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Status Updates posted by Naemeth

  1. Sad to hear that the TV Panoptics are being phased out.

    1. Daniel-K


      oh jeezze i hope they dont sky rocket 2nd hand prices

    2. Naemeth
  2. How am I spending one of my precious days off? In bed. Great, thanks body - worst time to get ill!

    1. Pig


      Not good Jonathan, get well soon matey

    2. Naemeth


      Cheers, hopefully will be better tomorrow - don't want to lose all of my 3 days off by being ill.

  3. Hmm, clear skies so may drag myself out, question is: Is my 24mm Pan overkill for the little ST80? :D

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Naemeth


      Yeah, think I will. Think I might leave my ST80 inside though, I'll give the big dob a nice breath of fresh air tonight :).

    3. Ant


      Sounds like a great plan :)

    4. Naemeth


      Spotted some small clouds just now, better get off SGL quick! I guess I'll see everyone in a bit ;).

  4. Signature is back, with a difference :D.

  5. Green Witch is only 2 buses away... too tempting!

  6. Just discovered that my favourite game of all time (1997 Windows based game, Total Annihilation) is actually available for Mac, and is compatible with my laptop! I finally have something to do on cloudy nights :D.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Naemeth


      Supreme Commander? Not really the same game though :(.

    3. Spikey


      That's the one !

      No, it wasn't as good as TA - used to have many a happy evening playing TA over a LAN.

      I was master of the stealth jet !

    4. Naemeth


      Love TA, used to spend more hours than I care to admit playing skirmish after skirmish. The AI really were pushovers.

  7. Think I've decided - I'll soon be selling my Heritage and saving for a 130PDS as the replacement - nice dual speed focuser and should do well on the AZ4.

    1. emadmoussa


      For this aperture...just get a refractor.

    2. Naemeth


      If I were to get a 5" refractor, it would either be too long in FL to be truly widefield (wanting an ~F/5 with more aperture than my ST80, less than my 10" dob) or would have more CA than I'd care for at F5, and if it was apochromatic the cost would be prohibitive. AFAIK, a 5" refractor is always going to be more than a 5" reflector (hence the choice to go for the latter) :).

    3. emadmoussa


      OK, I'll shut up :D

  8. It's probably a good thing there aren't any astro shops in Leeds City Centre. Otherwise I could easily see myself somehow justifying yet more expense.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Pig


      Alternatively you could open one !!

    3. Naemeth


      Not enough capital ;). Don't want to compete with FLO either ;).

    4. Pig
  9. 3 weeks of holiday requested at work, deposit for Les Granges is paid. It's all go :D.

    1. Pig


      Excellent news :-)

    2. Qualia


      Nice one, Naemeth. I truely believe your holiday with Olly will be one of the most significant and life inspiring events in your life.

  10. Wow, M42 through an O-III Filter is amazing!

    1. faulksy


      how lucky are you it was cloudy here last night, what 0iii filter have you got ?

    2. Naemeth


      Astronomik 2", think I might need a 1.25" though as most of my eyepieces are 1.25".....

  11. All this overtime I've been doing this month may mean that by the time I come back from my astro holiday in March, I'll be able to afford: HEQ-5 2nd hand, Skymax 180 Pro and a FF/FR for my ED80 :D. That would end the spending gap with some serious style :D.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. emadmoussa
    3. Pig


      I also believe he is in the early stages of buying a new scope or 2 !!

    4. Naemeth


      Skymax 180 Pro and C14, so yeah, two.

  12. Happy Christmas SGL! :D

  13. Time to do some wrapping. Needed to wait until everyone fell asleep so they don't see what I've got them. Well, that's my excuse for browsing here and FLO for well over an hour :D.

    1. JB80


      We should of started tonight, the kids even fell asleep early but we didn't take advantage of it. It's going to be a mess tomorrow.

    2. Naemeth


      Indeed. Lucky I only needed to wrap 3 presents, my siblings don't want theirs wrapping (suits me!)

  14. Bike is now operating like a dream. Lovely :D.

    1. stevend


      I know how good that feels. I serviced my MTB last week and feel the same way.

  15. Tidying the room to make it look less of a tip. At the moment it's a pile of mess and scopes ;). I should add that none of the scopes are in piles or anything, they are all perfeclty safe :D.

    1. ronin


      So I am not the only one. Found that having some one come to visit is a great incentive to pick things up. Amazing how easy it is to just step over the piles of stuff until they do.

    2. crashtestdummy


      see im lucky that mine is in the garage so its always out of the way

  16. Considering listing my Heritage...

    1. emadmoussa


      You might as well write your will.... :D :D

  17. Grr.. Astrotrac on ABS for a price I can afford. So tempted, still saving for the holiday though.. :(

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Naemeth


      Yeah, would have been £1486 (not including bag and postal charges) to convert to http://www.firstlightoptics.com/astrotrac/astrotrac-travel-system.html, which would be £1 cheaper brand new!

    3. emadmoussa


      Surely a small driven EQ mount will do just that...

    4. Naemeth


      Probably, but to get a proper polarscope I'd have to get an EQ3-2, which is still pretty expensive (and it's still quite heavy!). Anyway, now I can go back to saving :).

  18. Contemplating what to buy after my astro holiday. I know it will be something big, but what to get? Perhaps an Astrotrac, a CGEM-DX mount (and then a C14), or perhaps the 8,10,17.3mm Delos, the 31mm Nagler and the Paracorr. I guess I've a long time to decide, but they are all clearly very different.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Pig


      Yes only 7k not a bad deal :-)

    3. Naemeth


      That's practically a years' salary...

    4. Pig


      Well you are quite young, so you have many years salaries in the post :-)

  19. New Avatar just for fun. Guess the scope :D.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. SnakeyJ


      Vixen I'd guessed, but which one?

    3. Naemeth


      Vixen 80M, F/11.375

    4. Space Dragon

      Space Dragon

      Glad we cleared that up then.

  20. 3 days since I last bought anything astro related and counting, just 87 or so more to go!

  21. Great stuff, observing session with the Leeds Astronomical Society is on, I've got the day off work and am not in until tomorrow evening, and skies are looking clear until midnight / 1 am, bring on the fun with my 66mm refractor :D.

  22. Hmm.. debating whether or not to dismantle my lovely constellation jigsaw that is currently residing on my desk. Can't find a frame to fit it, and it takes a lot of room... but it's glow in the dark!

    1. Astralstroll


      I had a frame made for mine back in 1993. Still got it hanging in the study. Worth every penny!!!

  23. Two more astro things to get and then the spending is off for a while. It's going to be tricky, but I need to save for this holiday!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Naemeth


      Yeah :). Binoculars and possibly another OTA.

    3. YKSE


      That's more like it, two kinds of things :-). Still though...

    4. Naemeth


      Until March too. I might have to block off my access to ABS....

  24. Getting ready to go out observing. I know I only just got my ST80 and haven't done a first light, but it has to be the dob :D.

    1. AlexB67


      10 inch or 80mm. it's a no brainer :0) unless some aperture less hungry targets.

    2. Naemeth


      Decided on the 10" :D. Spent about 1h 30m outside and loved every minute of it. Really must get an observing stool though, back starting to hurt...

    3. AlexB67


      I know exactly what you mean, with the Heritage on ground or table no issue, but it is one of my most wanted additions right now for the 10 inch. I can observe for long with the 10 inch, but every few minutes having to stretch and stand back from the eyepiece for a few seconds when observing for a while.

  25. 6 scopes now... I'm like a kid in a sweet shop in my room :D.

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