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Status Updates posted by Naemeth

  1. Organised Computer, Organised Mind. I hope anyway

    1. JB80


      Excellent, I've not been in possession of either for quite some time now. :D

  2. Will be booking some holiday today, around the New Moon next month :). Hoping for some clear skies ;).

  3. Clear skies, not 100% clear but it'll do, time to drag the 10" dob down for a few hours observing :D.

    1. Naemeth


      Spoke too soon, did get some observing done which I'll write up, but not very much.

  4. Am I dreaming? Clear sky ON THE DAY of arrival of my BRAND NEW 250PX? What's that, I start work at 5pm tomorrow you say? So I have plenty of time for a long stargaze AND sleep before work? How lucky is that!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. AlexB67


      Look forward to a first light report. If out early enough try M13 perhaps. It should resolve to the core no bother ( if good night). How about the ring also and M27. Up later ? M31 and M33 for some galaxies. Not forcing a list or anything :O)

    3. VigdisVZ
    4. Naemeth


      WOW. Just been out - WOW!! Was dodging clouds and now its clouded over. Will post some thoughts soon :).

  5. Debating whether or not to invest, this month, in the rest of my travel kit and take a 2 week holiday around the New Moon in October... 2 weeks of cycling to dark skies and not having to get up early sounds bliss, but knowing my luck it would be cloudy. Thoughts?

    1. Pig


      Sounds like my kind of heaven, it would take you more than 2 weeks to cycle around the moon, some pretty steep climbs I would think :-)

    2. Naemeth


      Not much gravity though :P.

    3. Pig
  6. Payday tomorrow :D. Will be adding a 250PX Dob once the money is in the bank :).

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Pig


      LOL .we may have to rename you the weather man

    3. Naemeth


      Or Rain Man...

    4. Pig


      yes not that it has rained in ages

  7. 11 days since I've done any stargazing, why does it feel a lot longer than that?

  8. Wishlist for next 6 months will cost me roughly £2.5k. Even then I don't think I'll be finished spending...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Naemeth


      I haven't written it down ;). One major part of it will allow me to combine astronomy and cycling, which is important because I can cycle to properly dark sites :).

      Appreciate the advice though :).

    3. michael.h.f.wilkinson


      finished spending in astronomy: a contradiction in terms, I thought ;)

    4. Naemeth


      For now, Michael :P.

      I jest, you probably do have everything you could ever want for astronomy:).

  9. To sell my unused eyepieces or not, that is the question...

    1. foundaplanet


      tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune..

  10. New Charger! No more problems with the laptop running out of power for a while :). Hopefully anyway...

  11. That was short lived :(. Charger has broken again. See you all when I get another one :(.

    1. ronin


      Would add a comment but as you cannot read it seems little point. ;-))

    2. Naemeth


      Good point ;). Charger is working temporarily again...

  12. Laptop charger completely broken. Will be off SGL until I get another one in a few days...

    1. tingting44


      no phone access>? or there;s all ways the library or internet cafe;s :(

    2. Pig


      see you soon

    3. Naemeth


      Well, I don't have an internet phone. I do have internet access, but I can't just go on any time. Fortunately, I may have a temporary fix - if I keep the charger in an exact angle it does work - I'm using my laptop now, but I'll have to keep it in this position, and it might go off at any time...

  13. Expect months of cloud, for I have just spent around £550 on eyepieces ;).

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Naemeth



      Fortunately they are all in one place - my eyepiece case :D.

    3. breezy


      grrrrrrrrrrrrr clouds grumble, blimey what did you get??

    4. Naemeth


      3-6mm TV Nagler Zoom, 25mm TV plossl, 9mm Vixen LV, 12mm Vixen LV

  14. Hopefully visiting the York Observatory tomorrow, and I'm planning on going to Jodrell Bank at some point. Time to explore my career options :).

    1. Pig


      I will be going in August, Is Jodrell Bank close by ?

    2. Naemeth


      Close-ish. 2 trains away ~£25 return.

    3. Pig


      okies TY

  15. I'm getting an increasing little family of scopes...

  16. Sat waiting in near darkness (to get my night vision adapted) waiting for skies to darken soon. 14 Messier objects are on my list of targets for tonight - not sure whether I'll manage any but I hope I do. Will write up if I get some good observing done :).

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. AlexB67


      Good luck, skies good here, had quick Saturn session, now wait for some minutes and hunt for some Messiers, or more like, revisit some this time. :)

    3. AndyWB


      Good luck, look forward to hearing what you're after!

    4. Naemeth


      Just came back in, too much high cloud to see anything much really. So many of my guide stars were obscured by the high cloud I couldn't find what I was looking for. Even M13 eluded me.

  17. New profile picture, I like this one. It shall stay until I reach the next member title - a pattern I've had since I started here that I'm not changing :D.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Naemeth


      Not at all, it's consistency :).

    3. foundaplanet


      Lol, good answer...:)

    4. Pig


      I'll change mine when I get to 2000

  18. Looked clear earlier, now it is cloudy. Hoping for some clear skies later to do some more testing of my 8mm TV plossl and my 18mm LV which is yet to see first light :(.

  19. Really enjoying planetary observation. Summer seems the best time for it when the skies are never truly dark.

    1. Beehive


      That's true....! Which planets do you see right now ?

    2. Naemeth


      Sorry Beehive, I completely missed your comment. At the moment it's just Saturn, but Saturn does look magnificent every time I see it :).

  20. Scope all packed away for journey back to Leeds on Thursday. Holdall worked surprisingly well, just shoved a load of plastic bags in there.

  21. May just be able to get a chance to use my new TV plossl tomorrow night, and I'm not working Saturday. Lets hope the clouds stay away :D.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Naemeth


      Things are indeed looking up (including me :))

    3. foundaplanet
    4. Pig


      Its supposed to be clear here tonight also

  22. Is now single.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Naemeth


      Billions of them, and plenty of stars too :D.

    3. nightfisher


      i went through this a few months back, but now im with a new lass, and an improvement on the old model.

    4. crashtestdummy


      just imagine never having to ask p

      ermission to pull an all nighter!!!!

  23. Why is it clear nights always happen when I've got work in the morning? When I'm off it's always cloudy.

    1. gazza63


      Same for me : (

  24. Turns out I've been on here since April 2012 and I haven't revealed my name. As you can see by my signature, I'm Jonathan, pleased to meet you :).

    1. David Smith

      David Smith

      Pleased to meet you too Jonathan

    2. Icey85


      G'day- will try and find the sig area myself soon!

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