am rather reading between the lines that it works well without LP, as I don't have that, I am really looking for something to help the H alpha and Olll with a OSC, don't know if this actually does on a second read.
  8. I have just worked out how to put the shapeless catalogue into C-du-C but I don't think getting fed up after 2 hours is going to help me capture anything of this one. I actually found a nice one last night took 6 x 4 mins and this morning couldn't remember where it was or what it was. No hope for me Rob. Alan
  9. Think I will give that L-eNhance a punt next month in 2 inch size if the 31st October allows me to, and if I am still alive after hospital here. Alan
  10. A tad off topic but I have a 183MC and whilst I saw amp glow (or at least I think it's that) on the 3 minute Darks that I shot at minus 5, I have not seen any on the stacked data and I had a good look for it. I will be the first to admit I don't have much of an idea how to use any of these things but just follow advice people are kind enough to offer. I actually feel it takes decent shots. Alan
  11. Very nice image Steve, they must be faint, I think that is as long an exposure that I have seen anyone use. Alan
  12. Alan, Well I have to say I am finding my feet on both the new cameras I have but on the 183 I was just setting 90, which I think is known as unity gain, On my 071 I was working mainly on Zero, in truth I dont see much difference. I was thinking last night to start experimenting a bit to see what happens, but the shots in this thread were at 90. The biggest problem I find is not seeing a clear image from the camera when using APT, not easy to focus like the Canon was. Alan
  13. Sadly it is way past its best here, I did it much longer back in July and Aug when it actually gets about 35 degrees, luxury. This was about 3 hours or so with the 40D and wrong way round, Feel I could hold the centre back if I did it again. Alan
  14. While the Moon is about like it is now I am just getting to know the gear again, seems funny but with the old Canon I never really thought twice, the other night I even forgot cooling. Alan
  15. I know this is never going to win any prizes and at the moment I am only playing getting use to my new mount and 183MC camera, not as if I used the 071 Pro very much, so that hardly old and for the bin yet. This shot of M16 was started when it was at 23 degrees above the horizon and finished at a shade above 15 degrees, this is about an hour of 3 minute subs and all the other bits. I am really rather surprised with the result as it is usable if not great and added to could well improve it even this low down. Every frame used Considering where it was in the sky the guide from the CEM60 is not too bad either. Didn't look pretty though. Had another play with it and got a bit more out of it I feel. Alan
  16. Dave, It was something I caused as the second image posted above is the same data stack, I think I may have over stretched it. I still need to get a better gradient tool though, I tend to make my own in PS. Alan
  17. Did something wrong somewhere, not really sure what though, over stretched it maybe? Alan
  18. I do have them but never really use them, I tend to make my own things up and follow other bits from an array of people much better than me. Alan
  19. Dave, It is there in the folder but does not show and I now see why, I have only Show Fits ticked. The odd thing is even though I grouped all 30 of each, it took no notice when stacking and and stacked what I assume is the master as it didn't scan through any of them like it did first time of use. That M57 was just a few subs, it's too small on this scope, one to have a play with the Mak 180mm at 2700mm and the OAG. In fact one of the kind people helping suggested to go to the OAG full time, maybe worth a punt. Alan
  20. Don't wish to rub salt but we have had a very good run of clear out here, after 43 straight nights we had a touch of rain and cloud now another 8 on the trot. Not every night was without cloud but you could do something, if only visual. I posted up a question a long time back now about your camera and the two I now have 071 and 183MC, some people seem to have a bit of a downer on the 183 OSC but I am beginning to like it. I did really get it for my short scopes so it is on the them soon. Yes I must have made a mistake in that first M13, I still need something for gradient removal though. I think the 294 will please you when you get some clear. Alan
  21. I like the second take as well, very nice image. Alan
  22. Love the top one Dave, I feel it is the best or at least as good as I have seen. The framing and composition is spot on in my books. So many superb captures by people and even me could be so much better with a bit of a crop and thought to the composition. These tick all the right boxes for me. I need to focus my efforts, 2 hours and I have had enough, my short of this for me looked awful, The Canon didn't bring out anything like your shots but then its not Ha etc. I think it was the Sage, Olly that said, when I started I did 3 targets a night, now I do 3 nights on a target, wise words that I should try and follow. Alan
  23. Lovely shot of another I haven't seen before. I must find this catalogue in C-du-C to be able to locate these lovely areas of sky, feel it would be one for Borg 77mm wide area to cover. Alan
  24. I was jumping around the sky last night looking a planetary nebs and thinking, too small, too small and then turned to globular clusters. This of yours has come out very nicely indeed and maybe like yourself I have been thinking, with the Moon up all is not lost. Thanks for posting these beautiful captures, just goes to show what can be done. Alan
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